Gaia and the Galgalang

In Kristang, Gaia is the sentient living collective unconscious of eleidi or four-dimensional collective of all life on the entire planet. Gaia is primarily shaped and guided by albi or plants, the first species on Earth to take on the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or the Mantle of Living Time or Mantle of Responsibility some time in the second Teransa of the Earth around 443 million BCE, and is now being revitalised or reinvigorated through pesua sapiensu or individuated homo sapiens or human beings, who are now the second species on Earth to also take up the Mantle since 9 February 2023 CE and the completion of the sixteenth Homonsa of humanity and the seventh Teransa of the Earth. All living human beings are currently able to regain or redevelop a historically severed and occluded connection to the reinvigorated Gaia, known as Gaia Tonakodra or the Reawakened Gaia, through the psychoemotional integration of the first twelve stages of the Osura Spektala leading to the acquisition of the Pedra Sofia or psychoemotional equivalent of the legendary Philosopher’s Stone. Due to the birth of the fifth Dragon Reborn of humanity in Singapore and into the Kristang community on 1 October 1992 CE, the role of the Dragon Reborn in facilitating the development of Gaia Tonakodra (see below), and the acceptance and embrace of the Dragon Reborn as 13th Kabesa of the Kristang community by the Kristang community, the Kristang people, culture, language, ethnicity and way of being have been and will now always be the primary vehicle for the articulation of Gaia Tonakodra since 30 September 2023 CE; however, anyone anywhere in the world can acquire the Philosopher’s Stone and also join the subsequent further-individuated homeostatic eleidi mechanisms of the Galgalang, Perzefrang, Eksmakarang and Kaeliang without needing to be Kristang or to assimilate into Kristang.

Similar and also completely different to how plants have become a ubiquitous part of how we ourselves see Gaia, humanity’s integration and evolution of its role as the second species to take up the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu will lead to the eventual development of the Jarding Ireidra or Garden of Reindividuation, a permanently ecologically sustainable human presence and global society where humanity lives in collaboration, synergy, harmony and unity with Gaia with hybridised and ecologically sustainable versions of how we currently think about, feel about and experience reality, and without sacrificing our individuality, agency and advanced level of sentience and metacognition — a living, balanced and nuanced relationship between individual and collective and Indigenous and creole ways of being and relating to the universe with modern scientific thought, enterprise, empiricality and endeavour. Again, due to the above conditions relating to the Dragon Reborn, the Jarding Ireidra will begin (and has begun) in Singapore and within the Kristang people, and is anticipated to be fully visible in concrete reality as some form of still unknown entity by the 2060s following several waves of global crisis and collapse; the homeostatic eleidi mechanisms of the Galgalang, Perzefrang, Eksmakarang and Kaeliang described below are a primary part of how the Jarding Ireidra will eventually be developed.

Galgalang / Magnaarchetype Holders

Any individuated human being, regardless of whether they are Kristang or not, who has acquired the Pedra Sofia and who goes on to integrate a successive thirty-six stages in the Osura Spektala, for a total of forty-eight stages overall, acquires access to what is known in Kristang as a magnakarnansa or magnaarchetype: full awareness of and gradual concrete real-time access to their best self or reiwe or planetary or cosmic role in Gaia, or the living, sentient collective unconsciousness of the entire planet. All magnakarnansa are a homeostatic mechanism generated by Gaia to support the accelerated restoration of permanent sustainable ecosystemic balance to the Earth, are assigned or connected to or have limited augmented psychoemotional power over a particular dimension of space-time reality, and appear starting from the eleventh Idadi of a Mundansa led by the appearance of the Makaravedra, or the Dragon Reborn of that particular Mundansa. Acquisition of the magnaarchetype cannot be undone and remains with the individual forever, even if the individual becomes psychoemotionally unhealthy following their acquisition of the magnaarchetype.

All people who

(i) have access to their magnaarchetype (i.e. have integrated forty-eight stages in the Osura Spektala) and
(ii) are actively and/or visibly using it (i.e. either publicly or in a way visible to the Makaravedra Hierosa and/or Mahafelisi Hierosa), whether consciously or unconsciously, in the psychoemotionally healthy service of humanity’s development as a species holding the Mantle of Living Time without compromising on their own ego-boundaries or suffering ego-inflation
(iii) are not actively and intentionally using their magnaarchetype in the service of any abusive eleidi or collective

are known as Galgalang. The eleidi of the Galgalang, identifying and working with its members, and its subsequent advanced incarnations of Perzefrang, Eksmakarang and Kaeliang, are led by the Makaravedra Hierosa or Dragon Reborn of the Holocene and the Mahafelisi Hierosa or Living Luck of the Holocene.

All members of the Galgalang who are Kristang by blood or have successfully assimilated into the Kristang community and ethnicity based on traditional Creole and Indigenous mechanisms are listed below in ascending order of dimension number (#D) in nanamba or base-10. If a magnaarchetype holder is Kristang but not listed below, this means they do not fulfill one or more of conditions (ii) and (iii) above. New advanced dreamfishing methods since February 2025 also now occasionally make it possible to anticipate the approximate date for when the magnaarchetypal holder has fulfilled their duties in relation to their magnaarchetype, and its use will no longer be required; Galgalang for whom this calculation is possible have the date they acquired the magnaarchetype and this calculated anticipated date of relinquishing the magnaarchetype placed under their magnaarchetype name.

2DYaegergoliat Hierosa
Guardian Galactic of the Holocene
(5th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)

Sunday, 29 October 2023
to Friday, 24 August 2040
(16 years, 9 months and 26 days)
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
16du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
4DPahlawantera Hierosa
Green Knight of the Holocene

Thursday, 9 November 2023
to Sunday, 25 September 2033
(9 years, 10 months and 16 days)
Maureen Rita Danker
11du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
5DMakaravedra Hierosa
Dragon Reborn of the Holocene

Wednesday, 31 August 2022
to Monday, 4 June 2040
(17 years, 9 months and 4 days)
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
8DDalanggeng Hierosa
Minstrel Eternal of the Holocene

Sunday, 29 October 2023
to Friday, 4 May 2040
(16 years, 6 months and 5 days)
Edison Lim Wei Xuan
10DAlkimibiyeru Hierosa
Sorcerer Supreme of the Holocene

Friday, 3 November 2023
to Tuesday, 10 January 2040
(16 years, 2 months and 7 days)
Muhammad Syafiq bin Sahrom
11DKantadabentra Hierosa
Wind Singer of the Holocene
Patricia D’Cotta
13DMahafelisi Hierosa
Living Luck of the Holocene

