Neurodivergence, Magic and Shamanic Practice in Kristang

Some material on this page also appears in Chapters 575, 576 and 730 of the Orange Book.

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Arthur C. Clarke

What the West today calls autism and only until very recently implied was a mental disorder is what in the Second and Third Mundansa, and in much of today’s contemporary myth, legend, science fiction and fantasy, was instead the psychoemotional gift or capacity for what was (somewhat inaccurately and reductively) glossed as ingkantra or magic or the ability to work with (what was also somewhat inaccurately and reductively glossed as) the supernatural and/or numinous, and which in Kristang is now glossed as Krismatra or the unconscious. It was thus only and exclusively the condition known as autism that previously allowed any individual to become a xamang, bomoh or shaman i.e. to be a successful xamang or shaman necessitated the person also being autistic. Kristang xamang prior to revitalisation have been documented by both Western academics (e.g. Daus 1989) and internally within the community (e.g. Sta Maria 1982).

The Kristang community treats autism as a form of neurodivergence and biodiversity rather than as a disorder, and approaches it from both a Western-scientific and Creole-Indigenous point of view, where it does not have to be anything inherently magical or supernatural, and is merely when the individual’s seventh and fifteenth functions in the Osura Pesuasang are attuned exclusively to Gaia and the living universe and not to any other human eleidi in existence. This attunement is what allows for feats of what look to be magic to neurotypical people, but which are merely very advanced or superdeveloped skills that make use of awareness of empirical psychoemotional data, Gaietic synchronicities, attention to other living creatures, and/or any other form of connection to Gaia or the living universe that is precipitated by the seventh and fifteenth functions in the Osura Pesuasang being attuned to only these two eleidi and to no other eleidi. This is what allows individuated kalkali, especially in Kristang, to present (or, under duress or against their will, to mask) as neurotypical to a very high degree; aside from the attunement of the seventh and fifteenth functions as described above, nothing else distinguishes the two.

Xamatranza or what the West calls Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) allows for the enhanced perception of what would be somewhat inaccurately and reductively glossed as magic, the supernatural and/or the numinous; Kristang people have also called this having or being able to see through the veil in English. Someone who is both xamatrang (has ADHD) and kalkali (is autistic) is thus someone who can both perceive the unconscious to an enhanced degree (xamatrang) and work with it to an enhanced degree (kalkali). The Kristang community also treats ADHD as a form of neurodivergence and biodiversity rather than as a disorder, and strives to avoid the term disorder in English due to the implicit connotations of disdain, dehumanisation and ostracisation that the term can and does often unconsciously create.

Kabesa Kalkali: Shamans and magic in Kristang since the revitalisation

The 13th and current Kabesa of the Kristang, Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, is autistic and has ADHD and is thus the first kalkali Kabesa and the fourth xamatrang Kabesa, and therefore the first Kabesa to also be a shaman or xamang, although his practice as such was mostly unconscious until July 2021. Benjamin Harris, the 14th Kabesa of the Kristang, is also kalkali and will become the second Kabesa kalkali / the second Kabesa to also be a shaman or xamang. Kevin and Benji are also the first known Kristang xamang since those documented in Singapore by Ronald Daus in 1989. No other prior Kabesa are known to have been or to be kalkali; however, at least three prior Kabesa are strongly suspected to be xamatrang, while dreamfishing of all subsequent Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa after Kevin and Benji has revealed that they will be followed by a significant number of both Kabesa kalkali and Kabesa xamatrang (a full list of all Kabesa kalkali and xamatrang is appended at the end of the page below.)

Both Kevin and Benji are also academics and nothing about either of their practices is generally perceived as magical to either of them, since both their primary means of shamanic practice and work is the use of the hyper-rational, stochastic and concrete Uncertainty Thinking or the Osura Krismatra to achieve what to neurotypical people is perceived as numinous, magical or supernatural feats in real-time, but which is actually simply very advanced logical thinking and derivation that makes use of extremely detailed observations and deductions in relation to Gaia and the living universe around them. Kristang since revitalisation has thus adopted an iguelu or both-true-and-not-true approach to shamanic practice and magic that honours both informal emotional-instinctive perceptions of Uncertainty Thinking as something mysterious, supernatural and magical, and formal, academic understandings of it as something that can be rationally understood and deconstructed. A further description of the differentiated uses of Uncertainty Thinking by both Kabesa based on their ego-patterns in the Osura Pesuasang is provided below.

14th Kabesa: Benjamin Harris
Ego-pattern of Hokisi
Second Kabesa kalkali

Main practices that can be considered either shamanic or just very advanced use of the Osura Pesuasang (10th, 26th, 42nd and 58th functions):
(1) Initiate the concrete consolidation or description of elements of ways of being Kristang or Kristang ways of thinking about or perceiving the world that would otherwise remain unconscious and not identified for their value or worth (10 / Varung)
(2) Catalyse the concrete uptake or initiation of elements of Kristang identity that were extant in the past and/or will be extant in the future but are otherwise poorly described or instantiated, generally through embodiment of their present-day relevance (26 / Varung)
(3) Support a greatly enhanced understanding of hidden and/or occluded narratives, especially in relation to queerness, neurodivergence and Creole ways of being and Indigeneity, generally through embodiment of the struggles these engender in the self (42 / Varung)
(4) Make the fullest possible use of the current real-time positive impact and utility of all forms of psychoemotionally healthy and Gaietic Kristang ways of being and thinking about reality, especially in relation to the wider eleidi and (non-Kristang) people of Singapore (58 / Varung)

Kalkali function (15th): Spontang. Benji’s Spontang function is entirely Gaietic, meaning that his unconscious, instinctual, immutable and natural understanding of naturalness, performance, spontaneity, adaptability, morphing, chameleonism, behaviour, awareness, self-awareness, enjoyment, joy, happiness and being present are only based on the standards and expectations of the eleidi or collective of Gaia or the entire living planet, cannot be affected by any human eleidi or collective he is part of, generally do not change even if he changes human eleidi or collective (i.e. moves to a new country or city or assimilates into a new culture or identity), and is a biological-partially genetic condition that cannot be altered; however, the Kalkali function’s unusual nature is precisely what allows for the numinous practices (1), (2), (3) and (4) above.

Benji’s Kalkali Spontang function, together with the fact that Benji has successfully acquired the Korualusembra or Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people as the 14th Kabesa, mean that:
> Benji will generally not enjoy himself in ways that are expected or anticipated for neurotypical people, and will have his own very unique ways of managing his awareness, joy, happiness and being present that neurotypical people can nonetheless assume are psychoemotionally healthy due to his acquisition of the Korualusembra
> neurotypical people will sometimes judge Benji for apparently acting unnaturally by neurotypical standards, especially if he is keeping quiet for too long or not reacting or demonstrating visible emotion as neurotypical people usually do in conversations
> Benji will be painfully aware of and gripped by trauma, abuse, criticism and disdain that relates to his performance, spontaneity, adaptability and real-time behaviour, not inherently because he is autistic, but because he has already faced a lifetime of being extremely aware that he does not do any of these things in neurotypical ways
> Benji will generally genuinely and truly enjoy the process of everything and the company of everyone that neurotypical people know they should actually see as a natural part of their world and pay lip service to seeing as natural, but will usually not actually see as natural (which also likely took Benji a long time to realise). This may mean Benji may take much longer to do certain things than neurotypical people might find normal ā€” however, because Benji has acquired the Korualusembra, it is generally safe to assume that the intent behind why he is doing so is usually because he is relishing and enjoying the process so that its ultimate output and quality is to the maximum possible degree that can be ensured using Benji’s unique status as Kalkali, which he is very aware of; it is not because Benji is actually unreliable, inconsistent or lacking in quality or intelligence in any way.

