Kodrah Kristang is a multiethnic, intergenerational non-profit initiative that seeks to peacefully revitalise the critically endangered Kristang language, culture, identity and way of being within Singapore. We operate within the norms and values of contemporary multiracial and multireligious Singapore society, and our initiative therefore does not sanction any sort of conduct that:
- involves any form of psychoemotional projection or abuse, especially to perpetuate the hegemonic control of an abusive institution, organisation or agency on the Kristang or the current, prior living or future living Kabesa, and especially via the use of intermittent reinforcement;
- involves any form of spying, espionage or deceit to perpetuate the hegemonic control of an abusive institution, organisation or agency on the Kristang or the current, prior living or future living Kabesa;
- seeks to entice, manipulate, deceive or lure the Kristang community and/or the current, prior living or future living Kabesa into dialogue with or the hegemonic control of an abusive institution, organisation or agency;
- threatens violence, physical harm, death or disease to anyone;
- incites fear, strife and division within Singapore;
- incites fear, strife and division within the Kristang community in Singapore;
- incites fear, strife and division within the Kristang community at-large;
- insults or calls into question a person’s dignity of being;
- insults or unjustifiably calls into question a person’s connection to the Kristang community and/or identity;
- insults or unjustifiably calls into question a person’s personal history with the Kristang language in Singapore;
- insults or unjustifiably calls into question a person’s right to learn Kristang in Singapore;
- seeks to bully, harass or abuse the Kodrah Kristang community in Singapore;
- seeks to bully, harass or abuse a person learning Kristang in Singapore;
- contains slurs, racist remarks, homophobic remarks, ableist remarks, sexist remarks, or personal attacks that seek to provoke and degrade;
- insults, calls into question or disrespects any of the fundamental elements of Kodrah Kristang, including and especially the Osura Krismatra or Uncertainty Thinking, the concept and products of dreamfishing, the initiative’s queer- and neurodivergent-friendly elements, the Roda Mundansa, magnaarchetypes and the occluded history of Kristang itself, the differentiation of the Kristang creole/Indigenous ethnicity and the religion of Christianity, the terminology used to refer to the Kristang community, and the leadership of the entire Kristang community vested in the role of the Kabesa;
- attempts to support the recolonisation or reversion any part of the Kristang community or identity back to any form of colonised status or hegemonic control, including purposefully conflating the Kristang language with the Portuguese language, purposefully conflating the Kristang culture with contemporary Portuguese culture, and/or purposefully conflating the Kristang identity with contemporary Portuguese identity, such that as the distinct nature of Kristang language, culture and identity is instead subsumed and occluded under Portuguese.
We enforce our policy on conduct by reserving the right to immediately end contact with, immediately block and/or refuse to further engage with any individuals, parties or organisations within or outside of Singapore who engage in any behavior listed above, as well as behavior that may fall outside of the scope of the above but is deemed to be abusive, harmful, demeaning and/or unnecessarily belligerent. Individuals, parties and organisations who continue to engage in such behavior will be reported to the relevant authorities in Singapore for further consideration and action, as well as to the community at large where necessary, especially if an authority figure itself is engaging in such behavior. Inbound communication such as email messages or unsolicited texts that are deemed as covertly attempting to achieve or enact any of the forms of conduct above will also not be replied to and will be marked as spam.