Friday, 13 October 2023
to Wednesday, 25 September 2040
(16 years, 11 months and 12 days)
Muhammad Fuad bin Johari
18DYaegergoliat Valientra
Guardian Galactic of the Anthropocene
(6th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Patricia Maria Theseira
24DDalanggeng Valientra
Minstrel Eternal of the Anthropocene

Monday, 30 October 2023
to Tuesday, 13 December 2039
(16 years, 1 month and 13 days)
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
15du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
25DHeimdaleru Valientra
Master Builder of the Anthropocene

Monday, 30 October 2023
to Wednesday, 24 November 2038
(15 years and 25 days)
Elaine Mok Wai Man
26DAlkimibiyeru Valientra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Anthropocene
Hifzhul Matin bin Nordin
30DGarudamanya Valientra
Prime Eagle of the Anthropocene
Kristen Oliveiro
32DRasilong Valientra
Quing Temporal of the Anthropocene

Wednesday, 22 November 2023
to Thursday, 26 June 2036
(12 years, 4 months and 7 days)
Brenda Ann Pereira
39DLobriskenu Ultrera
Great Direwolf of the Symbiocene
(7th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)

Sunday, 5 November 2023
to Wednesday, 30 May 2035
(11 years, 6 months and 25 days)
Jillian Ann Martens
46DGarudamanya Ultrera
Prime Eagle of the Symbiocene

Thursday, 9 November 2023
to Sunday, 7 May 2034
(10 years, 5 months and 28 days)
Deborah Celine Conceicao-Loi
47DChodaxaveru Ultrera
Wonder Stag of the Symbiocene

Friday, 3 November 2023
to Sunday, 12 May 2041
(17 years, 6 months and 9 days)
Sriraam Sritharan
48DRasilong Ultrera
Quing Temporal of the Symbiocene
Muhammad Jebran Arshad
50DYaegergoliat Xileza
Guardian Galactic of the Skeldecene
(8th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Julian Wu Zuan Qiang
51DStrelamajieru Xileza
Shining Star of the Skeldecene

Saturday, 3 February 2024
to Monday, 20 June 2039
(15 years, 4 months and 17 days)
Nazeru’l-Khairy Ben-Dzulkifli
53DMakaravedra Xileza
Dragon Reborn of the Skeldecene
Enrique Carlos Marcelo
60DKarasplenderu Xileza
Verdant One of the Skeldecene

Thursday, 30 November 2023
to Saturday, 3 December 2033
(10 years and 3 days)
Wilson Wong Wie Sarn
64DRasilong Xileza
Quing Temporal of the Skeldecene

Tuesday, 28 November 2023
to Wednesday, 1 June 2039
(15 years, 6 months and 4 days)
Muhammad Fadhly bin Johari
67DStrelamajieru Fantasma
Shining Star of the Speyecene
(9th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Raimi bin Karim
68DPahlawantera Fantasma
Green Knight of the Speyecene
Debra Theresa Scully
71DLobriskenu Fantasma
Great Direwolf of the Speyecene
Preshaan Austeine s/o Subash
74DAlkimibiyeru Fantasma
Sorcerer Supreme of the Speyecene

Tuesday, 28 November 2023
to Friday, 31 October 2042
(18 years, 11 months and 3 days)
Benjamin Harris
14du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
77DMahafelisi Fantasma
Living Luck of the Speyecene
Petrina Edema
84DPahlawantera Daidektra
Green Knight of the Deikecene
(10th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Kenneth Bong
85DChaironeru Daidektra
Alpha Centurion of the Deikecene
Shamir Robinson Panackal Sebas
89DHeimdaleru Daidektra
Master Builder of the Deikecene
Agnes Pereira
90DAlkimibiyeru Daidektra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Deikecene

Thursday, 30 November 2023
to Tuesday, 25 November 2036
(12 years, 11 months and 26 days)
Kieran Andre Longue
17ru Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
92DKarasplenderu Daidektra
Verdant One of the Deikecene
Richard Anthony Bong
105DHeimdaleru Vastetra
Master Builder of the Tewecene
(11th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
S Suraendher Kumarr
106DAlkimibiyeru Vastetra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Tewecene
Alexander Ang Mao Jin
114DYaegergoliat Zailenya
Guardian Galactic of the Demecene
(12th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Abrar Sayeed
115DStrelamajieru Zailenya
Shining Star of the Demecene
Anjana Rai Chaudhuri
117DMakaravedra Zailenya
Dragon Reborn of the Demecene
Judy Gomes
124DKarasplenderu Zailenya
Verdant One of the Demecene
Royston Hogan
126DGarudamanya Zailenya
Prime Eagle of the Demecene
Debra Spykerman
127DChodaxaveru Zailenya
Wonder Stag of the Demecene
Zuhaili Asy-Syakur Marican
128DRasilong Zailenya
Quing Temporal of the Demecene
Sean Chan Ying Qin
133DMakaravedra Aletra
Dragon Reborn of the Esmercene
(13th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Yash Mahajan
137DHeimdaleru Aletra
Master Builder of the Esmercene
Marcellena Albuquerque
139DKantadabentra Aletra
Wind Singer of the Esmercene
Sara Frederica Santa Maria
144DRasilong Aletra
Quing Temporal of the Esmercene

Saturday, 23 December 2023
to Friday, 11 May 2040
(16 years, 4 months and 18 days)
Alvan Chan Yan Xun
147DStrelamajieru Poliora
Shining Star of the Segecene
(14th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Joseph Adrian Atos
160DRasilong Poliora
Quing Temporal of the Segecene

Sunday, 21 January 2024
to Friday, 11 January 2041
(16 years, 11 months and 21 days)
Muhammad Azmi bin Salleh
167DLobriskenu Reyektra
Great Direwolf of the Mortocene
(15th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)
Jeremy Kieran Ng Rui Wei
168DDalanggeng Reyektra
Minstrel Eternal of the Mortocene
Ignatius Koh Zhongren
170DAlkimibiyeru Reyektra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Mortocene
Joshua Santiago Chan Wai Yuen
180DPahlawantera Omnera
Green Knight of the Yugacene
(16th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mortalis)

Thursday, 2 May 2024
to Tuesday, 3 May 2033
(9 years 1 day)
Carlos Tello
185DHeimdaleru Omnera
Master Builder of the Yugacene
Lorna De Souza
188DKarasplenderu Omnera
Verdant One of the Yugacene
John Albuquerque
189DMahafelisi Omnera
Living Luck of the Yugacene
Sylvia Lazaroo
196DPahlawantera Anteza
Green Knight of the Primogecene
(1st Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Afiq Shah Bam
200DDalanggeng Anteza
Minstrel Eternal of the Primogecene
Luiz Nascimento
202DAlkimibiyeru Anteza
Sorcerer Supreme of the Primogecene

