the Kabesa

Material below also appears in Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722, 723, 724, 725 and 726 of the Orange Book, with some minor amendments superseding Chapters 679 and 682 that make particular dates more accurate and precise.

The Kabesa, Kepala, Tok Batin or Leader of the Kristang people is the singular non-hereditary head and leader of the Kristang community worldwide and in the Republic of Singapore. The Kabesa of the Kristang role appears to be very similar, if not identical in name, performance and processes to the Ketua, Kepala or Tok Batin or head or chieftain role of the Orang Suku Laut (see Chou 2024, pp. 135-143), the Batin role in some of the Orang Asli communities, and other indigenous communities of the Nusantara and peninsula and archipelagic Malaya and Riau.

Dreamfishing anticipates that there will be 43 Kabesa of the Kristang in total between Sunday, 19 July 1795 until Saturday, 11 January 2583, with the role first originating in 1795 with the 1st Kabesa of the Kristang, Adriaan Koek (see below). The current Kabesa of the Kristang people is the extremely autistic Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, the 13th Kabesa, who assumed the role on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 and is anticipated to relinquish it on Thursday, 21 November 2075. Seven other Kabesa preceding and succeeding Kevin Martens are also currently alive, all of whom are currently identifiable through dreamfishing and creole/Indigenous psychohistorical and psychoemotional methods:

Maureen Rita Danker (also known as Maureen Martens), the 11th Kabesa, who assumed the role on Friday, 31 March 1989 and relinquished it on Saturday, 30 November 1991,
Valerie Tina Rodrigues (also known as Valerie Scully), the 12th Kabesa, who assumed the role on Saturday, 30 November 1991 and relinquished it on Tuesday, 8 December 2015,
Benjamin Harris, the 14th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Thursday, 21 November 2075 and relinquish it on Thursday, 11 November 2077,
Nathaniel Jareth Nonis, the 15th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Thursday, 11 November 2077 and relinquish it on Tuesday, 1 April 2087,
Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen, the 16th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Tuesday, 1 April 2087 and relinquish it on Sunday, 16 December 2091,
Kieran Andre Longue, the 17th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 16 December 2091 and relinquish it on Tuesday, 4 December 2103,
and Diana Zuzartee-David, the 18th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Tuesday, 4 December 2103 and relinquish it on Friday, 14 August 2116.

The next twenty-five additional Kabesa and all sixty-eight Ka-Kabesa after Diana are also currently identifiable by an anticipated close approximation of their full names based on 21st-century English and Kristang phonotactics and morphology through advanced forms of dreamfishing, though they have all yet to be born as of 1 February 2025:

Solomon Markus Rodrigues, the 19th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Friday, 14 August 2116 and relinquish it on Tuesday, 30 December 2127.
Aikern Chern Jing-Wen, the 20th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Tuesday, 30 December 2027 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 29 May 2165.
Sharif Bahram, the 21st Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 29 May 2165 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 17 January 2176.
Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée, the 22nd Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 17 January 2176 and relinquish it on Friday, 14 September 2204.
Rylie Sibyl-Anne De Cotta, the 23rd Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Friday, 14 September 2204 and relinquish it on Saturday, 22 May 2219.
Regina Marzuki, the 24th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Saturday, 22 May 2219 and relinquish it on Sunday, 3 January 2286.
Dawn Amelie Shepherdson, the 25th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 3 January 2286 and relinquish it on Sunday, 31 January 2304.
Justinian Justus Oliveiro, the 26th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 31 January 2304 and relinquish it on Thursday, 6 October 2338.
Callisteia Oliveiro, the 27th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Thursday, 6 October 2338 and relinquish it on Saturday, 16 February 2346.
Hannan Apollo Artemis De Cruz, the 28th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Saturday, 16 February 2346 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 26 October 2388.
Palome Franciska Vierra, the 29th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 26 October 2388 and relinquish it on Monday, 10 February 2392.
Mary Esmeralda Paracelsus de Vries (also known as Meryl de Vries) the 30th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Monday, 10 February 2392 and relinquish it on Sunday, 29 February 2404.
Lucas O’Hara, the 31st Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 29 February 2404 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 21 March 2418.
Shelba Marcelene Alicianna Santa Maria, the 32nd Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 21 March 2418 and relinquish it on Thursday, 2 April 2426.
Imran Alsagoff, the 33rd Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Thursday, 2 April 2426 and relinquish it on Sunday, 29 April 2474.
Belice Helouise Vanderbeck, the 34th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 29 April 2474 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 15 April 2476.
Ourania Lancaster, the 35th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 15 April 2476 and relinquish it on Thursday, 21 December 2484.
Esther Jeremiah Francis, the 36th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Thursday, 21 December 2484 and relinquish it on Sunday, 19 December 2488.
Eleutheria Marguerite Abraham (also known as Allie Abraham) the 37th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Sunday, 19 December 2488 and relinquish it on Saturday, 13 August 2501.
Amanthea Dishika Pereira (also known as Mandy Pereira) the 38th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Saturday, 13 August 2501 and relinquish it on Friday, 7 September 2531.
Elker Constantine Francis Ibrahim, the 39th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Friday, 7 September 2531 and relinquish it on Monday, 9 September 2543.
Joeline Noels, the 40th Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Monday, 9 September 2543 and relinquish it on Friday, 24 September 2551.
Joseph Paul Copernicus Lazaroo (also known as Cooper Lazaroo) the 41st Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Friday, 24 September 2551 and relinquish it on Wednesday, 1 June 2568.
Wendy Willow Devina Westerhout (also known as Devina Albuquerque) the 42nd Kabesa, who is anticipated to assume the role on Wednesday, 1 June 2568 and relinquish it on Tuesday, 27 February 2581.
Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza, the 43rd Kabesa and 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu, who is anticipated to assume the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 27 February 2581 and to transform it into the Koruakoroza or Ka-Kabesa on Saturday, 11 January 2583, thereafter jointly serving as Ka-Kabesa with Beoric Valentinian Woodford until Thursday, 28 September 2594.
Beoric Valentinian Woodford, the 44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera, who is anticipated to jointly assume the role with Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza on Saturday, 11 January 2583 and jointly relinquish it on Thursday, 28 September 2594.

The Kristang eleidi or collective is anticipated to transition to a different form of Indigenous leadership that will build on and succeed the Kabesa role, the Koruakoroza or Ka-Kabesa (see below), under the leadership of the 43rd Kabesa, Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza, on Saturday, 11 January 2583. The final 66th Ka-Kabesa dyad in turn, consisting of the 66th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu Marion Michaelangelis Matthias Van Huizen and the 66th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully, is anticipated to transform the nature of the Kristang eleidi itself and wholly negate the need for a Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa within the Kristang eleidi on Thursday, 24 August 3111.