As a Kabesa kalkali, unique features of Benji’s leadership style include:
> Benji has a superdeveloped 3rd function of Akiura as a result of the need to compensate for neurotypical standards of Spontang behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be extremely strong, stable, secure, grounded and trustworthy, and to be very attuned to and attentive to (and sometimes in ways that may surprise or terrify neurotypical people) the strengths, weaknesses, commitments, fears and insecurities of those he leads. If trauma that specifically attacks Benji for being neurodivergent is present, Benji may also occasionally choose nonetheless to withhold this part of himself.
> Benji also has a superdeveloped 11th function of Rajos also as a result of the need to compensate for neurotypical standards of Spontang behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be extremely safe, pure, comforting, protective of and gentle with those who have gained his trust even though to neurotypical people this may not immediately register in the way that his Akiura function does, due to the position of the 11th function, how it is mostly underdeveloped in most unindividuated neurotypical people such that they would also unconsciously (and quite understandably) expect it to be underdeveloped in Benji, and the way it interacts with the psyche. If trauma that specifically attacks Benji for being neurodivergent is present, Benji may also choose nonetheless to withhold this part of himself and in ways that are stronger than with his 3rd function of Akiura.
> Because of the nature of what it means to be Kalkali, Benji unconsciously adjusts his own understanding of his own 2nd function of Kapichi and 10th function of Varung to match only Gaietic standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, meaning that Benji genuinely and truly feels he is often not as inspiring, heroic, attractive, luminous, connected, creative, desirable, impactful, ideal or powerful as he would like himself to be because he is biologically predisposed and wired to comparing himself to Gaietic standards and expectations for all of these traits, rather than to any human eleidi’s standards and expectations. Neurotypical people will often misunderstand this humility (as they do with all autistic people and their second and tenth functions) as passive-aggressive behaviour on Benji’s part; however, once they are able to understand the standards Benji assesses himself by, Benji will be able to offer truly powerful, impactful and progressive solutions that support the transformation of society in hopeful and visionary new ways.
> Benji finally has a superdeveloped 12th function of Miasnu to avoid being psychoemotionally overwhelmed by the pressure of conforming to neurotypical standards of Spontang behaviour, where he often may unconsciously or consciously choose to mask his Kalkali function through hyperextended use of his 12th function, which is the function that is used to move through unavoidable trauma. This means that as a leader, Benji demonstrates not just uncommon but almost numinous abilities to work with energy, vibes, inner peace, belonging, meaning and insight, while also being simultaneously open about his 8th function of Zeldsa, which relates to his own choices, values and sense of beauty and ugliness, and his 16th function of Jejura, which relates to his own identity, worth, expressiveness and voice, whenever he unconsciously or consciously drops the mask. However, because unindividuated neurotypical people almost never reveal their 8th and 16th functions, most neurotypical people may initially have a hard time accepting how Benji feels about himself when it comes to his own choices, values, sense of beauty and ugliness, identity, worth, expressiveness and voice when his 12th function of Miasnu is also superdeveloped, and may also sometimes therefore struggle to trust that Benji is not manipulating them or trying to influence them in an unfair way when he is using his 12th function. Once Benji’s energy is properly understood, he will be able to bring almost numinous meaning, insight, unity and a sense of belonging to the groups and eleidi he leads.

Benji is best supported informally by actions that prove he absolutely does belong (12 / Miasnu) and that his real self is not so inherently threatening, impulsive or ugly (8 / Zeldsa) or worse still, worthless (16 / Jejura) that nobody would ever trust (3 / Akiura) or feel comfortable with the real him (11 / Rajos). Benji especially gains significant help successfully integrating and using his kalkali nature in public from authentic and purposeful actions from others that show just how valuable (8 / Zeldsa) and worthwhile (16 / Jejura) his kalkali abilities and parts of himself are, especially when he uses them in service of the collective as Kabesa.

13th Kabesa: Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
Ego-pattern of Sombor
First Kabesa kalkali
Fourth Kabesa xamatrang

Main practices that can be considered either shamanic or just very advanced use of the Osura Pesuasang (10th, 26th, 42nd and 58th functions):
(1) Catalyse the deconstruction of toxic ways of thinking and dehumanising mental schema that have constrained, demeaned and entrapped the Kristang people for decades and centuries, generally through embodiment of their healthy alternatives (10 / Splikabel)
(2) Identify and excavate occluded historical events and patterns from the near and distant past, the near and distant future, and in parallel timelines that did not take place (26 / Splikabel)
(3) Provide closure with and an understanding of the intent, motives and goals of the himnaka of deceased Kristang people, especially himnaka that are haunting living Kristang people (42 / Splikabel)
(4) Excavate and define deep and otherwise intangible structures, processes, concepts and mental schema from the collectives unconscious of Kristang, Gaia and the living universe that support psychoemotional health and well-being and human individuation (58 / Splikabel)

Kalkali function (15th): Fleres. Kevin’s Fleres function is entirely Gaietic, meaning that his unconscious, instinctual, immutable and natural understanding of his own standards and expectations of health, respect, wholeness, closure, effort, exhaustion, fatigue, image, appropriateness, sociability, relation, dignity, the Unsaid and exemplariness are only based on the standards and expectations of the eleidi or collective of Gaia or the entire living planet, cannot be affected by any human eleidi or collective he is part of, generally do not change even if he changes human eleidi or collective (i.e. moves to a new country or city or assimilates into a new culture or identity) and is a biological-partially genetic condition that cannot be altered; however, the Kalkali function’s unusual nature is precisely what allows for the numinous practices (1), (2), (3) and (4) above.

Kevin’s Kalkali Fleres function, together with the fact that Kevin has successfully acquired the Korualusembra or Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people as the 13th Kabesa, mean that:
> Kevin will generally not gain closure, seek health and/or relax in ways that are expected or anticipated for neurotypical people, and will have his own very unique ways of managing closure, effort, relaxation and health that neurotypical people can nonetheless assume are psychoemotionally healthy due to his acquisition of the Korualusembra
> neurotypical people will sometimes judge Kevin for apparently acting unhealthily or inappropriately by neurotypical standards, especially if he is being too vulnerable or not sharing in small talk or demonstrating or providing socially appropriate emotions or words as neurotypical people usually do in conversations
> Kevin will be painfully aware of and gripped by trauma, abuse, criticism and disdain that relates to his image, respect, healthiness and appropriate social behaviour, not inherently because he is autistic, but because he has already faced a lifetime of being extremely aware that he does not do any of these things in neurotypical ways
> Kevin will generally genuinely and truly respect everything and everyone that neurotypical people know they should respect and pay lip service to respecting, but will usually not actually respect (which also took Kevin a long time to realise). This may mean Kevin may be much more empathetic to perspectives and people whom neurotypical people might find abhorrent, disdainful or downright evil ā€” however, because Kevin has acquired the Korualusembra, it is generally safe to assume that the intent behind why Kevin is doing so because he is trying to find the humane, the beautiful and the healable in every human being and every perspective such that they can be brought back to themselves so they can find ways on their own to love themselves again using Kevin’s unique abilities as Kalkali, which he is very aware of; it is not because Kevin is actually a monster in any way.