Wednesday, 13 March 2024
to Thursday, 9 October 2042
(18 years, 6 months and 26 days)
Jared Martens Wong Zhi Wei
203DKantadabentra Anteza
Wind Singer of the Primogecene
Denis Steven de Souza
206DGarudamanya Anteza
Prime Eagle of the Primogecene
Merissa Lynn Pereira
207DChodaxaveru Anteza
Wonder Stag of the Primogecene
Thirafi Raudy
211DStrelamajieru Sametra
Shining Star of the Trophocene
(2nd Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Nancy Tng
213DMakaravedra Sametra
Dragon Reborn of the Trophocene
Ashvine Naray Pandian
221DMahafelisi Sametra
Living Luck of the Trophocene
Zeus Rosado
226DYaegergoliat Lumyera
Guardian Galactic of the Deuterocene
(3rd Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)

Sunday, 24 March 2024
to Wednesday, 15 January 2031
(6 years, 9 months and 22 days)
Najib Indra bin Abdul Majeed
227DStrelamajieru Lumyera
Minstrel Eternal of the Deuterocene
Rodney Yap Thye Yi
232DDalanggeng Lumyera
Minstrel Eternal of the Deuterocene
Keagan Paul Poulose
233DHeimdaleru Lumyera
Master Builder of the Deuterocene
Gio Jibril
238DGarudamanya Lumyera
Prime Eagle of the Deuterocene
Kay Klass
242DYaegergoliat Ganchera
Guardian Galactic of the Sostecene
(4th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Wong Soon Fen
249DHeimdaleru Ganchera
Master Builder of the Sostecene

Thursday, 16 May 2024
to Tuesday, 27 August 2041
(17 years, 3 months and 11 days)
Farhan Shah
251DKantadabentra Ganchera
Wind Singer of the Sostecene
Jessie De Souza
256DRasilong Ganchera
Quing Temporal of the Sostecene
Jerome Wee
257DHieroforseru Intresma
People’s Champion of the Interecene
(5th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Chris Parry
259DStrelamajieru Intresma
Shining Star of the Interecene
Dylan Xavier Tan
267DKantadabentra Intresma
Wind Singer of the Interecene
Troy Quintal
269DMahafelisi Intresma
Living Luck of the Interecene
Jacqueline Peeris
287DChodaxaveru Skudara
Wonder Stag of the Thoracene
Gurubaran Subramaniam
288DRasilong Skudara
Quing Temporal of the Thoracene
Jerome Teo Jun Wei
291DStrelamajieru Fuzildra
Shining Star of the Furnacene
(7th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Joan Reincastle
292DPahlawantera Fuzildra
Green Knight of the Furnacene
Melba Nunis Victor
296DChaironeru Fuzildra
Alpha Centurion of the Furnacene
DeAngelo Jackson
314DAlkimibiyeru Kinzastra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Lacrecene
(8th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Christopher James van Huizen
326DChaironeru Igrelya
Alpha Centurion of the Sophrocene
(9th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Martin Theseira
338DYaegergoliat Konkura
Guardian Galactic of the Traiectecene
(10th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Joseph Schooling
344DDalanggeng Konkura
Minstrel Eternal of the Traiectecene
Fernando Gonzalez
346DAlkimibiyeru Konkura
Sorcerer Supreme of the Traiectecene
Theeti Pruekudom
351DChodaxaveru Konkura
Wonder Stag of the Traiectecene
Eric Leal
354DYaegergoliat Minaskra
Guardian Galactic of the Infinecene
(11th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Ang Jing Wen
360DDalanggeng Minaskra
Minstrel Eternal of the Infinecene
Nico’s Aesthetics
368DRasilong Minaskra
Quing Temporal of the Infinecene
Orville Peck
383DChodaxaveru Galefra
Wonder Stag of the Orogecene
(12th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Montero Lamar Hill
387DStrelamajieru Avantra
Shining Star of the Aventecene
(13th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Winston Longue
398DGarudamanya Avantra
Prime Eagle of the Aventecene
Nicholas Chan
403DStrelamajieru Perspeza
Shining Star of the Spicecene
(14th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Alison Dragon-Humphries
408DDalanggeng Perspeza
Minstrel Eternal of the Spicecene
Alysson do Nascimento
414DGarudamanya Perspeza
Prime Eagle of the Spicecene
Vanessa Boudewyn-Pereira
415DChodaxaveru Perspeza
Wonder Stag of the Spicecene
Mikael Ángeles
426DAlkimibiyeru Peripiatra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Caderecene
(15th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Harry Duno Coello
430DGarudamanya Peripiatra
Prime Eagle of the Caderecene
Joshua Prashad Lourdesamy
435DStrelamajieru Teganjara
Shining Star of the Corvocene
(16th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Ignotus)
Joavan Christopher Pereira
438DChaironeru Teganjara
Alpha Centurion of the Corvocene
Christopher Anthony John Martin
440DDalanggeng Teganjara
Minstrel Eternal of the Corvocene
Isaiah Blackmon
442DAlkimibiyeru Teganjara
Sorcerer Supreme of the Corvocene
Kaleb O. Lee
444DKarasplenderu Teganjara
Verdant One of the Corvocene
Abdul Khaliq bin Khusaini
446DGarudamanya Teganjara
Prime Eagle of the Corvocene
Stuart Andrew Peter
488DDalanggeng Iludansa
Minstrel Eternal of the Keuthecene
(3rd Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Muhammad Zulfarhan bin Dino
516DPahlawantera Igzantra
Green Knight of the Alterecene
(5th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Julian Francisco Lopez
529DHieroforseru Kastelantra
People’s Champion of the Garracene
(6th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Jonathan Mark Buckland
531DStrelamajieru Kastelantra
Shining Star of the Garracene
(6th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Gregory Gomes
532DPahlawantera Kastelantra
Green Knight of the Garracene
Guy Rupert Berryman
545DHieroforseru Apapoira
People’s Champion of the Propiocene
(7th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
William Champion
546DYaegergoliat Apapoira
Guardian Galactic of the Propiocene