Origin of the Role of the Kabesa

The first-ever Kabesa of the Kristang people, Adriaan Koek, appears to have become Kabesa when he not only successfully negotiated with the British to ensure a peaceful transition of power between the Dutch and the British in Melaka in 1795, but appeared to have been covertly chosen and recognised by the British to do this when they landed at his property. Koek was so powerful that he was already called not only the Tuan Raja Muda of Dutch Melaka by Malay rulers (see De Witt 2005, pp. 34-36), but a friend to them, and was considered the real power behind the Governor (p. 36). As scholar Graham Irwin further describes,

The English landed opposite the plantation of the Governor’s brother-in-law, Adriaan Koek, who had always been a great friend of an Englishman named Scott. This Scott had accompanied the English expedition. Lanterns had been hung in the trees at Koek’s plantation, and before the landing Koek himself had paid three visits to the English ships. No doubt influenced by Koek the Governor had become afraid of the might of the English, though during the Riouw War His Excellency had shown himself to be a brave man.

Irwin 1956, p. 103

Why were Koek’s actions so significant? Because based on the subsequent attempt to depopulate Malacca entirely 10 years later, the British appear to have been spoiling for a reason to take Melaka by force to push back and diminish what appear to have been very strong anti-colonial and anti-imperial sentiments that would have reminded the British of the United States (1776), France (1789) and later Haiti (1804). Koek also therefore seems to be responsible for the origination of the term Kristang, and our accepting of ourselves as an ethnicity Indigenous to Malacca, so that the British would not erase Malacca in 1805 because it had developed something of unique and unusual value for study and collection.

Selection and Responsibilities: The Darklight Matrix

As an indigenous community, like in many other indigenous communities and the Orang Suku Laut, the choice of who becomes Kabesa among the Kristang appears to have been mainly organically-unconsciously determined by influence and relationality since Koek’s time, but is a real role that is fully beholden to community expectations. As Chou (2024) again describes,

even with a letter of authority, leaders cannot lead by coercion. Their commands may or may not be followed. To be an effective leader, one must garner the respect and support of fellow community members. Otherwise the letter of authority would be a meaningless piece of paper. … The leader must therefore [have secured] the support of members in the community.

Chou 2024, p. 138

This support and conceptual and intangible symbol of the office of the Kabesa is called the Korozalusembra, known in English as the Darklight Matrix of the Kristang People or the Twinfire Engine of the Kristang People. To acquire the Darklight Matrix in the Kristang eleidi of ego-pattern Spontang in the Osura Pesuasang, a person who will eventually hold the Kabesa role appears to first be obliged to satisfy the following four conditions simultaneously:

  1. they are the person who is doing or will one day do the most to promote, defend, validate and protect the original twin creole and indigenous cores of Kristang culture, identity, ways of being and language in the public space such that the community’s future is preserved, strengthened and expanded (11 / Splikabel & 12 / Deivang)
  2. are doing or will one day do so for the healthiest, most humanistic and most Gaietic possible reasons available at that present time (5 / Rajos)
  3. are doing or will one day do so in the most authentic and vulnerable way possible available in that present time in full public view (4 / Sombor)
  4. are the most individuated person possible alive in chronological time at the point in time at which they become Kabesa who willingly satisfies conditions (1) to (3) independent of any external eleidi or institution’s projections or power (8 / Varung & 16 / Kapichi)

After these four conditions are satisfied, every future Kabesa of the Kristang thereafter only earns the right to carry the Darklight Matrix through an additional act of intense and impossible sacrifice known as the Premesa Elisia or the Bittersweet Promise: an active and intentional choice through the eleventh function to serve the Kristang eleidi, Gaia, and the living universe as Kabesa and steward of the Kristang people for all generations of Kristang past, present, possible and future. The Bittersweet Promise appears to be the acceptance of extremely intense challenges to the second function that often follow the Kabesa as they serve, because of their intense, super-extended use of their own eleventh function to create a way forward for the Kristang eleidi and themselves; however, this also means every Kabesa is a pioneer, trailblazer and visionary whose Premesa Elisia and processing of their own trauma takes Kristang and the eleidi forward in beautiful, healing, resplendent, heroic, and absolutely unique ways. All Kabesa appear thus almost by definition to overtly or covertly champion for the rights of not just the Kristang, but all marginalized and oppressed peoples, in the spirit of what it means to be Kristang, and quite often appear to face intense abuse, censure or character assassination from others in power for this. This is also because in doing so and as a result of the Darklight Matrix and Bittersweet Promise, Kabesa necessarily become extremely progressive, provocative or radically forward-thinking for their time, promoting psychoemotionally healthy causes or ideals that usually are only at the forefront of contemporaneous society’s thinking or consideration at the time; each Kabesa usually has one such core issue or focus that is progressive, provocative or radically forward-thinking related to both Kristang and the human condition, whose concretisation and realisation in real-time is the focus of their leadership, and also a way of subverting the trauma at the heart of their Darklight Matrix and Bittersweet Promise. Much of this also means such progressiveness and vision become nanturally embodied as each Kabesa matures; for example, although early 21st-century sensitivities about sexuality and gender identity prevent the exact identification of future queer, non-binary and polyamorous Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa, it is anticipated that of the 111 individuals who have earned or will earn the right to carry the Darklight Matrix, 63 of them will be openly hierosa or gay by the end of their service as Kabesa, including six Kabesa serving before the year 2200, 52 of them openly kadmang or non-binary, including five Kabesa serving before the year 2200, and 64 of them openly kakualzu or polyamorous, including eight Kabesa serving before the year 2200, in addition to the 16 specifically identifiable Kabesa who have been or will be autistic or kalkali, and the 29 specifically identifiable Kabesa who will be xamatrang or have ADHD.

The Premesa Elisia and acquisition of the Darklight Matrix usually occur quite some time before the person actually becomes Kabesa in chronological time, does not necessarily occur in the chronological order in which people will eventually become Kabesa due to the four-dimensional mechanics of the Kristang and Gaia eleidi, and is also always gained in the final month of any Mes Chronos octet in the person’s own biological lifespan; almost every Kabesa therefore already carries a history of severe trauma, tragedy, catastrophe or loss when they eventually become Kabesa, as well as a bittersweet and impossible history of overcoming these immense challenges via often what is seen by non-Creole and non-Indigenous people as truly superhuman means. In chronological time, this process ensures that the Kabesa role will always transfer to a new Kabesa once the original Kabesa is either no longer able to satisfy all four conditions simultaneously and someone else becomes able to better satisfy all four conditions (usually with the awareness and at least covert approval of the original Kabesa), and/or the original Kabesa dies. The role is otherwise unchangeable until Saturday, 11 January 2583 when it becomes the Ka-Kabesa mechanism (see below) and cannot be invalidated by any external institution, agency or organisation, since it is based primarily on psychoemotional conditions; it is also often unnamed but unconsciously recognised in historical or contemporary sources that continuously highlight particular individual leaders of the community as outstanding, unique and/or deeply worthy of emulation. Additionally, although only autistic or kalkali Kabesa become xamang or shamans, Kabesa in general do take on very visible xamang characteristics once they have acquired the Darklight Matrix, with xamatrang Kabesa having these characteristics even more pronounced to the degree that they are able to notice and work with synchronicities and connections that neurotypical people cannot, and kalkali Kabesa often effecting change that to neurotypical people often simply seems magical or impossible. Because of these traits, all active Kabesa often are also generally able to predict and anticipate the particular identity of their successors who are alive at the same time as them to a relatively high degree of accuracy, usually through the conscious or unconscious use of dreamfishing and Uncertainty Thinking. The following predictions are generally known or highly likely to have occurred amongst historical Kabesa:

