Kristang has three counting systems in base-10, base-12 and base-16. The base-10 numbers are called nanamba, the base-12 numbers are called lusembra, and the base-16 numbers are called diseides. Kristang is currently the only language in the world with three separate counting systems.
# | Nominu (Nominal) | Ordieru (Ordinal) |
0 | kapoti | kapotru |
1 | ngua, ungua, ungwa, etc. | prumiru |
2 | dos | sigundu |
3 | tres | treseru |
4 | kuartu, kuatu, kuatru, quartu, etc. | kwatandu, kuatandu etc. |
5 | singku | kinteru |
6 | seis, ses | sesedu, seiseidu, etc. |
7 | seti | seteru |
8 | oitu | oitendu |
9 | novi | nobairu, novairu, etc. |
10 | des | desentu |
The nanamba exist to allow the Kristang to function within the dominant Western neoliberal capitalistic hegemonic paradigm, and to more rapidly perform psychoemotional calculations related to the Osura Elisia or Convivification Theory, and the Osura Samaserang or Resurrection Theory.
# | Nominu (Nominal) | Ordieru (Ordinal) |
0 | semet | semetru |
1 | hieru | hierundu |
2 | vondrong | vondrondu |
3 | lumya | lumyandu |
4 | anyu | anyundu |
5 | fortrel | fortrendu |
6 | sovi | sovendu |
7 | xagra | xagrandu |
8 | vala | valandu |
9 | ostang | ostandu |
á | indral | indrandu |
à | sinta | sintandu |
â / 10 | vadra | vadrandu |
The lusembra exist to allow the Kristang to more rapidly perform psychocomputational calculations related to the Osura Spektala or Transfiguration Theory, and therefore to support the adjustment of the mechanisms by which the psyche processes trauma and connects to Gaia and the living universe.
# | Nominu (Nominal) | Ordieru (Ordinal) |
0 | skizbi | skizbidu |
1 | wirung | wirundu |
2 | kombros | kombrondu |
3 | telis | telisu |
4 | kedra | kedrendu, kedrandu, etc. |
5 | quinsel, kwinsel, etc. | kwinsetru, quinsetru, etc. |
6 | hezna, ezna, etc. | heznendu, eznendu, etc. |
7 | xamba | xambendu, xambandu, etc. |
8 | oimong | oimondu |
9 | nava | navandu |
ê | reijel | reijentru |
í | umpru | umprundu |
ç | serep | serendru |
ú | nufri | nufrendu, nufrindu, etc. |
ã | gaja | gajantu |
õ | zelya | zelyandu |
ô / 10 | vahang | vahandu |
The diseides are the dreamfishing numbers and exist to facilitate agentic human individuation through the more rapid performance of psychoemotional calculations related to the Osura Pesuasang or Individuation Theory, and to allow for the excavation of the occluded aspects of reality through dreamfishing.