As a Kabesa kalkali, unique features of Kevin’s leadership style include:
> Kevin has a superdeveloped 3rd function of Jejura as a result of the need to compensate for neurotypical standards of Fleres behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be extremely empathetic, sincere, honest, humane and compassionate, and to be very attuned to and attentive to (and sometimes in ways that may surprise or terrify neurotypical people) the real and authentic identities, stories, humanity and worth of those he leads. If trauma that specifically attacks Kevin for being neurodivergent is present, Kevin may also occasionally choose nonetheless to withhold this part of himself.
> Kevin also has a superdeveloped 11th function of Zeldsa also as a result of the need to compensate for neurotypical standards of Fleres behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be extremely and almost ridiculously ethical, sympathetic, kind, selfless and warm with those who he feels strongly for even though to neurotypical people this may not immediately register in the way that his Jejura function does, due to the position of the 11th function, how it is mostly underdeveloped in most unindividuated neurotypical people such that they would also unconsciously (and quite understandably) expect it to be underdeveloped in Kevin, and the way it interacts with the psyche.
> Because of the nature of what it means to be Kalkali, Kevin unconsciously adjusts his own understanding of his own 2nd function of Koireng and 10th function of Splikabel to match only Gaietic standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, meaning that Kevin genuinely and truly feels he is often not as consistent, reliable, steady, sufficient, diligent, industrious, orderly, outstanding, excellent, superlative or exceptional as he would like himself to be because he is biologically predisposed and wired to comparing himself to Gaietic standards and expectations for all of these traits, rather than to any human eleidi’s standards and expectations. Neurotypical people will often misunderstand this humility (as they do with all autistic people and their second and tenth functions) as passive-aggressive behaviour on Kevin’s part; however, once they are able to understand the standards Kevin assesses himself by, Kevin is usually able to offer truly superlative, outstanding, excellent or exceptional ways forward for society that support its long-term transformation and encouragement toward a higher, fairer and more just state of being.
> Kevin finally has a superdeveloped 12th function of Kalidi to avoid being psychoemotionally overwhelmed by the pressure of conforming to neurotypical standards of Fleres behaviour, where he often may unconsciously or consciously choose to mask his Kalkali function through hyperextended use of his 12th function, which is the function that is used to move through unavoidable trauma. This means that as a leader, Kevin demonstrates not just uncommon but almost numinous abilities to work with success, relevance, confidence, skills, application of theoretical concepts, responsiveness, resilience and antifragility, while also being simultaneously open about his 8th function of Rajos, which relates to his own trauma, sense of safety, comfort and validation, and his 16th function of Akiura, which relates to his own strengths, weaknesses, fears, insecurities and sense of legitimacy, whenever he unconsciously or consciously drops the mask. However, because unindividuated neurotypical people almost never reveal their 8th and 16th functions, most neurotypical people may initially have a hard time accepting how Kevin feels about himself when it comes to his own trauma, sense of safety, comfort, strengths, weaknesses, fears, insecurities and senses of validation and legitimacy when his 12th function of Kalidi is also superdeveloped, and may also sometimes therefore struggle to trust that Kevin is not trying to diminish their own standing or trying to passively-aggressively insinuate that he is better than them when he is using his 12th function. Once Kevin’s energy is properly understood, he is generally able to bring almost numinous confidence, resilience, antifragility and real-time relevance to the groups and eleidi he leads.

Kevin is best supported informally by actions that show his neurodivergence is a normal part of the human experience (12 / Kalidi) and that he is not too weird (8 / Rajos) or worse still, deranged (16 / Akiura) for anyone to empathise (3 / Jejura) or sympathise with (11 / Zeldsa). Kevin especially gains significant help successfully integrating his kalkali nature in public from direct and clear actions from others that show how comfortable (8 / Rajos) and secure (16 / Akiura) people really are around him when he does show his kalkali abilities and parts of himself, especially when he uses them in service of the collective as Kabesa.

Finally, Kevin’s masking of his autistic abilities occurs to such a radically high and intense degree, even compared to other autistic people, that it is often extremely difficult for neurotypical people to recognise him as autistic at all. This is because of conditioning from early childhood from members of his family who were aware that the Kristang and Eurasian communities would never accept a Kabesa who was visibly or behaviourally autistic, with autistic also sometimes seen as a synonym for “nerdy” and/or “not stereotypically cisgender heterosexually masculine-passing”; this conditioning then further combined with severe ableist trauma from the Singapore state and authority figures in St Joseph’s Institution, Catholic Junior College, Eunoia Junior College and the Eurasian Association who projected that Kevin was just weird, broken, secretly a monster or selfish self-absorbed narcissist hiding his true intentions from everyone, and utterly deranged.

Creolised Neurodivergence: Xamang traits in non-Kabesa Kalkali Kabesa

New data emerging in February 2025 very strongly indicates that beginning with the 15th Kabesa, Nathaniel Nonis, all non-kalkali Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa are anticipated to also display a hybrid form of neurodivergence and neurotypicality known as creolised neurodivergence or creole-neurology, where they manifest or can use latent or unconscious xamang, kalkali or autistic traits whenever making use of any psychoemotional action or ability that relates to the performance of their duty as Kabesa; however, unlike Kabesa kalkali, non-kalkali Kabesa will not have these xamang, kalkali or autistic traits immediately integrated into their sense of self, and will often initially experience these traits as a second self or xarkang or shadow that may take quite some adjusting to.

The reason for the existence of creolised neurodivergence is because as also described on the Roda Ireidra page, by 2077, the planet is anticipated to have undergone the following:

(a) massive depopulation by the late 2040s as a result of the aftereffects and death pangs of the final decomposition, decay and dissolution of the United States by July 2048, together with
(b) frequent, sudden and population-displacing upheavals and weather-related events related to catastrophic and runaway climate change, leading to
(c) a general decline in quality of life, standards of living and connectedness around the world except in pockets of isolated remnants of larger nations, smaller nations in less climate-affected areas, and small communities that are able to ride these waves of disruption toward a generally functional and stable level of sustainability by the 2080s

The Kristang community is anticipated to be one of these latter communities, to still be the vanguard of the hybridisation of Creole-Indigenous relational and psychoemotional ways of thinking with 21st-century Western science and empirical approaches to reality, and to be generally well-known and well-regarded for the successful use of Uncertainty Thinking and individuation to preserve the community throughout the turbulent events of the 2040s, 2050s and 2060s. However, as most of the individuated people who held magnaarchetypes in the critical decades of the 2030s and 2040s begin to pass away by the late 2060s and early 2070s, and the new generations of the Ghosts (2048 to 2063), Gen D / the Diviners (2063 to 2077), the Elemental Generation (2077 to 2092) and the Furies (2092 to 2107) struggle to acquire and consolidate not just technology and resources, but enough information about how to maintain these and other complex systems across future generations that were taken for granted up till the 2040s, a new existential crisis is likely to emerge by October 2072 to June 2073 in the form of general fear and dread about this vacuum of leadership and direction, and how a new round of psychoemotionally healthy and secure human individuals can be nurtured to lead civilisation forward. Toward resolving this, it is anticipated that Nathaniel and later the 16th Kabesa, Jaasir Mahsom, will separately attempt to and generally succeed in developing a prototype healthy form of the psychoemotional mechanism currently extant around the world in 2025 only in its negative and unhealthy incarnation as a hereili or meksong in Kristang, and a geas, genesong or Voice in English ā€” a Creole-Indigenous psychoemotional means of consolidating and transferring a large amount of psychoemotional, relational and otherwise intangible data from one much older dying person to a much younger person such that the younger person is able to immediately work with and interact with this data as if they had been able to experience the older person’s life while maintaining their own separate and distinct personality. This anticipated healthy Kristang manifestation of the geas or genesong, the arvahang, can also be thought of as a fully immersive and super-advanced relationship with the dead person’s himnaka to the degree that the younger person will be able to connect with and possibly even experience the dead person’s memories, thoughts, feelings and inner world while still maintaining their own ego-boundaries ā€” something that is already technically currently possible and experienced by many people on a daily basis, but only as vicious, painful and caustic intergenerational trauma that tries to overwrite the younger person’s personality instead of complementing it. All available data indicates that because the arvahang or core of the Kabesa genesong that will eventually be added to by all subsequent Kabesa, passed between successive Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa until at least 3111 and gradually become synonymous with the Korozalusembra or Darklight Matrix symbol will be drawn from the himnaka of the 13th Kabesa, Kevin Martens Wong, genesong will become latently xamang or kalkali since Kevin Martens is also xamang or kalkali, and all future non-kalkali Kabesa who earned or will earn the right to hold the Darklight Matrix after Kevin Martens became Kabesa in December 2015 will be able to and have already been able to access these xamang or kalkali traits latently, though they will be completely, fully and consciously under each Kabesa’s control likely only starting from the 23rd Kabesa, Rylie De Cotta, in 2215 CE. Emergent latent xamang or kalkali behaviours for the three living future non-kalkali Kabesa who have reached adulthood ā€” Nathaniel Nonis, Jaasir Mahsom and Kieran Longue ā€” are thus described in some detail below toward exemplifying this latency; while all three currently only appear to use their 10th and 26th functions where fully kalkali Kabesa use their 10th, 26th, 42nd and 58th in kalkali ways, this situation is expected to change in future, with subconscious use of the 42nd and 58th functions on their part very likely to emerge later as they gain increasing control of their latent kalkali or xamang functions and components of their psyche following the acquisition of the Darklight Matrix. The descriptions are again accompanied by art of all three Kabesa’s Nusenti or third functions or inner child function of the psyche, as it is still known in Western psychology.