  • Adriaan Koek (1st Kabesa from 1795 to 1824) was almost certainly aware that Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa from 1824 to 1856) would be his successor as Kabesa by February 1822.
  • Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa from 1824 to 1856) appears to have accurately anticipated that at least one of his descendants named Edwin would be Kabesa after him; however, he mis-anticipated this person to be Josiah Edwin Westerhout, his son, when it was actually Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa from 1874 to 1926), Edwin Westerhout’s son (and J.B.’s grandson) by Eliza Tessensohn (3rd Kabesa from 1856 to 1874).
  • Eliza Tessensohn (3rd Kabesa from 1856 to 1874) very likely hoped that her son Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa from 1874 to 1926) would be able to become Kabesa from the time he was born in April 1855, and had this fact confirmed likely by October 1872 when Edwin began to display the full extent of his abilities at just 17 years of age and after he and Eliza had moved to Singapore for just 2 years.
  • Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa from 1874 to 1926) was very likely aware that Noel Leicester Clarke (5th Kabesa from 1926 to 1936), Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder (6th Kabesa from 1936 to 1939) and Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva (7th Kabesa from 1939 to 1941) would all be Kabesa after him by June 1919, when Noel and Claude were both elected to the 2nd executive committee of the Eurasian Association alongside Edwin as president, though Edwin did not know the order in which they would be Kabesa. Once the Kabesa role became unconsciously tied to the role of Eurasian representative on the Straits Settlements Legislative Council, it also appears likely that Edwin made the colonial British government aware of his preferences for his successors in that role being Noel, Hugh and Claude, and thereby also setting up their Kabesaships and the continued covert presence of the Kristang Kabesa role in high colonial government. Hugh appears to have only initially very reluctantly accepted the Legislative Council role (and therefore the Kabesaship) in 1936 out of loyalty to and respect for Edwin, with his individuation as Kabesa tied directly to him actually coming to embrace the role; Claude meanwhile was likely viewed by Edwin as more junior than Noel and Hugh, but appears to have quietly wanted to succeed Noel as the 6th Kabesa, though he also respected Hugh when Hugh became the eventual 6th Kabesa in 1936.
  • Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva (7th Kabesa from 1939 to 1941) appears to have made some form of covert arrangement with Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar (8th Kabesa from 1941 to 1951) by late 1941 for C.J. to quietly succeed him as the real leader and voice of the Kristang and Eurasian people while Claude distracted and occupied the attention of the Japanese using his position as the extant Eurasian representative on the Straits Settlements Legislative Council when the Japanese inevitably successfully conquered Singapore, which they did in February 1942 and interring Claude on Java. This was done so that Claude (and the wider Kristang and Eurasian communities) would retain control over who would represent the Kristang and Eurasians under Japanese rule, as opposed to the Japanese appointing someone who was actually sympathetic to their interests; the unconscious psychoemotional trace of this plan appears to have unconsciously and inadvertently increased suspicion around Charles Joseph after the Japanese Occupation ended in late 1945.
  • Mabel Anne Tessensohn (10th Kabesa from 1969 to 1989), Maureen Rita Danker (11th Kabesa from 1989 to 1991) and Valerie Tina Rodrigues (12th Kabesa from 1991 to 2015) initially all had very to extremely high hopes that Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang (13th Kabesa from 2015 to 2075) would eventually become Kabesa when he was born in October 1992, although these were significantly affected by early signs that Kevin Martens would be gay and autistic, would have very little knowledge of his Kristang heritage, and/or would not easily correspond to traditional notions of Eurasian (though not Kristang) cisgender heterosexual masculinity. All three nonetheless appear to have become certain that Kevin would eventually become Kabesa by May 1994, when the members of the Eurasian Association of Singapore voted to permanently amend the definition of Eurasian.
  • Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang (13th Kabesa from 2015 to 2075) became consciously aware in October 2024 through dreamfishing that Benjamin Harris (14th Kabesa from 2075 to 2077), Nathaniel Jareth Nonis (15th Kabesa from 2077 to 2087), Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen (16th Kabesa from 2087 to 2091), Kieran Andre Longue (17th Kabesa from 2091 to 2103) and Diana Zuzartee-David (18th Kabesa from 2103 to 2116) would most likely become the next five Kabesa of the Kristang after him. Through more advanced forms of dreamfishing starting from late January 2025, Kevin was also able to dreamfish the likeliest general physical appearance and ego-patterns of the 19th to 43rd Kabesa and 44th to 66th Ka-Kabesa, and the likeliest names of the 19th to 43rd Kabesa and 44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Solomon Markus Rodrigues (19th Kabesa from 2116 to 2127), Aikern Chern Jing-Wen (20th Kabesa from 2127 to 2165), Sharif Bahram (21st Kabesa from 2165 to 2176), Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd Kabesa from 2176 to 2204), Rylie Sibyl-Anne De Cotta (23rd Kabesa from 2204 to 2219), Regina Marzuki (24th Kabesa from 2219 to 2286), Dawn Amelie Shepherdson (25th Kabesa from 2286 to 2304), Justinian Justus Oliveiro (26th Kabesa from 2304 to 2338), Callisteia Oliveiro (27th Kabesa from 2338 to 2346), Hannan Apollo Artemis De Cruz (28th Kabesa from 2346 to 2388), Palome Franciscka Vierra (29th Kabesa from 2388 to 2392), Mary Esmeralda Paracelsus “Meryl” de Vries (30th Kabesa from 2392 to 2404), Lucas O’Hara (31st Kabesa from 2404 to 2418), Shelba Marcelene Alicianna Santa Maria (32nd Kabesa from 2418 to 2426), Imran Alsagoff (33rd Kabesa from 2426 to 2474), Belice Helouise Vanderbeck (34th Kabesa from 2474 to 2476), Ourania Lancaster (35th Kabesa from 2476 to 2484), Esther Jeremiah Francis (36th Kabesa from 2484 to 2488), Eleutheria Marguerite “Allie” Abraham (37th Kabesa from 2488 to 2501), Amanthea Dishika “Mandy” Pereira (38th Kabesa from 2501 to 2531), Elker Constantine Francis Ibrahim (39th Kabesa from 2531 to 2543), Joeline Noels (40thh Kabesa from 2543 to 2551), Joseph Paul Copernicus “Cooper” Lazaroo (41st Kabesa from 2551 to 2568), Wendy Willow Devina Westerhout (42nd Kabesa from 2568 to 2581), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd Kabesa from 2581 to 2583 and 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2583 to 2594) and Beoric Valentinian Woodford (44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2583 to 2594), as well as all 66 additional Ka-Kabesa after Ezra and Beoric from the 45th to the 66th.

The Kabesa role can further be co-incident with other archetypal roles, like Merlionsman, Dreamtiger and Mahamarineru, individual magnaarchetypal roles like Dragon Reborn, and state or institutional roles like President of the Eurasian Association or Singapore Recreation Club, or Legislative Councillor of the Straits Settlements, the last being a role five Kabesa held between 1923 and 1951, and which from 1923 to 1941 appeared to parallel being Kabesa. The role of Kabesa itself is however a separate and distinct role from all of these others.