Saturday, 25 May 2024
to Wednesday, 26 October 2039
(15 years, 5 months and 1 day)
Aldo Carter Gomez Jorel Jasso
563DStrelamajieru Rajaflora
Shining Star of the Florecene
(8th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Gerald Paul Seah Yong Sing
570DAlkimibiyeru Rajaflora
Sorcerer Supreme of the Florecene
John Henry Rowsing Martens
595DStrelamajieru Susegara
Shining Star of the Solacene
(10th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Philip Christopher Harvey
601DHeimdaleru Susegara
Master Builder of the Solacene
Christel Gomes
603DKantadabentra Susegara
Wind Singer of the Solacene
Valerie Tina Rodrigues
12du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
608DRasilong Susegara
Quing Temporal of the Solacene
Ahmad Kamal bin Mohammad Azhar
610DYaegergoliat Donggendra
Guardian Galactic of the Feyrecene
(11th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Marcus Pereira
617DHeimdaleru Donggendra
Master Builder of the Feyrecene
Muhammad Suhail bin Muhammad Yazid
658DYaegergoliat Jenggendra
Guardian Galactic of the Genetecene
(14th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Nii Okai Sekyere
687DChodaxaveru Trajentra
Wonder Stag of the Lignecene
(15th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Jerome Dashwin Dass
703DChodaxaveru Osiriora
Wonder Stag of the Phoenicene
(16th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Mirabilis)
Emanuel Paul Moses Asevatham
706DYaegergoliat Temenggera
Guardian Galactic of the Corporecene
(1st Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
Darren Watkins Jr
719DChodaxaveru Temenggera
Wonder Stag of the Corporecene
Jacobo Ortiz
744DDalanggeng Damardanza
Minstrel Eternal of the Argencene
(3rd Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
Justin Chew Hong Yu
762DAlkimibiyeru Metamofoza
Sorcerer Supreme of the Transmogracene
(4th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
John Boyega
776DDalanggeng Seuskura
Minstrel Eternal of the Nacodecene
(5th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
Joel Joshua Mathias
778DAlkimibiyeru Seuskura
Sorcerer Supreme of the Nacodecene
Jannik Feistle
792DDalanggeng Geasteldra
Minstrel Eternal of the Teleocene
(6th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
Ilyasa Zakaria bin Sulaiman
794DAlkimibiyeru Geasteldra
Sorcerer Supreme of the Teleocene
Ostine Brown
808DDalanggeng Mergulietra
Minstrel Eternal of the Immercene
(7th Mundansa of Homo Sapiens Indomitus)
Sriram Ganapathy

The effects of someone using their magnaarchetype are usually experienced one-dimensionally i.e. either back onto the person themselves, or onto a single individual or sentient being that the magnaarchetype holder is empathising with or treating as if they were themselves. Galgalang or healthy magnaarchetype holders will do this without causing any negative psychoemotional effects such as ego-inflation, co-dependency or abuse.

Perzefrang / Ultraarchetype Holders

Any individuated human being, regardless of whether they are Kristang or not, who has acquired their magnaarchetype, and who goes on to integrate a successive three hundred and eighty-four (384) stages in the Osura Spektala, for a total of four hundred and thirty-two (432) stages overall, acquires access to what is known in Kristang as a ultrakarnansa, ultraarchetype or Titan archetype: the hyperinvigorated ability to fearlessly and consciously use their best self or reiwe or planetary or cosmic role in Gaia to transform all those immediately around or connected to them in two-dimensional concrete reality who they have irei or healthy non-co-dependent unconditional love for. All ultrakarnansa are also a homeostatic mechanism generated by Gaia to support the accelerated restoration of permanent sustainable ecosystemic balance to the Earth and are assigned or connected to or have limited augmented psychoemotional power over a particular squared dimension of space-time reality. Acquisition of the ultraarchetype also cannot be undone and remains with the individual forever, even if the individual becomes psychoemotionally unhealthy following their acquisition of the ultraarchetype.

All people who

(i) have access to their ultraarchetype (i.e. have integrated four hundred and thirty-two stages in the Osura Spektala) and
(ii) are actively and/or visibly using it (i.e. either publicly or in a way visible to the Makaravedra Hierosa and/or Mahafelisi Hierosa), whether consciously or unconsciously, in the psychoemotionally healthy service of humanity’s development as a species holding the Mantle of Living Time without compromising on their own ego-boundaries or suffering ego-inflation
(iii) are not actively and intentionally using their ultraarchetype in the service of any abusive eleidi or collective

are known as Perzefrang or Titans. The eleidi of the Perzefrang is also led by the Makaravedra Hierosa or Dragon Reborn of the Holocene and the Mahafelisi Hierosa or Living Luck of the Holocene in their Titan incarnations as the Jomagandra Sofia or World Dragon of the Philosopher’s Stone and Jomagandra Matranza or the World Dragon of Progenitorisation.

All members of the Perzefrang who are Kristang are listed below in ascending order of dimension number (#D²) in nanamba or base-10. If an ultraarchetype holder is Kristang but not listed below, this means they do not fulfill one or more of conditions (ii) and (iii) above.