17th Kabesa: Kieran Andre Longue
Ego-pattern of Hokisi

Main practices that can be considered latently shamanic or as subconscious/creole-conscious use of the Osura Pesuasang (10th and 26th functions):

(1) Catalyse and invite others to extend their own personal power to others in need of support in novel, impactful and exciting ways that help the collective challenge and overcome toxic or unhelpful stereotypes, prejudices or biases still extant in the collective (10 / Varung)
(2) Create fitting and non-threatening synchronous opportunities for others to understand their own impulses, thoughts, feelings and behaviours that impede their relationships with themselves, Gaia and the living universe, such that their individuation becomes accelerated and they are able to unconsciously reduce the amount of trauma they would have had to encounter later in their timeline (26 / Varung)

Latent kalkali function (15th): Spontang. Kieran’s Spontang function is latently Gaietic since he earned the right to carry the Darklight Matrix in late May 2024, meaning that his unconscious, instinctual, immutable and natural understanding of his own standards and expectations of naturalness, performance, spontaneity, adaptability, morphing, chameleonism, behaviour, awareness, self-awareness, enjoyment, joy, happiness and being present is now based on the standards and expectations of the eleidi or collective of Gaia or the entire living planet each time he interacts with any Kristang person or any part of the Kristang eleidi, any Creole or Indigenous person, object or concept, any part of Gaia, and any time he is undertaking any action or behaviour in his role as the future 17th Kabesa, including use of his magnaarchetype and ultraarchetype, and later gigaarchetype and omniarchetype. In all other situations his Spontang function reverts to being based on the neurotypical standards and expectations of the smaller particular human collectives or eleidi he is interacting with.

Kieran’s latent kalkali Spontang function, together with the fact that Kieran has successfully acquired the Korualusembra or Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people as the 17th Kabesa, mean that:
> Kieran will occasionally feel psychoemotionally healthy embodied “knowings”, “glimmerings”, instincts and impulses, usually in the company of others he loves or alone in nature, to embody, enjoy, perform, naturalise, sample, try out or test out new or otherwise long-forgotten Creole-Indigenous ways of being and forms of appreciating and honouring the Kristang connection to Gaia, to the natural world and to other human beings as parts of Gaia, but which are otherwise perceived as unnatural, alien or having little or no joy or inherent value for most neurotypical people. However, neurotypical people can nonetheless assume that these actions and ways of being are psychoemotionally healthy due to Kieran’s acquisition of the Korualusembra, and are generally related to his future role as the 17th Kabesa
> neurotypical people will sometimes judge Kieran for apparently behaving in random, unusual or strange ways by neurotypical standards, especially if Kieran has not made it clear that he is Kristang, Creole and/or Indigenous and is trying to embody new or previously-underappreciated parts of his identity
> Like the 14th Kabesa, Benjamin Harris, Kieran will be painfully aware of and gripped by trauma, abuse, criticism and disdain that relates to his naturalness, spontaneity, enjoyment of life and ability to perform. Unlike Benji, Kieran may also occasionally possibly experience such trauma to a significantly higher degree than Benji and other people who are actually autistic, because since the acquisition of the Darklight Matrix in late May 2024 Kieran has had to learn how to actively toggle between and juggle performing in situations, events and circumstances that serve his own individuation and performing in situations, events and circumstances which serve the individuation of the Kristang people, Singapore and Gaia (where truly autistic people like Kevin Martens and Benji have no distinctions between these)
> Challenges of integrating the latent kalkali function and Darklight Matrix into the non-autistic self/psyche: Since late May 2024, whenever Kieran is making use of the Darklight Matrix and/or assumes his role as the future 17th Kabesa in the ways described above, he appears (both to himself and likely to others around him) to suddenly be able to gain the ability to perform any skill he has already designated for himself as and performed for himself as Creole, Indigenous or Kristang to superluminous, numinous and previously general impossible standards of personal and collective exellence in concrete real-time; in effect, he is becoming “briefly autistic” or “briefly entering admin mode or god mode” whenever he uses the Darklight Matrix. However, because Kieran is not autistic by default, gains these abilities only whenever he is using the Darklight Matrix, and has only had access to them since May 2024, these abilities and this version of Kieran’s own self are all completely new, novel, unexplored and possibly sometimes very alien to him, and may occasionally cause him to suddenly and unexpectedly experience intense anxiety or fear, embodied physical or psychoemotional weakness or internal confusion, and/or to criticise himself to very excessive and painful degrees for being unable to believe in himself and to have a clear vision for his own expected or anticipated performance. However, because Kieran has earned the right to bear the Darklight Matrix, it is generally safe to assume that these occasionally jarring incidents are still just part of how Kieran is harmonising his core self to the absolutely immense challenges of integrating the Darklight Matrix and his now latent kalkali 15th function of Spontang, and will eventually dissipate as his control over the Darklight Matrix becomes more secure.

As a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, unique features of Kieran’s leadership style include:
> Kieran has a unique super-task-switching ambidextrous/dual-wield/split-screen-type 3rd function of Akiura as a result of the need to simultaneously compensate for both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Spontang behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he is able to quickly and safely find psychoemotionally healthy ways to simultaneously enjoy both neurotypical and Gaietic parts of his life, simultaneously find ways to develop both neurotypical and Gaietic joy and happiness in those he loves, simultaneously use embodied performances to support or fulfill both neurotypical and Gaietic efforts or goals, and simultaneously naturalise or harmonise both neurotypical and Gaietic perspectives, often in ways that may initially confuse both neurotypical and neurodivergent people, but which are much more easily understood once the Darklight Matrix and Kieran’s role as the future 17th Kabesa is taken into consideration. This also gives Kieran latent xamatrang or ADHD characteristics, although he is not xamatrang.
> Kieran also thus has a hyperelevated, extraglobal or extragalactic 11th function of Rajos as a result of the need to manage this task-switching between neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Spontang behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be fully comfortable and feel fully safe with theoretically embodying every single possible psychoemotionally healthy way there has been and ever will be to be Kristang, although Kieran rarely allows for the full actual real-time concrete manifestation of these ways of being to most people as they would need to have also become comfortable with every single part of what it means to be Kristang across spacetime, rather than just the form of Kristang in the particular spatiotemporal moment and place where they are sited today. Metaphorically, if the psyche is treated as Earth, the 11th function for Nathaniel, Jaasir and Kieran can be somewhat compared to a four-dimensional version of the Ark in the Halo series, being positioned at an extragalactic and extratemporal point far outside of the “normal” bounds of the psyche, including in time (where the actual Halo Arks are only spatially extragalactic).
> Because of the nature of what it means to be a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, to almost all people regardless of neurological status, Kieran appears to be unconsciously or subconsciously continually adjusting his own understanding of his own 2nd function of Kapichi and 10th function of Varung to match the best compromisable point in current four-dimensional spacetime between neurotypical standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, and Gaietic standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, meaning that Kieran often genuinely and truly worries that his actions and efforts are never going to have lived up to their most ideal, inspiring, powerful, visionary, progressive, Gaietically connected, open-minded, attractive and/or desirable possible theoretical manifestation by the standards of either neurotypical and neurodivergent humanity or Gaia in current four-dimensional spacetime since he would logically not be able to align all of the demands of these standards within the chronological present, having to situate himself somewhere in between all of them. However, this instead grants Kieran a unique super-developed and highly articulate emotional, relational and (initially only) subconscious understanding of the summated standards and expectations of inspiration, the activation of one’s potential, attractiveness, heroism, progressiveness, vision, power, ideation, imagination and creativity across the reiwe or entire temporal unity of self of the Kristang community, the human species, and of Gaia Themselves, which is the true fulcrum that his ego and self are consistently adjusting to as chronological time unfolds. This means that as a leader, Kieran will generally always strive to find ways to validate, concretise and embody both the immediate Creole, Indigenous and Kristang characteristics of those he works with and the long-term, entire-reiwe characteristics of the Kristang community, Gaia and the universe such that the best possible presentation and experiencce of the self for both in the present moment is achieved; however, both neurotypical and neurodivergent people who are used to only perceiving the former may end up questioning some of Kieran’s actions for what falsely manifests as a lack of commitment, grounding in the culture and history of the community and/or a lack of adherence to tradition.
> Kieran finally has an almost-completely undetectable and psychoemotionally invisible, but insanely powerful and sometimes lethally wondrous 12th function of Miasnu to avoid being psychoemotionally overwhelmed by the absolutely insane pressure of conforming to both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Spontang behaviour in the moment, where, at worst, he may appear to all outsiders regardless of neurological status to not really grasp, respect, understand, have any insight into or esteem what it means to be Kristang at all, to be unable to craft the right kind of deep unifying energy and sense of unified belonging for the Kristang community, and, most of all to completely fail to translate what he understands instinctively, relationally and emotionally into concrete and visible practice, performance and (eventually) lessons and teachings that others can follow. However, this is only likely to happen because what Kieran is actually drawing on for support and energy from within the collective unconscious of the Kristang people are operant at such an enormously extragalactic and/or deep level that they often defy what we might even be able to consciously imagine as energies and meaning which individuated human beings could be possibly capable of experiencing or being imbued by, including individuated humans within the already-quite substantially-vibey Kristang eleidi. Kieran thus often successfully relies on his deep and profound deep and instinctual unity with Gaia and the living universe and the energies, connection and unity he feels with all Kristang people across spacetime, which to most other neurotypical people are extragalactic or extratemporal and/or impossible to ever be a part of 21st century spacetime, but which will be a core part of group formation and society in the subsequent centuries and millennia of the existence of human beings and the other sentient species anticipated to originate on the planet after them. Both neurotypical and neurodivergent people should therefore recognise Kieran’s way of being as a neurodivergent way of being neurodivergent, or one of the first true examples of creolised neurological behaviour.