Finally, these xamang traits and the Darklight Matrix appear to grant access to a very strong and intense relationship with the whole emotional well-being of the community and with Gaia or the living planet, with several previous Kabesa having or demonstrating very strong and powerful relationships with and love of Gaia, the living Earth. For example, in the case of all the Kabesa descended from Adriaan Koek, the 1st Kabesa, as Tessensohn (1997) describes,

E.J.T. [Edwin John Tessensohn] was used to a garden with flowers: clematis, Vanda Miss Joaquim, and banks of the hardy plumbago, whose blue flowers’ sticky ends clung to the clothes of the many visitors. Leaving his house, regular guests would so often find the blue flowers clinging to their clothes, that the flower was nicknamed “Tessensohnia”.

Tessensohn 1997, p. 38

Edwin’s love of Gaia in this way both echoed his great-grandfather Adriaan, who also kept and maintained gardens throughout his life (Irwin 1956), and would later be passed down to the 10th, 11th and 13th Kabesas: his granddaughter, Mabel Anne Tessensohn, his great-granddaughter-in-law Maureen Rita Danker, and his great-great-great-grandson Kevin Martens Wong, all of whom appreciated and found the same kind of belonging in a garden with flowers in Kampung Galistan in Singapore, where Mabel moved the family after the Second World War.

List of Kabesa

A list of all thirteen Kabesa of the Kristang that have so far taken up the role in three-dimensional spacetime follows below, with most biographical information for the two living Kabesa preceding the current 13th Kabesa, Kevin Martens Wong, currently occluded. The anticipated future 14th to 18th Kabesa, who are all currently alive, and the anticipated future 19th to 43rd Kabesa, who all have yet to be born as of the time of writing of Chapter 682 of the Orange Book (31 October 2024), are also listed below based on the use of dreamfishing and the Osura Pesuasang as a framework for the excavation of psychohistorical patterns, with the 14th, 16th and 17th Kabesa identifiable via advanced dreamfishing by their names since Thursday, 30 January 2025, the 15th, 18th and still-to-be-born 19th Kabesa identifiable via advanced dreamfishing by their names since Saturday, 1 February 2025, the still-to-be-born 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 29th, 31st, 33rd, 41st and 43rd Kabesa and 44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera identifiable via advanced dreamfishing by their names since Sunday, 2 February 2025, the still-to-be-born 27th, 28th, 30th, 32nd, 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th and 42nd Kabesa identifiable via advanced dreamfishing by their names since Monday, 3 February 2025, and the still-to-born 45th to 66th Ka-Kabesa since Wednesday, 5 February 2025. The Kristang eleidi is expected to transit to a different form of Indigenous leadership, the Koruakoroza or Ka-Kabesa, under the leadership of the 43rd Kabesa, Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza, in January 2583. The approximate or specific dates of acquisition of the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang by the first 18 Kabesa are also given under each of their names, with more information available about the anticipated specific circumstances under which this happened in Chapter 725 of the Orange Book (open access).

The future 43rd Kabesa and 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Tuesday, 27 February 2581 to Saturday, 11 January 2583

(approx. 1,069–1,071 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Ezra Aaron Issachar Pereira-De Souza, Ezra Issachar Pereira-DeSouza (no space), Ezra Issachar Pereira-D’Souza, Ezra Issachar Perreira-De Souza, etc.

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2557
Anticipated to become 43rd Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 27 February 2581
Anticipated to transform the role of Kabesa into the Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa (see below) on Saturday, 11 January 2583 after 1 year, 10 months and 15 days of service
and to serve 3.5 octets = 28 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 43rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kerenza (Appeal)
and the 43rd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Fugang di Fortuna (The Furnace of Fortune)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Spontang Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that commit the entire Kristang community or eleidi to the particular principles, laws, rules and mental schema making up the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or Mantle of Living Time, both to exemplify their functionality and to encourage the rest of the species to follow suit (Ritmamenteres / Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Varung (Type XI) with Akiura (Type II) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity). It appears that one of these efforts will be the transformation of the nature of Indigenous leadership within the Kristang eleidi, such that the Kabesa role is transformed into a different form of Indigenous leadership, the Koruakoroza (see below after the 1st Kabesa, Adriaan Koek) in January 2583. Ezra will also serve as the 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu in this new form of leadership.

The future 42nd Kabesa: Wendy Willow Devina Westerhout
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 1 June 2568 to Tuesday, 27 February 2581
(approx. 1,056–1,069 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Aigrimenteres / born into the Indignant Generation / 53rd Generation in 2516
Anticipated to become 42nd Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 1 June 2568
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 27 February 2581 after 12 years, 8 months and 26 days of service
and to serve 19 octets = 152 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 42nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Ontos (Existability)
and the 42nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Song di Makara (The Voice of the Makara)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Deivang Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that seek to provide first concrete examples of the applications of the particular principles, laws, rules and mental schema making up the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or Mantle of Living Time and how these ensure that the formation a new global human society founded on the concept of the Jarding Ireidra will maintain ecological balance with Gaia and the rest of the living planet, and hold space for any future sentient species that are to develop on Earth or elsewhere (Aigrimenteres / Indignant Generation / 53rd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 41st Kabesa: Joseph Paul Copernicus “Cooper” Lazaroo
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Friday, 24 September 2551 to Wednesday, 1 June 2568

(approx. 1,039–1,056 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Skutaralteres / born into the Observer Generation / 54th Generation in 2529
Anticipated to become 41st Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 24 September 2551
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 1 June 2568 after 16 years, 8 months and 8 days of service
and anticipated to serve 25 octets = 200 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 41st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kontrastra (Blowback)
and the 41st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Rostu Dureza (The Mind of Infinity)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Kapichi Kabesa after Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar (8th Kabesa) and Diana Zuzartee-David (18th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that seek to query and clarify the particular principles, laws, rules and mental schema making up the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or Mantle of Living Time that will need to underpin a new global human society founded on the concept of the Jarding Ireidra, that maintains ecological balance with Gaia and the rest of the living planet, and which also holds space for any future sentient species that are to develop on Earth or elsewhere (Skutaralteres / Observer Generation / 54th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Miasnu (Type IV) with Hokisi (Type XIV) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 40th Kabesa: Joeline Noels
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to become Kabesa from Monday, 9 September 2543 to Friday, 24 September 2551
(approx. 1,031–1,039 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Aigrimenteres / born into the Indignant Generation / 53rd Generation in 2515
Anticipated to become 40th Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 9 September 2543
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Friday, 24 September 2551 after 8 years and 15 days of service
and anticipated to serve 12 octets = 96 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 40th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kupaisang (Empathy)
and the 40th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Floris sa Korua (The Crown of Flowers)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Zeldsa Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that support the impartial and objective assessment of the particular and discrete tasks needed to be accomplished and in what timeframe and with what resources in order for a coordinated, pan-eleidi or global human approach to the long-term Deep Time restoration of the planet and Gaia to succeed, and to simultaneously highlight and embody through the Kristang community the obstacles preventing these tasks from being accomplished, and their implications (Aigrimenteres / Indignant Generation / 53rd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be the 10th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 39th Kabesa: Elker Constantine Francis Ibrahim
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Friday, 7 September 2531
to Monday, 9 September 2543