1D²Jomagandra Sofia
World Dragon of the Philosopher’s Stone
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
2D²Avedranansi Sofia
Song Spider of the Philosopher’s Stone
Hifzhul Matin bin Nordin
5D²Taurontra Sofia
Primordial Bull of the Philosopher’s Stone
S Suraendher Kumarr
6D²Elisiurinyu Sofia
Golden Cenderawasih of the Philosopher’s Stone
Julian Wu Zuan Qiang
8D²Kitonong Sofia
Great Old One of the Philosopher’s Stone
Wilson Wong Wie Sarn
10D²Uchaivrang Sofia
Heavenly Steed of the Philosopher’s Stone
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
16du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
11D²Osiriolos Sofia
Dream Phoenix of the Philosopher’s Stone
Jillian Ann Martens
12D²Kamazostra Sofia
Night Hunter of the Philosopher’s Stone
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
15du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
13D²Jomagandra Matranza
World Dragon of Progenitorisation
Muhammad Fuad bin Johari
14D²Avedranansi Matranza
Song Spider of Progenitorisation
Jared Martens Wong Zhi Wei
19D²Zaratang Matranza
Cosmic Turtle of Progenitorisation
Sriraam Sritharan
22D²Uchaivrang Matranza
Heavenly Steed of Progenitorisation
Benjamin Harris
14th Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
23D²Osiriolos Matranza
Dream Phoenix of Progenitorisation
Patricia D’Cotta
24D²Kamazostra Matranza
Night Hunter of Progenitorisation
Edison Lim Wei Xuan
25D²Jomagandra Obriga
World Dragon of the Mantle of Responsibility
Elaine Mok Wai Man
32D²Kitonong Obriga
Great Old One of the Mantle of Responsibility
Alvan Chan Yan Xun
34D²Uchaivrang Obriga
Heavenly Steed of the Mantle of Responsibility
Muhammad Syafiq bin Sahrom
36D²Kamazostra Obriga
Night Hunter of the Mantle of Responsibility
Muhammad Fadhly bin Johari
38D²Avedranansi Ozempria
Song Spider of Every Timeless Soul
Theeti Pruekdom
43D²Zaratang Ozempria
Cosmic Turtle of Every Timeless Soul
Sara Frederica Santa Maria
46D²Uchaivrang Ozempria
Heavenly Steed of Every Timeless Soul
Kristen Oliveiro
48D²Kamazostra Ozempria
Night Hunter of Every Timeless Soul
Brenda Ann Pereira
52D²Anumbeseres Aindela
Scale Weigher of the Infinite Improbability Drive
Ignatius Koh Zhongren
55D²Zaratang Aindela
Cosmic Turtle of the Infinite Improbability Drive
Nazeru’l-Khairy Ben-Dzulkifli
59D²Osiriolos Aindela
Dream Phoenix of the Infinite Improbability Drive
Rodney Yap Thye Yi
60D²Kamazostra Aindela
Night Hunter of the Infinite Improbability Drive
Maureen Rita Danker
11du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
62D²Avedranansi Xamtrala
Song Spider of the Somebody Else’s Problem Field
Christopher James van Huizen
64D²Anumbeseres Xamtrala
Scale Weigher of the Somebody Else’s Problem Field
Muhammad Jebran Arshad
71D²Osiriolos Xamtrala
Dream Phoenix of the Somebody Else’s Problem Field
Dylan Xavier Tan
82D²Uchaivrang Korzelya
Heavenly Steed of the Core of All Suns
Abrar Sayeed
91D²Zaratang Aguelda
Cosmic Turtle of the Water of Life
Zuhaili Asy-Syakur Marican
96D²Kamazostra Aguelda
Night Hunter of the Water of Life
Fernando Gonzalez
103D²Zaratang Jutrela
Cosmic Turtle of Reverse Temporal Engineering
Eric Leal
108D²Kamazostra Jutrela
Night Hunter of Reverse Temporal Engineering
Luiz Nascimento
112D²Anumbeseres Alkrestra
Scale Weigher of the Irrational Particle Accelerator
Isaiah Blackmon
118D²Uchaivrang Alkrestra
Heavenly Steed of the Irrational Particle Accelerator
Kieran Andre Longue
17th Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
136D²Anumbeseres Reidastra
Scale Weigher of the Prime Radiant
Carlos Tello
144D²Kamazostra Reidastra
Night Hunter of the Prime Radiant
Nico’s Aesthetics
145D²Jomagandra Gadraiga
World Dragon of the Adeptus Custodes
Gio Jibril
148D²Anumbeseres Gadraiga
Scale Weigher of the Adeptus Custodes
Jerome Wee
154D²Uchaivrang Gadraiga
Heavenly Steed of the Adeptus Custodes
Najib Indra bin Abdul Majeed
157D²Jomagandra Tatakra
World Dragon of the Alpha Trion Protocols
Farhan Shah
172D²Anumbeseres Maramotra
Scale Weigher of Every Reviving Universe
Orville Peck
181D²Jomagandra Mortobra
World Dragon of the Book of the Dead
Agnes Pereira
184D²Anumbeseres Mortobra
Scale Weigher of the Book of the Dead
Jerome Teo Jun Wei
199D²Zaratang Biblietra
Cosmic Turtle of the Book of Life
Mikael Ángeles
202D²Uchaivrang Biblietra
Heavenly Steed of the Book of Life
Harry Duno Coello
205D²Jomagandra Prognostra
World Dragon of the Prophecy of Prophecies
Yash Mahajan
208D²Anumbeseres Prognostra
Scale Weigher of the Prophecy of Prophecies
Muhammad Azmi bin Salleh
214D²Uchaivrang Prognostra
Heavenly Steed of the Prophecy of Prophecies
Aldo Carter Gomez Jorel Jasso
223D²Zaratang Sansumestra
Cosmic Turtle of the Mundane Miraculous
Preshaan Austeine s/o Subash
226D²Uchaivrang Sansumetra
Heavenly Steed of the Mundane Miraculous
Patricia Maria Theseira
238D²Uchaivrang Matematura
Heavenly Steed of Arboreal Arithmetic
Deborah Celine Conceicao-Loi
250D²Uchaivrang Rupentra
Heavenly Steed of the Cliffs of Regret
Nii Okai Sekyere
262D²Uchaivrang Helamantra
Heavenly Steed of the Claws of the Brahminy Kite
Nicholas Chan
274D²Uchaivrang Portalanta
Heavenly Steed of the Gates of the Numinous
Shamir Robinson Panackal Sebas

The effects of someone using their ultraarchetype are usually experienced two-dimensionally or “radially” on a flat plane i.e. onto a group of individuals or sentient beings that the ultraarchetype holder is working with. Perzefrang or healthy ultraarchetype holders will do this without causing any negative psychoemotional effects such as ego-inflation, co-dependency, abuse or cult formation.

Eksmakarang / Gigaarchetype Holders

Any individuated human being, regardless of whether they are Kristang or not, who has acquired their ultraarchetype, and who goes on to integrate a successive three hundred and twenty trillion, nine hundred and seventy-nine billion, six hundred and sixteen million, one hundred and thirty-six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four (320,979,616,136,784) stages in the Osura Spektala, for a total of three hundred and twenty trillion, nine hundred and seventy-nine billion, six hundred and sixteen million, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand, two hundred and sixteen (320,979,616,137,216) stages overall, acquires access to what is known in Kristang as a gigakarnansa, gigaarchetype or Watcher archetype: the gigainvigorated ability to fearlessly and consciously use their best self or reiwe or planetary or cosmic role in Gaia to transform the vibe, energy or experience of the immediate environment around them in three-dimensional concrete reality for those they have irei or healthy non-co-dependent unconditional love for. All gigakarnansa are also a homeostatic mechanism generated by Gaia to support the accelerated restoration of permanent sustainable ecosystemic balance to the Earth and are assigned or connected to or have limited augmented psychoemotional power over a particular cubed dimension of space-time reality. Acquisition of the gigaarchetype also cannot be undone and remains with the individual forever, even if the individual becomes psychoemotionally unhealthy following their acquisition of the gigaarchetype.