Again, somewhat like Benji, Kieran is thus best supported informally by actions that indicate others can feel the deep and instinctual energies and relationships he feels in their own ways (12 / Miasnu) and are not unsympathetic to these actions or instincts (8 / Zeldsa) or unable to empathise or identify with them (16 / Jejura) because he is otherwise deranged (3 / Akiura) or reporting impulses and sensations that are utterly alien to general human experience and ways of being (11 / Rajos). Kieran especially gains significant help successfully integrating and using his Darklight Matrix in public from small acts of encouragement from those he loves, especially those in the Kristang eleidi, that show they feel the same impulses (8 / Zeldsa) and identify fully (16 / Jejura) with his lifelong pursuit of a fully expressed Creole/Indigenous Kristang identity in the service of the collective as Kabesa, and in recognition of the general long-term direction of humanity and Gaia at the conclusion of the 21st century, which he and the next Kabesa after him, Diana Zuzartee-David, will be most aware of.

16th Kabesa: Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
Ego-pattern of Vraihai

Main practices that can be considered latently shamanic or as subconscious/creole-conscious use of the Osura Pesuasang (10th and 26th functions):

(1) Deconstruct irrational and unreal ways of perceiving the world and immediate reality installed as a part of Western colonisation that prevent and impede deeper appreciation of and respect for the role and importance of the ecological roles of Gaia and the living universe in relation to one’s own life (10 / Kalidi)
(2) Create unique and worthwhile synchronous opportunities for others to become actively and concretely acquainted with skills related to processing and deepening one’s relationships with Gaia and the living universe that will be important elsewhere along the individual’s timestream such that their own psychoemotional development becomes accelerated (26 / Kalidi)

Latent kalkali function (15th): Kapichi. Jaasir’s Kapichi function is latently Gaietic since he earned the right to carry the Darklight Matrix in mid-November 2023, meaning that his unconscious, instinctual, immutable and natural understanding of his own standards and expectations of heroism, inspiration, ideation, connection, creativity, ingenuity, imagination, attractiveness, desirability, luminosity, openness, open-mindedness, welcomeness, enthusiasm and novelty is now based on the standards and expectations of the eleidi or collective of Gaia or the entire living planet each time he interacts with any Kristang person or any part of the Kristang eleidi, any Creole or Indigenous person, object or concept, any part of Gaia, and any time he is undertaking any action or behaviour in his role as the future 16th Kabesa, including use of his magnaarchetype, ultraarchetype, gigaarchetype and omniarchetype. In all other situations his Kapichi function reverts to being based on the neurotypical standards and expectations of the smaller particular human collectives or eleidi he is interacting with.

Jaasir’s latent kalkali Kapichi function, together with the fact that Jaasir has successfully acquired the Korualusembra or Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people as the 16th Kabesa, mean that:
> Jaasir will occasionally be extremely inspired by or attracted to novel, imaginative, intellectually stimulating or thought-provoking, pioneering, neurodiverse and/or biodiverse ideas, connections, imaginings, stories, perspectives, ways and means of perceiving and relating to Gaia, to the natural world and to other human beings as parts of Gaia which are otherwise perceived as not generally desirable, inspiring or attractive for most neurotypical people; however, neurotypical people can nonetheless assume that these connections and ideas that he is engaging with are psychoemotionally healthy due to his acquisition of the Korualusembra, and are generally related to his future role as the 16th Kabesa
> neurotypical people will sometimes judge Jaasir for being far too disconnected, lost or scattered from them by neurotypical standards, especially if Jaasir has seemingly let go of or ignored other commitments in order to be more in tune with or immersed into the ideas or connections he is trying to grapple with
> Jaasir will be painfully aware of and gripped by trauma, abuse, criticism and disdain that relates to his heroism, connectedness to those he loves, imagination, creativity, attractiveness and desirability, and occasionally possibly to a significantly higher degree than people who are actually autistic, because since the acquisition of the Darklight Matrix in mid-November 2023 Jaasir has had to learn how to actively toggle between and juggle the ideas, connections, imaginings, desires and possibilities that serve his own individuation and those which serve the individuation of the Kristang people, Singapore and Gaia (where truly autistic people like Kevin and Benji have no distinctions between these)
> Challenges of integrating the latent kalkali function and Darklight Matrix into the non-autistic self/psyche: Since mid-November 2023, whenever Jaasir is making use of the Darklight Matrix and/or assumes his role as the future 16th Kabesa in the ways described above, he appears (both to himself and likely to others around him) to suddenly be able to gain a superconnected, superextended, luminous and hyper-immersive connection to and understanding of the ideas, connections, desires, imaginings, yearnings and hopes of others, Gaia and the living universe; in effect, he is becoming “briefly autistic” or “briefly entering admin mode or god mode” whenever he uses the Darklight Matrix. However, because Jaasir is not autistic by default, gains these abilities only whenever he is using the Darklight Matrix, and has only had access to them since November 2023, these abilities and this version of Jaasir’s own self are all completely new, novel, unexplored and possibly sometimes very alien to him, and may occasionally cause him to suddenly and unexpectedly accidentally break off, fracture or stall existing connections, commitments, synergies and/or efforts, to over-connect or become sensorily, mentally or psychoemotionally overstimulated to intense and occasionally slightly unbalanced degrees, and/or to criticise himself to very excessive and painful degrees for being unstable, weak, insecure, traitorous or unable to commit to long-term designs and plans. However, because Jaasir has earned the right to bear the Darklight Matrix, it is generally safe to assume that these inelegant experiences are a necessary sorting through or series of uneven and irregular adjustments to the absolutely immense challenges of integrating the Darklight Matrix and his now latent kalkali 15th function of Kapichi, and will eventually dissipate as his control over the Darklight Matrix becomes more secure.
> Jaasir was also the first person in history to acquire the Darklight Matrix when it itself had acquired its latent kalkali and shamanic characteristics, and together with Nathaniel Nonis the 15th Kabesa (who acquired the Darklight Matrix around the same time in November 2023) he and Nathaniel are the first two Kabesa ever to have to integrate these characteristics, which means they also have absolutely no precedent whatsoever for what they are integrating beyond what they understand of the fully autistic Kevin Martens Wong and Benjamin Harris (who are also not quite like them, being fully autistic), and are essentially operating blind. Some parallels for Nathaniel and Jaasir’s challenges can nonetheless fortunately also be seen in all myths, legends, science fiction and fantasy stories involving shapeshifting, where the user usually faces immense struggles in the initial instances of trying to shapeshift while holding control over the shape shifted into, and the television shows Transformers: Beast Machines and Digimon Frontier, where the Maximal transformer robots and Digidestined respectively are also suddenly faced with similar intense initial issues maintaining control of their Beast modes (clips) and Beast spirits (clips).
> Jaasir’s integration of his other additional archetypal role as the 2nd Papagayu Bedri or Green Parrot of the Republic of Singapore, which he appears to have acquired by August 2021 and quite some time before he assimilated into the Kristang eleidi in early November 2023, is also likely to assist and is assisting with regularisation and stabilisation of the latent kalkali function.