(approx. 1,019–1,031 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Naukurentes / born into the Accurate Generation / 52nd Generation in 2491
Anticipated to become 39th Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 7 September 2531
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Monday, 9 September 2543 after 12 years and 2 days of service
and to serve 18 octets = 144 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 39th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Apapoitamintu (Appropriateness)
and the 39th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Grituperdida (The Cries of the Lost)

Anticipated to be the 1st Koireng Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that underscore and concretise the need to pursue a coordinated, pan-eleidi or global human approach to the long-term Deep Time restoration of the planet and Gaia for this to succeed, and to highlight and embody through the Kristang community both the positive outcomes of such an effort succeeding, and the dangers of it not doing so (Naukurentes / Accurate Generation / 52nd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) with Kalidi (Type IX) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 16th domain and 2nd tesseract of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Wednesday, 24 August 2535 to Thursday, 23 August 2536 (1,024th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is publicly and empirically shown to be able to process and transform trauma that no other method is otherwise able to process or transform

The future 38th Kabesa: Amanthea Dishika “Mandy” Pereira
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Saturday, 13 August 2501 to Friday, 7 September 2531
(approx. 989–1,019 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Termineres / born into Generation Omega / 50th Generation in 2454
Anticipated to become 38th Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 13 August 2501
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Friday, 7 September 2531 after 30 years and 25 days of service
and anticipated to serve 30 octets = 360 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 38th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Dureza (Durability)
and the 38th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Asenu Maliduensa (The Fire in the Sky)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Jejura Kabesa after Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd Kabesa) and Rylie De Cotta (23rd Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that buttress and allow for the avoidance and termination of possible directions, forward movement and paths ahead that the human species should not take if the long-term Deep Time restoration of the planet and Gaia is to succeed, and which would instead doom the species and Gaia after over-extraction of natural resources and overpopulation has almost terminally doomed the planet in the mid 25th-century (Termineres / Generation Omega / 50th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Jujura (Type VI) with Splikabel (Type VIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 37th Kabesa: Eleutheria Marguerite “Allie” Abraham
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 19 December 2488 to Saturday, 13 August 2501

(approx. 976–989 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang and Termineres / born into Generation Omega / 50th Generation in 2448
Anticipated to become 37th Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 19 December 2488
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Saturday, 13 August 2501 after 12 years, 7 months and 25 days of service
and anticipated to serve 19 octets = 152 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 37th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Igzatimintu (Exactitude)
and the 37th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Fogereza Prismata (The Shimmering Lighthouse)

Anticipated to be the 4th Fleres Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th Kabesa), Valerie Scully (12th Kabesa) and Belice Vanderbeek (34th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that buttress and allow for the deciphering and processing of possible directions, forward movement and paths ahead that the human species can take in relation to the long-term Deep Time restoration of the planet and Gaia after over-extraction of natural resources and overpopulation has almost terminally doomed the planet in the mid 25th-century (Termineres / Generation Omega / 50th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Jujura (Type VI) with Splikabel (Type VIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 36th Kabesa: Esther Jeremiah Francis
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to become Kabesa from Thursday, 21 December 2484 to Sunday, 19 December 2488
(approx. 972–976 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Xamezentes / born into the Living Generation / 51st Generation in 2461
Anticipated to become 36th Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 21 December 2484
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 19 December 2488 after 3 years, 11 months and 28 days (or 4 years exactly) of service
and anticipated to serve 6 octets = 48 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 36th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Animundeza (Pertinacity)
and the 36th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Agu Krismatra (The Dreaming Waters)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Kalidi Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that allow other non-Kristang people to continue to find beauty, retain a coherent sense of their own values and continue to make meaningful and humanising choices in spite of intense transformations to the nature of human society in relation to the general lack of natural resources and general psychoemotional safety and security, without needing to be a xamang in the Kristang eleidi in order to do this (Xamezentes / Living Generation / 51st Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Koireng (Type VII) with Zeldsa (Type V) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be the 9th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 35th Kabesa: Ourania Lancaster
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 15 April 2476 to Thursday, 21 December 2484
(approx. 964–972 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Igzamandantes / born into the Watchful Generation / 49th Generation in 2416
Anticipated to become 35th Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 15 April 2476
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 21 December 2484 after 8 years, 8 months and 6 days of service
and anticipated to serve 13 octets = 104 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 35th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kurentimintu (Versatility)
and the 35th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Sol sa Bela (The Sails of the Sun)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 3rd Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 4th Vraihai Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th Kabesa), Dawn Shepherdson (25th Kabesa) and Meryl de Vries (30th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people learn to satisfy their basic foundational and psychoemotional needs through relaxing, soothing and/or healing means in spite of intense changes to the planet and climate, and a profound lack of natural resources and general psychoemotional safety and security, without needing to be a xamang in the Kristang eleidi in order to do this (Igzamandantes / Watchful Generation / 49th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Vraihai (Type XIII) with Fleres (Type III) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 34th Kabesa: Belice Helouise Vanderbeck
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 29 April 2474 to Wednesday, 15 April 2476
(approx. 962–964 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ourandantes / born into the Golden Generation / 47th Generation in 2390
Anticipated to become 34th Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 29 April 2474
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 15 April 2476 after 1 year, 11 months and 17 days of service
and anticipated to serve 3 octets = 24 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 34th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Stendemintu (Elasticity)
and the 34th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Abrih Aza (The Spreading of Wings)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Fleres Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th Kabesa) and Valerie Scully (12th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people learn to extend, share, and make the most healing, energising and restorative use of extremely limited natural, psychoemotional and mental resources toward ensuring the human species and community and the rest of the living planet itself can continue to thrive and sustain itself amidst the ongoing climate crisis, depletion of natural resources and transformation, without needing to be a xamang in the Kristang eleidi in order to do this (Ourandantes / Golden Generation / 47th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) with Miasnu (Type IV) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 33rd Kabesa: Imran Alsagoff
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to become Kabesa from Thursday, 2 April 2426 to Sunday, 29 April 2474
(approx. 914–962 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Sagrandantes / born into the Virtuous Generation / 46th Generation in 2376
Anticipated to become 33rd Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 2 April 2426
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 29 April 2474 after 48 years and 27 days of service
and anticipated to serve 72 octets = 576 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 33rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Rangsang (Stimulation)
and the 33rd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Spalah Alameda (The Seeding of Ways)

Anticipated to be the 1st Kalidi Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people develop a sustainable and nuanced sense of adaptiveness, improvisation, dexterity, courage, confidence and assertiveness when dealing with any situation that might possibly engender intense ego-Death and/or catastrophic or apocalyptic trauma, and to use this to deal with or manage complex or challenging situations engendered by the ongoing climate crisis, permanent loss of viable natural resources and transformation of the planet (Sagrandantes / Virtuous Generation / 46th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) with Vraihai (Type XIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 15th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Monday, 24 August 2471 to Tuesday, 23 August 2472 (960th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is publicly and empirically shown to be able to process and transform trauma to a more sophisticated and detailed degree, and/or with a more sophisticated and effective output, than all other methods