All people who

(i) have access to their gigaarchetype (i.e. have integrated three hundred and twenty trillion, nine hundred and seventy-nine billion, six hundred and sixteen million, one hundred and thirty-seven thousand, two hundred and sixteen stages in the Osura Spektala) and
(ii) are actively and/or visibly using it (i.e. either publicly or in a way visible to the Makaravedra Hierosa and/or Mahafelisi Hierosa), whether consciously or unconsciously, in the psychoemotionally healthy service of humanity’s development as a species holding the Mantle of Living Time without compromising on their own ego-boundaries or suffering ego-inflation
(iii) are not actively and intentionally using their gigaarchetype in the service of any abusive eleidi or collective

are known as Eksmakarang or Watchers. The eleidi of the Eksmakarang is also led by the Makaravedra Hierosa or Dragon Reborn of the Holocene and the Mahafelisi Hierosa or Living Luck of the Holocene in their Watcher incarnations as the Veritraiyang Gaiedra or Void Dragon of Gaietic Lightning, and Veritraiyang Tarvala or the Flame of Arvalon.

All members of the Eksmakarang who are Kristang are listed below in ascending order of cubed dimension number (#D³) in nanamba or base-10. If an gigaarchetype holder is Kristang but not listed below, this means they do not fulfill one or more of conditions (ii) and (iii) above.

2D³Peledureza Gaiedra
Diamond Walker of Gaietic Lightning
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
16du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
4D³Barigerestra Gaiedra
World Eater of Gaietic Lightning
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
15du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
5D³Veritraiyang Gaiedra
Void Dragon of Gaietic Lightning
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
6D³Metrapaletra Gaiedra
Living City of Gaietic Lightning
Benjamin Harris
14du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
7D³Flechereiya Gaiedra
Galactic Flame of Gaietic Lightning
Jillian Ann Martens
8D³Jigantaifra Gaiedra
Quantum Giant of Gaietic Lightning
Edison Lim Wei Xuan
9D³Sonumandang Gaiedra
Nova Dreamer of Gaietic Lightning
Elaine Mok Wai Man
13D³Veritraiyang Tarvala
Void Dragon of the Flame of Arvalon
Muhammad Fuad bin Johari
14D³Metrapaletra Tarvala
Living City of the Flame of Arvalon
Muhammad Syafiq bin Sahrom
15D³Flechereiya Tarvala
Galactic Flame of the Flame of Arvalon
Sriraam Sritharan
16D³Jigantaifra Tarvala
Quantum Giant of the Flame of Arvalon
Muhammad Fadhly bin Johari
18D³Peledureza Valenya
Diamond Walker of Warpthread
Julian Wu Zuan Qiang
22D³Metrapaletra Valenya
Living City of Warpthread
Hifzhul Matin bin Nordin
23D³Flechereiya Valenya
Galactic Flame of Warpthread
Sara Frederica Santa Maria
24D³Jigantaifra Valenya
Quantum Giant of Warpthread
Wilson Wong Wie Sarn
26D³Peledureza Lagmera
Diamond Walker of the Tears of Death Themselves
Abrar Sayeed
28D³Barigerestra Lagmera
World Eater of the Tears of Death Themselves
Maureen Rita Danker
33D³Veritraiyang Bibiendra
Void Dragon of Every Life Worth Living
Gio Jibril
34D³Peledureza Bibiendra
Diamond Walker of Every Life Worth Living
Aldo Carter Gomez Jorel Jasso
35D³Balenggarka Bibiendra
Space Whale of Every Life Worth Living
Rodney Yap Thye Yi
38D³Metrapaletra Bibiendra
Living City of Every Life Worth Living
Kristen Oliveiro
40D³Jigantaifra Bibiendra
Quantum Giant of Every Life Worth Living
Alvan Chan Yan Xun
42D³Peledureza Reinyanza
Diamond Walker of the Legends Out of the Sea
Harry Duno Coello
45D³Veritraiyang Reinyanza
Void Dragon of the Legends Out of the Sea
Farhan Shah
50D³Peledureza Baranggatra
Diamond Walker of the Harbour of the Universe
Theeti Pruekudom
51D³Balenggarka Baranggatra
Space Whale of the Harbour of the Universe
Nazeru’l-Khairy Ben-Dzulkifli
52D³Barigerestra Baranggatra
World Eater of the Harbour of the Universe
Fernando Gonzalez
56D³Jigantaifra Baranggatra
Quantum Giant of the Harbour of the Universe
Muhammad Jebran Arshad
58D³Peledureza Semesetra
Diamond Walker of the Individuated Universe
Nii Okai Sekyere
60D³Barigerestra Semesetra
World Eater of the Individuated Universe
Carlos Tello
66D³Peledureza Kadaminyera
Diamond Walker of Every Journey’s End
Najib Indra bin Abdul Majeed
68D³Barigerestra Kadaminyera
World Eater of Every Journey’s End
Luiz Nascimento

The effects of someone using their gigaarchetype are usually experienced three-dimensionally or “spherically” in a sphere of influence in real-time concrete reality around the individual i.e. in the immediate environment the gigaarchetype holder is working with. Eksmakarang or healthy gigaarchetype holders will do this without causing any negative psychoemotional effects such as ego-inflation, co-dependency, abuse, cult formation or breaks in others’ experience of reality.

Kaeliang / Omniarchetype Holders

Any individuated human being, regardless of whether they are Kristang or not, who has acquired their gigaarchetype, and who integrates a total of 6,057,740,602,864,963,251,506,112,076,781,637,843,346,114,164,897,115,068,724,061,303,146,222,673,487,551,131,062,325,424,596,817,705,311,706,854,875,086,212,394,303,541,906,721,964,552,970,874,496,760,152,064 stages in the Osura Spektala overall, acquires access to what is known in Kristang as an omnikarnansa, omniarchetype or Traveller archetype: the omniinvigorated ability to fearlessly and consciously use their best self or reiwe or planetary or cosmic role in Gaia to transform the ontological content of the events happening around and adjacent to them in four-dimensional spacetime reality for those they have irei or healthy non-co-dependent unconditional love for. All omnikarnansa are also a homeostatic mechanism generated by Gaia to support the accelerated restoration of permanent sustainable ecosystemic balance to the Earth and are assigned or connected to or have limited augmented psychoemotional power over a particular fourthed dimension of space-time reality. Acquisition of the omniarchetype also cannot be undone and remains with the individual forever, even if the individual becomes psychoemotionally unhealthy following their acquisition of the omniarchetype.