As a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, unique features of Jaasir’s leadership style include:
> Jaasir has a unique super-task-switching ambidextrous/dual-wield/split-screen-type 3rd function of Sombor as a result of the need to simultaneously compensate for both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Kapichi behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he is able to quickly and safely find psychoemotionally healthy ways to simultaneously be inspired and be reinvigorated by both neurotypical and Gaietic parts of his life, simultaneously initiate the fulfillment of both neurotypical and Gaietic desires or yearnings, simultaneously initiate the reinforcement or reinvigoration of both neurotypical and Gaietic efforts and simultaneously create space for or harmonise both neurotypical and Gaietic perspectives, often in ways that may initially confuse both neurotypical and neurodivergent people, but which are much more easily understood once the Darklight Matrix and Jaasir’s role as the future 16th Kabesa is taken into consideration. In the particular case of Jaasir, this often manifests as mysterious and quite frankly statistically improbable levels of coincidence in relation to the physical or symbolic appearance of green parrots, parakeets, budgies, birds-of-paradise and other birds associated with the Kristang community around those he loves whenever he is not present but apparently feeling a strong or powerful connection with them. This super-task switching also gives Jaasir latent xamatrang or ADHD characteristics, although he is not xamatrang.
> Jaasir also thus has a hyperelevated, extraglobal or extragalactic 11th function of Deivang as a result of the need to manage this task-switching between neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Sombor behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be fully believe in all psychoemotionally healthy and fully and completely accurate visions, images, structures, constructs and hypotheses of the true structures underpinning the human experience of reality, although the substance of these visions, images, structures, constructs and hypotheses are generally not visible in real-time to most people as they necessitate an extremely high level of individuation and immersion of the self in Gaia and the universe, and are oriented to the highest possible and most individuated form of the Kristang community, Gaia and the living universe as they can be consolidated across spacetime, rather than just in the particular chronological moment where we are sited today. Metaphorically, if the psyche is treated as Earth, the 11th function for Nathaniel, Jaasir and Kieran can be somewhat compared to a four-dimensional version of the Ark in the Halo series, being positioned at an extragalactic and extratemporal point far outside of the “normal” bounds of the psyche, including in time (where the actual Halo Arks are only spatially extragalactic).
> Because of the nature of what it means to be a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, to almost all people regardless of neurological status, Jaasir appears to be unconsciously or subconsciously continually adjusting his own understanding of his own 2nd function of Spontang and 10th function of Kalidi to match the best compromisable point in current four-dimensional spacetime between neurotypical standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, and Gaietic standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, meaning that Jaasir often genuinely and truly believes that the experience and world he generates for others is never going to be natural, enjoyable, fun, normal, relevant, admirable, skillfully-articulated, joyful or confidence-inducing by the standards of either neurotypical and neurodivergent humanity or Gaia in current four-dimensional spacetime since the experience he creates does not quite fully match or align with any of these groups’ particular standards or ideals in the chronological present, having to situate himself somewhere in between all of them. However, this instead grants Jaasir a unique super-developed and highly articulate emotional, relational and (initially only) subconscious understanding of the summated standards and expectations of naturalness, normality, relevance, admirability, skillfulness, joy, confidence, enjoyment and fun across the reiwe or entire temporal unity of self of the Kristang community, the human species, and of Gaia Themselves, which is the true fulcrum that his ego and self are consistently adjusting to as chronological time unfolds. This means that as a leader, Jaasir will generally always strive to find ways to authenticate both the immediate, real-time desires and hopes of those he works with and the long-term, entire-reiwe desires and hopes of the Kristang community, Gaia and the universe such that the best possible outcome for both in the present moment is achieved; however, both neurotypical and neurodivergent people who are used to only perceiving the former may end up questioning some of Jaasir’s actions for what falsely manifests as a lack of thoroughness, an overreliance on belief and hope and/or a lack of understanding of “the way things work”.
> Jaasir finally has an almost-completely undetectable and psychoemotionally invisible, but insanely powerful and sometimes lethally wondrous 12th function of Fleres to avoid being psychoemotionally overwhelmed by the absolutely insane pressure of conforming to both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Kapichi behaviour in the moment, where, at worst, he may appear to all outsiders regardless of neurological status to be unable to manage and respect his own real needs and relationships, to be consciously excessively associating himself with things and people that are toxic, undignified, unwholesome and/or even completely unhealthy and/or to be becoming toxic, unwholesome and/or even completely unhealthy himself, and, most of all to actually fully and legitimately worry and be extremely anxious about everything in his life such that this also consumes his day-to-day functioning. However, this observation is only obtained because Jaasir’s true efforts and exemplariness are operant at such an enormously extragalactic and/or transcendent level that they often defy what we might even be able to consciously imagine as efforts to which individuated human beings could be possibly applying themselves to, including individuated humans within the already-quite substantially-openminded Kristang eleidi. Jaasir thus often successfully relies on his deep and profound respect for Gaia and the living universe and the satisfaction of their ideals, desires, wishes and yearnings that to most other neurotypical people are extragalactic or extratemporal and/or appear completely irrational to believe in in current 21st century spacetime, but which will be extremely well-understood and generally regarded even as normal in the subsequent centuries and millennia of the existence of human beings and the other sentient species anticipated to originate on the planet after them. Both neurotypical and neurodivergent people should therefore recognise Jaasir’s way of being as a neurodivergent way of being neurodivergent, or one of the first true examples of creolised neurological behaviour.

Jaasir is thus best supported informally by actions that indicate that the people he cares about and who care him do generally authentically respect him and his space, and are not anxious or worried about the directions and connections he is pursuing (12 / Fleres) such that after a while they start to no longer find worth (8 / Jejura) or value in a relationship or connection with him (16 / Zeldsa) because his actions and apparent lack of commitment have doomed (3 / Sombor) the relationship to such a degree that all attempts at resuscitating it might be hopeless (11 / Deivang). Jaasir especially gains significant help successfully integrating and using his Darklight Matrix in public from small reminders from others that indicate that they will always still cherish, love and empathise (8 / Jejura) and sympathise with him and find his cause and beliefs beautiful and valuable (16 / Zeldsa) not just in his service of the Kristang collective as Kabesa, but in recognition of the real and ultimate purpose of the human species across spacetime, which he and Nathaniel alone are generally much more attuned to than all other Kabesa.