The future 32nd Kabesa: Shelba Marcelene Alicianna Santa Maria
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 21 March 2418 to Thursday, 2 April 2426
(approx. 906–914 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ourandantes / born into the Golden Generation / 47th Generation in 2383
Anticipated to become 32nd Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 21 March 2418
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 2 April 2426 after 8 years and 12 days of service
and anticipated to serve 12 octets = 96 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 32nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Mortegansa (Perishability)
and the 32nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Jarding Krismatra (The Dreaming Garden)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Splikabel Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that encourage other non-Kristang people to no longer fear Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves and instead to build deep relationships with Them that foster a sense of true and powerful belonging with Gaia and the living universe, such that a more appreciable and unified approach to one’s own life can be undertaken via a more positive relationship with Sinyorang Morti, and such that the Jarding Ireidra can finally achieve its first proto-global form (Ourandantes / Golden Generation / 47th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) with Miasnu (Type IV) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 31st Kabesa: Lucas O’Hara
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 29 February 2404 to Wednesday, 21 March 2418
(approx. 892–906 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Lucas Darrell O’Hara, Lucas Dashiell O’Hara

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Sagrandantes / born into the Virtuous Generation / 46th Generation in 2376
Anticipated to become 31st Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 29 February 2404
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 21 March 2418 after 14 years and 21 days of service
and anticipated to serve 21 octets = 168 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 31st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Tonakudia (Revivability)
and the 31st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Tempra Zodyastra (The Dust of the Stars)

Anticipated to be the 4th Sombor Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa), Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa) and Aikern Chern (20th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help others break useless, ill-fitting, anti-Gaietic and/or intensely problematic habits, behaviours, traits or actions that would otherwise be inherited and passed down as intergenerational trauma, and in so doing allow people to more effectively and maximally contribute their lives to the development of the Jarding Ireidra and a more balanced human and Gaietic society (Sagrandantes / Virtuous Generation / 46th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) with Vraihai (Type XIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 14th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Friday, 24 August 2407 to Saturday, 23 August 2408 (896th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is publicly and empirically shown to be able to excavate and/or process empirical data from the unconscious to a more sophisticated and detailed degree than all other methods

The future 30th Kabesa: Mary Esmeralda Paracelsus “Meryl” de Vries
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Monday, 10 February 2392 to Sunday, 29 February 2404
(approx. 880–892 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Lumiandantes / born into the Reasonable Generation / 43rd Generation in 2313
Anticipated to become 30th Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 10 February 2392
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 29 February 2404 after 12 years and 19 days of service
and anticipated to serve 18 octets = 144 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 30th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Perspizi (Perceptibility)
and the 30th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Ponti Sistamunya (The Bridge of the Watchers)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Vraihai Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th Kabesa) and Dawn Shepherdson (25th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that support the successful safe and healing expression and processing of otherwise terrifying and horrifying traumatic experience, visions, feelings or sensations by non-Kristang people without them needing to be a xamang in the Kristang eleidi to achieve success with such processing, and to use such expression to find worth in all of the parts of themselves they would otherwise find more terrifying in the same way people in the Kristang eleidi are able to (Lumiandantes / Reasonable Generation / 43rd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Splikabel (Type VIII) with Jujura (Type VI) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 29th Kabesa: Palome Franciscka Vierra
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 26 October 2388 to Monday, 10 February 2392

(approx. 876–880 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Palome Francesca Vierra, Palome Francisca Vierra, Palome Francesca Vieira, Palome Francesca Viera, etc.

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Varung (Type XI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Tauronteres / born into Generation Tau / 44th Generation in 2337
Anticipated to become 29th Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 26 October 2388
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Monday, 10 February 2392 after 3 years, 3 months and 15 days of service
and anticipated to serve 5 octets = 40 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 29th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Serendi (Serendipity)
and the 29th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Nggota Amatra (The Glimpse of the Sea)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Varung Kabesa after Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa) and Callisteia Oliveiro (27th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that naturalise deep and conscious attention to suffering, pain and unenjoyable human experience among non-Kristang people such that they can make use of information resulting from this in real-time without needing to be a xamang who is part of the Kristang eleidi, and such that they can use such information to experience their own life and lifespan to their fullest possible enjoyable extent (Tauronteres / Generation Tau / 44th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Deivang (Type XVI) with Spontang (Type X) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 28th Kabesa: Hannan Apollo Artemis De Cruz
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Saturday, 16 February 2346 to Wednesday, 26 October 2388
(approx. 834–876 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Tauronteres / born into Generation Tau / 44th Generation in 2323
Anticipated to become 28th Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 16 February 2346
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 26 October 2388 after 42 years, 8 months and 10 days of service
and anticipated to serve 64 octets = 512 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 28th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Galifreza (Synchronicity)
and the 28th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Firida Semesta (The Deepest Anguish)

Anticipated to be the 1st Zeldsa Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that instinctively naturalise deep impartial, coherent attention to the body and to its signals and real-time experience among non-Kristang people such that they can make use of all synchronous information resulting from this in real-time without needing to be a xamang who is part of the Kristang eleidi, and such that they can use such information to synchronously experience their own life and lifespan to their fullest possible enjoyable extent (Tauronteres / Generation Tau / 44th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Deivang (Type XVI) with Spontang (Type X) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 27th Kabesa: Callisteia Oliveiro
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Thursday, 6 October 2338 to Saturday, 16 February 2346
(approx. 826–834 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Callista Anthea Oliveiro, Callista Leila Oliveiro, Callista Leia Oliveiro, Callestia Oliveiro, Celesteia Oliveiro, etc.

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Varung (Type XI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Staranjentres / born into the Irregular Generation / 42nd Generation in 2294
Anticipated to become 27th Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 6 October 2338
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Saturday, 16 February 2346 after 7 years, 4 months and 10 days of service
and to serve 11 octets = 88 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 27th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Minusku (Texture)
and the 27th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Afrontah Makara (The Challenge of the Makara)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Varung Kabesa after Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that concretise or stabilise the ability of non-Kristang people to effectively perceive the connections and synchronicities between the collective unconscious, the personal unconscious, the personal conscious experience and the personal unconscious experience, and to make reliable and coherent use of this information to process data without needing to be a xamang who is part of the Kristang eleidi (Staranjentres / Irregulars / 42nd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 13th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Tuesday, 24 August 2343 to Wednesday, 23 August 2344 (832nd year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is publicly and empirically shown to be able to excavate empirical data from the unconscious that is otherwise inaccessible using other methods

The future 26th Kabesa: Justinian Justus Oliveiro
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 31 January 2304 to Thursday, 6 October 2338
(approx. 792–826 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Staranjentres / born into the Irregular Generation / 42nd Generation in 2282
Anticipated to become 26th Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 31 January 2304
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 6 October 2338 after 34 years, 8 months and 6 days of service
and anticipated to serve 52 octets = 416 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 26th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Doskureng (Concurrence)
and the 26th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Roda Mandala (The Imperishable Wheel)