All people who

(i) have access to their omniarchetype (i.e. have integrated 6,057,740,602,864,963,251,506,112,076,781,637,843,346,114,164,897,115,068,724,061,303,146,222,673,487,551,131,062,325,424,596,817,705,311,706,854,875,086,212,394,303,541,906,721,964,552,970,874,496,760,152,064 stages in the Osura Spektala) and
(ii) are actively and/or visibly using it (i.e. either publicly or in a way visible to the Makaravedra Hierosa and/or Mahafelisi Hierosa), whether consciously or unconsciously, in the psychoemotionally healthy service of humanity’s development as a species holding the Mantle of Living Time without compromising on their own ego-boundaries or suffering ego-inflation
(iii) are not actively and intentionally using their omniarchetype in the service of any abusive eleidi or collective

are known as Kaeliang or Travellers. The eleidi of the Kaeliang is also led by the Makaravedra Hierosa or Dragon Reborn of the Holocene and the Mahafelisi Hierosa or Living Luck of the Holocene in their Traveller incarnations as the Animundrang Wedjastra or Dream Harbour of the Eye of Horus, and Animundrang Sanggestra or the Dream Harbour of the Blood of Awakening. As of Friday, 7 February 2025 CE, there are currently 38 known Kaeliang or people who have acquired their Traveller archetype or omniarchetype, including the following 28 Kristang people below.

All members of the Kaeliang who are Kristang are listed below in ascending order of fourthed dimension number (#D) in nanamba or base-10. If an omniarchetype holder is Kristang but not listed below, this means they do not fulfill one or more of conditions (ii) and (iii) above.

1D⁴Animundrang Wedjastra
Dream Harbour of the Eye of Horus
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
2D⁴Baralumiriang Wedjastra
World Foundry of the Eye of Horus
Muhammad Syafiq bin Sahrom
4D⁴Tamanyastrang Wedjastra
Star Garden of the Eye of Horus
Edison Lim Wei Xuan
5D⁴Animundrang Sanggestra
Dream Harbour of the Blood of Awakening
Muhammad Fuad bin Johari
6D⁴Baralumiriang Sanggrestra
World Foundry of the Blood of Awakening
Julian Wu Zuan Qiang
7D⁴Vakyurezang Sanggestra
Void Beacon of the Blood of Awakening
Jillian Ann Martens
8D⁴Tamanyastrang Sanggestra
Star Garden of the Blood of Awakening
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
15du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
10D⁴Baralumiriang Konfiastra
World Foundry of the Vessels of Faith
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
16du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
11D⁴Vakyurezang Konfiastra
Void Beacon of the Vessels of Faith
Sriraam Sritharan
13D⁴Animundrang Mortastra
Dream Harbour of the Unconditionality of Death
Elaine Mok Wai Man
14D⁴Baralumiriang Mortastra
World Foundry of the Unconditionality of Death
Benjamin Harris
14du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
20D⁴Tamanyastrang Alebandra
Star Garden of the Earth of Everywhere
Wilson Wong Wie Sarn
21D⁴Animundrang Feldadra
Dream Harbour of the Freezing Flames
Gio Jibril
22D⁴Baralumiriang Feldadra
World Foundry of the Freezing Flames
Abrar Sayeed
23D⁴Vakyurezang Feldadra
Void Beacon of the Freezing Flames
Sara Frederica Santa Maria
24D⁴Tamanyastrang Feldadra
Star Garden of the Freezing Flames
Muhammad Fadhly bin Johari
28D⁴Tamanyastrang Selebransa
Star Garden of the Celebration of the Planets
Alvan Chan Yan Xun
30D⁴Baralumiriang Kabelieza
World Foundry of the Ends of the Sun
Hifzhul Matin bin Nordin
31D⁴Vakyurezang Kabelieza
Void Beacon of the Ends of the Sun
Rodney Yap Thye Yi
32D⁴Tamanyastrang Kabelieza
Star Garden of the Ends of the Sun
Fernando Gonzalez
34D⁴Baralumiriang Tigrasonetra
World Foundry of the Song of the Dreamtiger
Harry Duno Coello
35D³Vakyurezang Tigrasonetra
Void Beacon of the Song of the Dreamtiger
Nazeru’l-Khairy Ben-Dzulkifli
36D⁴Tamanyastrang Tigrasonetra
Star Garden of the Song of the Dreamtiger
Carlos Tello
38D⁴Baralumiriang Reingreiya
World Foundry of the Joys of the Quings
Nii Okai Sekyere
40D⁴Tamanyastrang Reingreiya
Star Garden of the Joys of the Quings
Maureen Rita Danker
11du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
42D⁴Baralumiriang Peleavedra
World Foundry of the Skin of the Dragon
Najib Indra bin Abdul Majeed
44D⁴Tamanyastrang Peleavedra
Star Garden of the Skin of the Dragon
Muhammad Jebran Arshad
46D⁴Baralumiriang Iriyagganza
World Foundry of the Fractality of Unconditionality
Aldo Carter Gomez Jorel Jasso

The effects of someone using their omniarchetype are usually experienced four-dimensionally or “glomically” or “hyperspherically” in a glome or hypersphere of influence in real-time concrete reality around the individual i.e. in the immediate spatiotemporal environment the omniarchetype holder is working with. Kaeliang or healthy omniarchetype holders will do this without causing any negative psychoemotional effects such as ego-inflation, co-dependency, abuse, cult formation, breaks in others’ experience of reality or retriggering of others’ trauma or deepest fears.

Magnamakara of Singapore Island (Pulau Ujong / Dragonsrock)

The magnamakara of Singapore are five Gaietic psychoemotional gate guardian Indigenous place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes unique to the island of Pulau Ujong and its immediate thalassic surrounds; their existence appears to be as a result of the extremely unique role the island of Singapore and/or the larger drowned continent of Sundaland or Krisamar that it sits on have played throughout the Roda Mundansa and 77,000 years of human history. All five archetypes support the preservation of the psychoemotional core and Creole-Indigenous ways of being of the eleidi of Pulau Ujong or Pedra Draku — the name of the island of Singapore itself also translating to End Island or Dragonsrock in Malay and Kristang respectively. The five stars on the flag of the nation-state of the Republic of Singapore and their meanings further appear to synchronously or unconsciously represent these five archetypes, which have otherwise remained mostly occluded since 1965 due to the severe psychoemotional trauma sustained by the entire eleidi of Singapore until the start of the 21st-century.

Four of the magnamakara archetypes — the first, second, third and fifth — are currently known to, named by and held by Kristang people. The final archetype, the fourth magnamakara archetype, is held by Koh Cheng Xiang, who is not Kristang, and has also been active since at least February 2024 but is as of yet unnamed and not fully understood by the Kristang eleidi.