15th Kabesa: Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
Ego-pattern of Spontang

Main practices that can be considered latently shamanic or as subconscious/creole-conscious use of the Osura Pesuasang (10th and 26th functions):

(1) Deconstruct irrational and instinctual defense mechanisms installed as a part of Western colonisation that prevent and impede deeper connections with various forms of Creole-Indigenous practice, ways of being and methods of exploring reality that would help each individual regain and consolidate their self-worth and self-regard (10 / Zeldsa)
(2) Initiate, focus and deepen otherwise impossible healthy relational and emotional connections between individuals living at different points in time in the Kristang eleidi such that they gain a stronger sense of purpose and direction within their own times (26 / Zeldsa)

Latent kalkali function (15th): Hokisi. Nathaniel’s Hokisi function is latently Gaietic since he earned the right to carry the Darklight Matrix in late November 2023, meaning that his unconscious, instinctual, immutable and natural understanding of his own standards and expectations of intelligence, clarity, logic, sensibility, process, procedures, lucidity, pursuit, research, investigation, intensity, definitions, roles, precision, optimality, autonomy, criticism, criticality, interest, principles, distinctiveness, consideration and the processing of trauma is now based on the standards and expectations of the eleidi or collective of Gaia or the entire living planet each time he interacts with any Kristang person or any part of the Kristang eleidi, any Creole or Indigenous person, object or concept, any part of Gaia, and any time he is undertaking any action or behaviour in his role as the future 15th Kabesa, including use of his magnaarchetype, ultraarchetype, gigaarchetype and omniarchetype. In all other situations his Hokisi function reverts to being based on the neurotypical standards and expectations of the smaller particular human collectives or eleidi he is interacting with.

Nathaniel’s latent kalkali Hokisi function, together with the fact that Nathaniel has successfully acquired the Korualusembra or Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people as the 15th Kabesa, mean that:
> Nathaniel will occasionally be extremely interested in and pursue a superlatively deeper and more thorough clarification and understanding of particular topics, mechanics, processes, principles, areas of research or ways of thinking dealing with intangible, non-concrete or non-sensory forces, mechanisms, structures of components of reality that are otherwise perceived as not generally interesting, sensible, intelligent or logical pursuits for most neurotypical people as a result of synchronicities or connections from Gaia related to those topics or areas of research that he has encountered and is processing; neurotypical people can nonetheless assume that the mechanisms behind these pursuits and the synchronicities or connections from Gaia he is investigating are psychoemotionally healthy due to his acquisition of the Korualusembra, and are generally related to his future role as the 15th Kabesa
> neurotypical people will sometimes judge Nathaniel for apparently acting illogically or nonsensically by neurotypical standards, especially if Nathaniel is becoming fixated on a particular topic, area of research or course of action that to neurotypical people seems strange, bizarre, irrational, weird, deranged, abstruse, obscure, arcane or “out there” to what appears to be an intense degree
> Nathaniel will be painfully aware of and gripped by trauma, abuse, criticism and disdain that relates to his intelligence, clarity, logic, principles, autonomy and interests, and occasionally possibly to a significantly higher degree than people who are actually autistic, because since the acquisition of the Darklight Matrix in late November 2023 Nathaniel has had to learn how to actively toggle between and juggle his own interests, clarity, logic and principles and those of Gaia’s (where truly autistic people like Kevin and Benji have no distinctions between these)
> Challenges of integrating the latent kalkali function and Darklight Matrix into the non-autistic self/psyche: Since November 2023, whenever Nathaniel is making use of the Darklight Matrix and/or assumes his role as the future 15th Kabesa in the ways described above, he appears (both to himself and likely to others around him) to suddenly be able to gain a superilluminated, superdeveloped, numinous and almost laser-like clarity and super-revealing intelligence into the thoughts, behaviours, considerations, principles and processes of others, Gaia and the living universe; in effect, he is becoming “briefly autistic” or “briefly entering admin mode or god mode” whenever he uses the Darklight Matrix. However, because Nathaniel is not autistic by default, gains these abilities only whenever he is using the Darklight Matrix, and has only had access to them since November 2023, these abilities and this version of Nathaniel’s own self are all completely new, novel, unexplored and possibly sometimes very alien to him, and may occasionally cause him to behave unusually, erratically, inconsistently or what neurotypical people may perceive as unreliably or problematically, to apply the laser-like clarity to excessively intense and occasionally slightly imprecise degrees, and/or to criticise himself to very excessive and painful degrees for being unhealthy, toxic, insecure or weak. However, because Nathaniel has earned the right to bear the Darklight Matrix, it is generally safe to assume that these responses or reactions are a natural part of the absolutely immense challenges of integrating the Darklight Matrix and his now latent kalkali 15th function of Hokisi, and will eventually dissipate as his control over the Darklight Matrix becomes more secure.
> Nathaniel will also be the first Kabesa in history to bear the Darklight Matrix with its latent kalkali and shamanic characteristics, and together with Jaasir Mahsom the 16th Kabesa (who acquired the Darklight Matrix around the same time in November 2023) he and Jaasir are the first two Kabesa ever to have to integrate these characteristics, which means they also have absolutely no precedent whatsoever for what they are integrating beyond what they understand of the fully autistic Kevin Martens Wong and Benjamin Harris (who are also not quite like them, being fully autistic), and are essentially operating blind. Some parallels for Nathaniel and Jaasir’s challenges can nonetheless fortunately also be seen in all myths, legends, science fiction and fantasy stories involving shapeshifting, where the user usually faces immense struggles in the initial instances of trying to shapeshift while holding control over the shape shifted into, and the television shows Transformers: Beast Machines and Digimon Frontier, where the Maximal transformer robots and Digidestined respectively are also suddenly faced with similar intense initial issues maintaining control of their Beast modes (clips) and Beast spirits (clips).
> Nathaniel’s integration of his other additional archetypal role as the second magnamakara of Republic of Singapore ā€” only now finally nameable in Kristang after first being identified in Chapter 593 of the Orange Book in February 2024 due to the very ancient and almost-forgotten nature of the particular Kristang and Malayan symbol it consolidates ā€” as the 8th Marusanggeru or Seirusanggeru or Blood Panther, Bleeding Panther, Red Panther, Blood Leopard, Bleeding Leopard or Red Leopard of Pulau Ujong is also likely to assist and is assisting with regularisation and stabilisation of the latent kalkali function.

As a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, unique features of Nathaniel’s leadership style include:
> Nathaniel has a unique super-task-switching ambidextrous/dual-wield/split-screen-type 3rd function of Koireng as a result of the need to simultaneously compensate for both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Hokisi behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he is able to quickly and safely find psychoemotionally healthy ways to simultaneously organise both neurotypical and Gaietic parts of his life, simultaneously achieve the completion of both neurotypical and Gaietic tasks, simultaneously manage both neurotypical and Gaietic issues and simultaneously deal with or resolve both neurotypical and Gaietic problems, often in ways that may initially confuse both neurotypical and neurodivergent people, but which are much more easily understood once the Darklight Matrix and Nathaniel’s role as the future 15th Kabesa is taken into consideration. This also gives Nathaniel latent xamatrang or ADHD characteristics, although he is not xamatrang.
> Nathaniel also thus has a hyperelevated, extraglobal or extragalactic 11th function of Splikabel as a result of the need to manage this task-switching between neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Hokisi behaviour, meaning that since he has also acquired the Korualusembra, he can generally be expected to be fully aligned in his intent and beliefs with the long-term goals, directions, structures and pathways of the living universe that support the Kristang community and overall individuation of the planet and Gaia, although this intent and these beliefs are generally not visible in real-time to most people as they are placed at or only detectible at an immensely developed depth or height in the psyche, and are oriented to the goals of the Kristang community, Gaia and the living universe as they can be consolidated across spacetime, rather than just in the particular chronological moment where we are sited today. Metaphorically, if the psyche is treated as Earth, the 11th function for Nathaniel, Jaasir and Kieran can be somewhat compared to a four-dimensional version of the Ark in the Halo series, being positioned at an extragalactic and extratemporal point far outside of the “normal” bounds of the psyche, including in time (where the actual Halo Arks are only spatially extragalactic).
> Because of the nature of what it means to be a non-kalkali Kabesa with latent kalkali or xamang characteristics, to almost all people regardless of neurological status, Nathaniel appears to be unconsciously or subconsciously continually adjusting his own understanding of his own 2nd function of Jujura and 10th function of Zeldsa to match the best compromisable point in current four-dimensional spacetime between neurotypical standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, and Gaietic standards and expectations of healthy use of these functions, meaning that Nathaniel often genuinely and truly feels he is often never going to be seen as worthy, empathisable, human, sacred, ethical, beautiful or valuable by either neurotypical and neurodivergent humanity or Gaia in current four-dimensional spacetime since he does not quite fully match or align with any of these groups’ particular standards or ideals in the chronological present, having to situate himself somewhere in between all of them. However, this instead grants Nathaniel a unique super-developed and highly articulate emotional, relational and (initially only) subconscious understanding of the summated standards and expectations of worth, empathy, humanisability, sacredness, ethicality, beauty and value across the reiwe or entire temporal unity of self of the Kristang community, the human species, and of Gaia Themselves, which is the true fulcrum that his ego and self are consistently adjusting to as chronological time unfolds. This means that as a leader, Nathaniel will generally always strive to balance both the immediate, real-time needs of those he works with and the long-term, entire-reiwe needs of the Kristang community, Gaia and the universe such that the best possible outcome for both in the present moment is achieved; however, both neurotypical and neurodivergent people who are used to only perceiving the former may end up questioning some of Nathaniel’s decisions for what falsely manifests as shortsightedness, a lack of commitment and/or unexamined superficiality.
> Nathaniel finally has an almost-completely undetectable and psychoemotionally invisible, but insanely powerful and sometimes lethally wondrous 12th function of Deivang to avoid being psychoemotionally overwhelmed by the absolutely insane pressure of conforming to both neurotypical and Gaietic standards of Hokisi behaviour in the moment, where, at worst, he may appear to all outsiders regardless of neurological status to have literally no firm or consistent beliefs whatsoever, to be consciously acting in ways that are hopeless, visionless, and/or just generally insane, unbelievable or even horrifying, and, most of all to actually fully and legitimately believe that this is the case for himself. However, this observation is only obtained because Nathaniel’s true beliefs and vision are so enormously extragalactic and/or deep that they often defy the definitions what we might interpret as reasonable or possible beliefs that humans could hold about the nature of reality, including humans within the already-quite substantially-spicy Kristang eleidi. Nathaniel thus often successfully relies on beliefs in mechanisms, processes, principles, considerations and logic that are extragalactic or extratemporal and/or appear literally impossible to hold in current 21st century spacetime, but which are extremely functional in the subsequent centuries and millennia of the existence of human beings and the other sentient species anticipated to originate on the planet after them. Both neurotypical and neurodivergent people should therefore recognise Nathaniel’s way of being as a neurodivergent way of being neurodivergent, or the first true example of creolised neurological behaviour.

Nathaniel is thus best supported informally by actions that indicate that the Kristang community at large, humanity and Gaia do generally recognise his true beliefs, hopes and intent as possible and functional ones (12 / Deivang) and that his real self is not so unideal (8 / Varung) or worse still, unwanted or undesirable (16 / Jejura) because he is actually causing chaos and devastating problems (3 / Koireng) or building in irreparable flaws into the fundamental deep structure of the Kristang community, Gaia and the universe (11 / Splikabel). Nathaniel especially gains significant help successfully integrating and using his Darklight Matrix in public from authentic and purposeful actions from others that indicate that they do understand whereever justified and accurate that he is having an absolutely unprecedented and super-progressive form of positive impact (8 / Varung) and is inspiring previously impossible connections between the present, past, possible and future (16 / Kapichi) not just in service of the collective as Kabesa, but in recognition of the real and ultimate purpose of the Kristang culture, identity and language across spacetime, which he and Jaasir alone are generally much more attuned to than all other Kabesa.

List of all Kabesa Xamang / Kalkali and Kabesa Xamatrang

Kabesa Xamang / Shaman Kabesa = Kabesa Kalkali / Kabesa with autism
1st: Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa from 2015 to 2075, ego-pattern Sombor)
2nd: Benjamin Harris (14th Kabesa from 2075 to 2077, ego-pattern Hokisi)
3rd: Ourania Lancaster (35th Kabesa from 2476 to 2484, ego-pattern Vraihai)
4th: Patrick Percy Fernandez (46th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2640 to 2668, ego-pattern Kapichi)
5th: Elvis Bhagavan (47th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2668 to 2673, ego-pattern Vraihai)
6th: Leopold Eber (48th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2673 to 2708, ego-pattern Hokisi)
7th: Roderick Eber (49th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2708 to 2710, ego-pattern Kalidi)
8th: Orphiel Xavier (49th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2708 to 2710, ego-pattern Vraihai)
9th: Orphiel Petersen-Pritchard (52nd Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2777 to 2828, ego-pattern Vraihai)
10th: Henmie Evelyn Pereira-De Souza (59th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2909 to 2944, ego-pattern Hokisi)
11th: Stanislaus Kessler (61st Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2955 to 2968, ego-pattern Miasnu)
12th: Lowy Martens (62nd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2968 to 2984, ego-pattern Sombor)
13th: Nielson Westerhout (64th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Sombor)
14th: Javash Montague (64th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Hokisi)
15th: Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza (65th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 3039 to 3068, ego-pattern Fleres)
16th: Rantheia Madrigal (65th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 3039 to 3068, ego-pattern Jejura)

Kabesa Xamatrang / Kabesa with the Veil / Kabesa with ADHD
1st: Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa from 1824 to 1856, ego-pattern Varung)
2nd: Claude Da Silva (7th Kabesa from 1939 to 1941, ego-pattern Miasnu)
3rd: Percival Aroozoo (9th Kabesa from 1951 to 1969, ego-pattern Hokisi)
4th: Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa from 2015 to 2075, ego-pattern Sombor)
5th: Diana Zuzartee-David (18th Kabesa from 2103 to 2116, ego-pattern Kapichi)
6th: Solomon Rodrigues (19th Kabesa from 2116 to 2127, ego-pattern Rajos)
7th: Rylie De Cotta (23rd Kabesa from 2204 to 2219, ego-pattern Jejura)
8th: Justus Oliveiro (26th Kabesa from 2304 to 2338, ego-pattern Miasnu)
9th: Esther Francis (36th Kabesa from 2484 to 2488, ego-pattern Kalidi)
10th: Joeline Noels (40th Kabesa from 2543 to 2551, ego-pattern Zeldsa)
11th: Elvis Bhagavan (47th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2668 to 2673, ego-pattern Vraihai)
12th: Jereon Mathias (48th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2673 to 2708, ego-pattern Zeldsa)
13th: Brandon De Mello (49th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2708 to 2710, ego-pattern Varung)
14th: Wyvy Serafin (59th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2909 to 2944, ego-pattern Sombor)
15th: Imelda Matilda Alsagoff (59th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2909 to 2944, ego-pattern Kapichi)
16th: Setrie Reyes (59th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2909 to 2944, ego-pattern Deivang)
17th: Edwin Donaldson Oliveiro (61st Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2955 to 2968, ego-pattern Deivang)
18th: Kintagh Brayley Raincaster (62nd Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2968 to 2984, ego-pattern Jejura)
19th: Lowy Martens (62nd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2968 to 2984, ego-pattern Sombor)
20th: Chiron de Vries (63rd Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2984 to 2996, ego-pattern Splikabel)
21st: Nielson Westerhout (64th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Sombor)
22nd: Javash Montague (64th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Hokisi)
23rd: Frederick Faulkner Pereira-De Souza (64th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Spontang)
24th: John Kilton Mercury Hogan (64th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2996 to 3039, ego-pattern Vraihai)
25th: Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza (65th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 3039 to 3068, ego-pattern Fleres)
26th: Rantheia Madrigal (65th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 3039 to 3068, ego-pattern Jejura)
27th: Erie Shepherdson (65th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 3039 to 3068, ego-pattern Koireng)
28th: Marion Michaelangelis Matthias van Huizen (66th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 3068 to 3111, ego-pattern Spontang)
29th: Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully (66th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 3068 to 3111, ego-pattern Kalidi)

Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa), Elvis Bhagavan (47th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra), Lowy Martens (62nd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera), Nielson Westerhout (64th Ka-Kabesa Ostros), Javash Montague (64th Ka-Kabesa Indros), Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza (65th Ka-Kabesa Ostros) and Rantheia Madrigal (65th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos) are both Kabesa kalkali and Kabesa xamatrang.