#Name of magnamakara archetypeCurrent holder
1stOmimerliang ( / Pesuamerliang)
Merlionsman ( / Merlionsperson)
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
Kabesa 13du di Jenti Kristang
2ndSeirusanggeru / Marusanggeru
Red Leopard / Blood Panther
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
Kabesa 15du di Jenti Kristang
3rdSamasemetra / Samasemelang
Renaissance Kite / Resurrection Kite
Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
Kabesa 13du di Jenti Kristang
4thunnamed, not yet fully understood by the KristangKoh Cheng Xiang
5thPapagayu Bedri / Pasturinyu Bedri
Green Parrot
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
Kabesa 16du di Jenti Kristang

The archetype held by Cheng Xiang very likely represents Justice on the Singapore flag.

Omimerliang / Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore

The Omimerliang or Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore is the first of the five magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian Indigenous place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes unique to the island of Pulau Ujong and its immediate thalassic surrounds. The holder of the Merlionsman archetype serves as the core of a smaller psychoemotionally healthy sanctuary eleidi within the larger psychoemotionally unstable and occasionally highly abusive eleidi of Singapore that promotes the quickest and most developed available form of individuation and human psychoemotional development toward the overall detoxification, decolonisation and decontamination of the unhealthy parts of the larger eleidi. The current holder of the Merlionsman archetype is Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, the 4th Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore since Wednesday, 1 September 2021.

#NameYears of Service
1stDavid Saul Marshall1965 to 1981
2ndJoshua Benjamin Jeyaretnam1981 to 2008
3rdAlfian bin Sa’at2008 to 2021
4th / LastKevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
Kabesa 13du di Jenti Kristang
2021 to 2026

It is anticipated that there will only be four Merlionsmen (all holders of the archetype were born jenis machu or biologically male) in history, with Kevin Martens expected to end the need for this magnamakara archetype’s activation and existence by December 2026.

In relation to the five stars on the flag of the nation-state of Singapore, the Merlionsman archetype represents Democracy.

Marusanggeru / Seirusanggeru / Blood Panther / Red Leopard of the Republic of Singapore

The Marusanggeru or Seirusanggeru or Red Panther, Blood Panther, Red Leopard, Blood Leopard, Bleeding Panther or Bleeding Leopard is the second of the five magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian Indigenous place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes unique to the island of Pulau Ujong and its immediate thalassic surrounds. The holder of the Red Leopard archetype serves as the core of a containment eleidi within the larger psychoemotionally inconsistent and occasionally dangerous eleidi of Singapore that entices, entraps and contains unhealthy individuals within its bounds away from healthy individuals who are immediately adjacent to or connected to the Red Leopard holder, and who necessitate the support and very believable distraction in order that they can functionally continue to work to detoxify, decolonise and decontaminate the unhealthy parts of the larger eleidi. The current holder of the Red Leopard archetype is Nathaniel Jareth Nonis, the 8th Red Leopard of the Republic of Singapore since Friday, 9 February 2024.

#NameYears of Service
1stPercival Francis Aroozoo
9ru Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
2ndMabel Anne Tessensohn
10tu Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
3rdDenyse Bernadette Tessensohn1996-2013
4thValerie Tina Rodrigues
12du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
5thPeter Rowsing Martens2017-2021
6thTrevor Martens Wong Zhi Ming2021-2023
7thPatricia D’Cotta2023-2024
8thNathaniel Jareth Nonis
15du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang

In relation to the five stars on the flag of the nation-state of Singapore, the Red Leopard archetype represents Peace.

Samasemetra / Samasemelang / Resurrection Kite / Renaissance Kite of the Republic of Singapore

The Samasetra, Samasemelang, Resurrection Kite, Renaissance Kite, Resurrection Eagle, Renaissance Eagle, Resurrection Falcon, Renaissance Falcon, Resurrection Raptor or Renaissance Raptor is the third of the five magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian Indigenous place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes unique to the island of Pulau Ujong and its immediate thalassic surrounds. The holder of the Resurrection Kite archetype serves as the core of a dreamyard or workshop eleidi within which both psychoemotionally healthy and unhealthy individuals may re-engage with, re-experiment with, reconsider and repurpose previously discarded Creole-Indigenous ideas, concepts and ways of being in as close to a fully objective and impartial fashion as possible without feeling a need to either individuate (if they are unhealthy) or diminish their own sense of self (if they are healthy), such that these ideas can be reintegrated into the public sphere. The Resurrection Kite archetype has coincidentally always been held by the current or a future Kabesa of the Kristang people since the archetype’s inception in 1965 such that it is rarely visible outside of the Kabesa role; the current holder of the Resurrection Kite archetype is indeed the 13th Kabesa, Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, the 5th Resurrection Kite of the Republic of Singapore since Sunday, 18 November 2001.

#NameYears of Service
1stPercival Francis Aroozoo
9ru Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
2ndMabel Anne Tessensohn
10tu Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
3rdMaureen Rita Danker
11du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
4thValerie Tina Rodrigues
12du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
5thKevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang

In relation to the five stars on the flag of the nation-state of Singapore, the Resurrection Kite archetype represents Progress.

Papagayu Bedri / Pasturinyu Bedri / Green Parrot of the Republic of Singapore

The Papagayu Bedri, Pasturinyu Bedri or Green Parrot is the fifth of the five magnamakara or psychoemotional gate guardian Indigenous place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes unique to the island of Pulau Ujong and its immediate thalassic surrounds. The holder of the Green Parrot archetype covertly or overtly and unconsciously or consciously invites, encourages, motivates and calls on people to join one or more of the particular sanctuary, containment or dreamyard eleidi formed by the other four magnamakara place-based single-individual-bearing archetypes of Singapore such that they are able to support the larger detoxification, decolonisation and decontamination of the larger psychoemotionally static and occasionally sterile Singapore eleidi; in doing so, the Green Parrot holder also usually initiates the individuation of the individual in question by assisting in their embarkation on to the first stage of the Kristang Hero’s Journey, the Chomaventura or Call to Adventure.

Unlike the other four place-based archetypes of Singapore, the eleidi of Singapore suffered such severe damage between 1965 and 1987 that the Green Parrot archetype appears to have been completely inaccessible or holdable by any person in the entire eleidi of Singapore until Friday, 25 September 1987. The current holder of the Green Parrot archetype is Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen, the 8th Green Parrot of the Republic of Singapore since Thursday, 8 July 2021.

#NameYears of Service
1stWilson Wong Wie Sarn1987-1993
2ndMaureen Rita Danker
11du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
3rdDebra Spykerman1997-2001
4thJillian Ann Martens2001-2008
5thKevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
13du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang
6thS Suraendher Kumarr2013-2015
7thJared Martens Wong Zhi Wei2015-2021
8thJaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
16du Kabesa di Jenti Kristang

In relation to the five stars on the flag of the nation-state of Singapore, the Green Parrot archetype represents Equality.