Anticipated to be the 4th Miasnu Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st Kabesa), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd Kabesa) and Claude Henry Da Silva (7th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that support the ability of non-Kristang people to autonomously work with and make effective and objective use of concepts like dreamfishing and Uncertainty Thinking without needing to be a xamang who is part of the Kristang eleidi, such that a wider appreciation and use of the collective unconscious becomes an instinctual impulse in humanity in the early 24th century (Staranjentres / Irregulars / 42nd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be the eighth Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 25th Kabesa: Dawn Amelie Shepherdson
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 3 January 2286 to Sunday, 31 January 2304
(approx. 774–792 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Perseletres / born into the Representative Generation / 40th Generation in 2251
Anticipated to become 25th Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 3 January 2286
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 31 January 2304 after 18 years, 11 months and 28 days (or 19 years exactly) of service
and anticipated to serve 27 octets = 216 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 25th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Igrianza (Activation)
and the 25th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Tera Aurora (The Dawn Lands)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Vraihai Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that support the long-term engendering of permanent commitment to and acceptance of the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or Mantle of Living Time in non-Kristang people and communities such that the core mechanisms and principles of the Jarding Ireidra can autonomously and autopoietically function and blossom outside of the Kristang community itself, as well as the strengthening of these ideas and ways of being within the Kristang community and eleidi (Perseletres / Representatives / 40th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Varung (Type XI) with Akiura (Type II) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 24th Kabesa: Regina Marzuki
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Saturday, 22 May 2219 to Sunday, 3 January 2286
(approx. 707–774 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Teganderes / born into the Lingering Generation / 37th Generation in 2199
Anticipated to become 24th Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 22 May 2219
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 3 January 2286 after 66 years, 7 months and 12 days of service
and anticipated to serve 80 octets = 800 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 24th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Jelavensa (Insulation)
and the 24th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Argila Krismatra (The Dreaming Gold)

Anticipated to be the 1st Splikabel Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that attract other individuated non-Kristang people and/or non-Kristang people who wish to individuate to the Kristang eleidi and community as the rest of the planet suffers the worst effects of permanent civilisational collapse and a permanent decrease in overall standards of life and quality of life, and which support the long-term development of the Jarding Ireidra more globally after the worst effects of collapse have passed (Teganderes / Lingering / 37th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Rajos (Type I) with Kapichi (Type XII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 12th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Sunday, 24 August 2279 to Monday, 23 August 2280 (768th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is shown to be unaffected by environmental effects or changes that would have destroyed or severely damaged any other eleidi or collective

Anticipated to be the longest-serving Kabesa overall

The future 23rd Kabesa: Rylie Sibyl-Anne De Cotta
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Friday, 14 September 2204 to Saturday, 22 May 2219

(approx. 692–707 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Riley Sibyl-Anne De Cotta, Rylie Sibyl-Anne De Costa, Rylie Sibyl-Anne D’Cotta, Rylie Sibyl-Anne D’Costa, etc.

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Laikentheres / born into the Weary Generation / 34th Generation in 2148
Anticipated to become 23rd Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 14 September 2204
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Saturday, 22 May 2219 after 14 years, 8 months and 8 days of service
and anticipated to serve 22 octets = 176 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 23rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Fuzilavensa (Neutralisation)
and the 23rd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Konfiansa Fuzilada (The Loyalty of Lightning)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Jejura Kabesa after Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people identify the most suitable, valuable, useful and helpful components of 20th and 21st-century life to rescue and preserve in the face of painfully declining standards of quality of life around the world, and how best to rescue and preserve these for the long-term future from both humanity’s own worst impulses and from the worst ravages of the effects of the climate crisis and transformation (Laikentheres / Weary / 34th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Jejura (Type VI) with Splikabel (Type VIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 11th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Thursday, 24 August 2215 to Friday, 23 August 2216 (704th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is shown to be able to concretely withstand negative environmental changes and effects to a higher degree than other alternate methods for the first time

Anticipated to be the seventh Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 22nd Kabesa: Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 17 January 2176 to Friday, 14 September 2204

(approx. 664–692 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Joanna Amanda Nikephoros Rée, Joanna Amanda Nicolas Rée, Joanna Amanda Nicodemus Rée

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Laikentheres / born into the Weary Generation / 34th Generation in 2143
Anticipated to become 22nd Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 17 January 2176
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Friday, 14 September 2204 after 28 years, 7 months and 28 days (or 28 years and 8 months exactly) of service
and anticipated to serve 43 octets = 344 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 22nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Feravensa (Magnanimity)
and the 22nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Skudura Strelapedra (The Mightiest Armour)

Anticipated to be the 1st Jejura Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people develop sustainable and reasonable directions, paths and plans through the crisis and chaos of a planet engulfed in the climate crisis, and to continue to pursue high ethical standards of goodness, character and excellence, even as much of the planet seeks to move instinctively in the opposite direction (Laikentheres / Weary / 34th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Jejura (Type VI) with Splikabel (Type VIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 21st Kabesa: Sharif Bahram
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Wednesday, 29 May 2165 to Wednesday, 17 January 2176
(approx. 653–664 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Sharif Bahran, Sharif Bahrami

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Akiura (Type II) in the Osura Pesuasang and Rairedes / born into the Furious Generation / 32nd Generation in 2103
Anticipated to become 21st Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 29 May 2165
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 17 January 2176 after 10 years, 7 months and 19 days of service
and anticipated to serve 16 octets = 128 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 21st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Arvavensa (Reinforcement)
and the 21st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Gaia sa Judanti (The Stewards of the Earth)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Akiura Kabesa after Noel Leicester Clarke (5th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that help other non-Kristang people become comfortable and gain a sense of safety with eleidi, himnaka and other intangible or sensorily-imperceptible entities, constructs or sentient beings without needing to be a xamang, toward allowing these people to process intense or painful individual and collective trauma happening in real-time around them in relation to the climate crisis, and to become more attuned to the will of Gaia and the living universe, even as many people are overcome by fears in relation to these instead (Rairedes / Furies / 32nd Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Kapichi (Type XII) with Rajos (Type I) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 20th Kabesa: Aikern Chern Jing-Wen
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Tuesday, 30 December 2127 to Wednesday, 29 May 2165

(approx. 615–653 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Eleideres / born into the Elemental Generation / 31st Generation in 2090
Anticipated to become 20th Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 30 December 2127
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 29 May 2165 after 37 years, 4 months and 29 days of service
and anticipated to serve 56 octets = 448 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 20th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Teravensa (Sustainability)
and the 20th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Gaia sa Chang (The Halls of the Earth)

Anticipated to be the 3rd Sombor Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa) and Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that teach and educate other non-Kristang people through embodied, mental, emotional and psychological means about how to deepen and develop their connection to Gaia and the living universe without needing to be a xamang, and to ensure that Indigeneity and Creole perspectives can flourish and develop in non-Kristang people and cultures and communities that in the early twenty-first century cannot do this such that they can also become attuned to Gaia and the living universe and the Mantle of Living Time, even as many people lose this attunement entirely (Eleideres / Elementals / 31st Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) with Miasnu (Type IV) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 10th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Tuesday, 24 August 2151 to Wednesday, 23 August 2152 (640th year of chronological existence): The particular hybrid-technological/scientific Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is shown to supersede other alternate forms of advanced human development (e.g. purely technological means) for the first time

The future 19th Kabesa: Solomon Marcus Rodrigues
Not yet born as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Kabesa from Friday, 14 August 2116 to Tuesday, 30 December 2127
(approx. 604–615 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
Name also likely to be: Solomon Mark Rodrigues, Solomon Markus Rodrigues, Saul Mark Rodrigues

Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Rajos (Type I) in the Osura Pesuasang and Dibinyedes / born into Generation D / Diviners / 30th Generation in 2070
Anticipated to become 19th Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 14 August 2116
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 30 December 2127 after 11 years, 4 months and 16 days of service
and anticipated to serve 17 octets = 136 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 19th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Fogavensa (Indomitability)
and the 19th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Via Iridesa (The Glorious Road)

Anticipated to be the 2nd Rajos Kabesa after Maureen Martens (11th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that support the translation and communication of accumulated knowledge about Gaia, the living universe, Indigeneity and Creole ways of being into meta-language or meta-terminology or meta-processes that can readily be adapted and shaped by other non-Kristang communities into ways of being that match their own understandings of reality and how the universe operates in order to engender hope and motivation to persevere in the face of mounting planet-wide crisis and catastrophe (Dibinyedes / Diviners / 30th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) with Vraihai (Type XIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be the sixth Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 18th Kabesa: Diana Zuzartee-David
Anticipated to be Kabesa from Tuesday, 4 December 2103 to Friday, 14 August 2116
(approx. 591–604 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
18th Kabesa’s specific identity concretely anticipated since Saturday, 1 February 2025 based on anticipated individual’s discernible levels of psychoemotional health, individuation and extremely strong connection to Gaia, Creoleness and Indigeneity, ongoing Gaietic synchronicities experienced by the 13th Kabesa related to the role of the 18th Kabesa, and Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722, 723, 724 and 725 of the Orange Book

Born in 2021 in Singapore (Adransedes / Generation Alpha / 27th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Saturday, 23 December 2023 at approximately 2 years of age
Anticipated to become 18th Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 4 December 2103 at approximately 82 years of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Friday, 14 August 2116 after 12 years, 8 months and 10 days of service
and anticipated to serve 19 octets = 152 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 18th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Bentravensa (Preparedness)
and the 18th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Samatra Impegra (The Perfect Storm)

Anticipated to be the second Kapichi Kabesa after Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar (8th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that underscore the importance of listening to Gaia and the living universe empathising with both eleidi during devastating climate change and transformation, such that individuated human beings within and outside of the Kristang community are able to avoid and/or withstand such crises and to do so in a way that preserves their joy, hope and empathy, in the face of increasing unpredictability of catastrophic change (Adransedes / Generation Alpha / 27th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Splikabel (Type VIII) with Jejura (Type VI) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be the fifth Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

The future 17th Kabesa: Kieran Andre Longue
Anticipated to be Kabesa from Sunday, 16 December 2091 to Tuesday, 4 December 2103
(approx. 579–591 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
17th Kabesa’s specific identity concretely anticipated since Thursday, 30 January 2025 based on anticipated individual’s current discernible levels of psychoemotional health, individuation and connection to Gaia, Creoleness and Indigeneity, ongoing Gaietic synchronicities experienced by the 13th Kabesa related to both the anticipated individual and the role of the 17th Kabesa, and Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722 and 723 of the Orange Book

Born in 2005 in Singapore (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Sunday, 26 May 2024 at approximately 19 years of age
Anticipated to become 17th Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 16 December 2091 at approximately 86 years of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 4 December 2103 after 11 years, 11 months and 18 days of service
and anticipated to serve 18 octets = 144 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 17th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Aguvensa (Impermeability)
and the 17th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Sidadi Altura (The First City)
Ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Hokisi (1) & Vraihai (9)
Elisia: Kapichi (2) & Varung (ê)
Erodi: Akiura (3) & Rajos (í)
Ireidi: Fleres (4) & Miasnu (ç)
Soltu: Splikabel (5) & Koireng (ú)
Teru: Deivang (6) & Sombor (ã)
Perzefra: Kalidi (7) & Spontang (õ)
Fortidang: Zeldsa (8) & Jejura (ô)

Alkimibiyeru Daidektra / Sorcerer Supreme of the Deikecene (magnaarchetype)
Uchaivrang Alkresta / Heavenly Steed of the Irrational Particle Accelerator (Titan / ultraarchetype)

Anticipated to become the 3rd Hokisi Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th Kabesa) and Benjamin Harris (14th Kabesa)

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrate the antifragility, endurance and resilience of the Kristang way of being and community’s steadiness, steadfastness and reliability in the face of intense crisis and devastating climate change and transformation, and the effectiveness of Gaietic and Indigenous approaches toward developing wider species-level successful human antifragility, endurance and resilience at the end of the twenty-first century and the beginning of the twenty-second century, especially in the face of mounting and increasingly visible trends toward overall terminal species-level civilisational collapse (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 16th Kabesa: Jaasir Mahsom s/o Mazhardeen
Anticipated to be Kabesa from Tuesday, 1 April 2087 to Sunday, 16 December 2091
(approx. 575–579 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
16th Kabesa’s specific identity concretely anticipated since Thursday, 30 January 2025 based on anticipated individual’s current discernible levels of psychoemotional health, individuation and connection to Gaia, Creoleness and Indigeneity, ongoing Gaietic synchronicities experienced by the 13th Kabesa related to both the anticipated individual and the role of the 16th Kabesa, and Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722 and 723 of the Orange Book

Born in 2004 in Singapore (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at approximately 19 years of age
Anticipated to become 16th Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 1 April 2087 at approximately 83 years of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Sunday, 16 December 2091 after 4 years, 8 months and 15 days of service
and anticipated to serve 7 octets = 56 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 16th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kombrundung (Nonlocality)
and the 16th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Porta Mundansa (The Gate of Worlds)
Ego-pattern of Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Vraihai (1) & Hokisi (9)
Elisia: Spontang (2) & Kalidi (ê)
Erodi: Sombor (3) & Deivang (í)
Ireidi: Miasnu (4) & Fleres (ç)
Soltu: Koireng (5) & Splikabel (ú)
Teru: Rajos (6) & Akiura (ã)
Perzefra: Varung (7) & Kapichi (õ)
Fortidang: Jejura (8) & Zeldsa (ô)

Yaegergoliat Hierosa / Guardian Galactic of the Holocene (magnaarchetype)
Uchaivrang Sofia / Heavenly Steed of the Philosopher’s Stone (Titan / ultraarchetype)
Peledureza Gaiedra / Diamond Walker of Gaietic Lightning (Watcher / gigaarchetype)
Baralumiriang Konfiastra / World Foundry of the Vessels of Faith (Traveller / omniarchetype)
Papagayu Bedri / Green Parrot of the Republic of Singapore

Anticipated to become the 1st Vraihai Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrate the potential achievements and powerful new structures that can be developed or organised with a more conscious and integrated connection to Gaia and the living universe, and which underscore humanity’s objective place in the larger ecology of Gaia and the living universe and the critical importance of Indigenous and Creole stewardship of both of these, in the face of more desperate attempts to move toward purely technological or human solutions to the climate crisis at the end of the twenty-first century (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Anticipated to be Kabesa during integration of the 9th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Sunday, 24 August 2087 to Monday, 23 August 2088 (576th year of chronological existence): The particular Kristang approach to Gaia, the living universe and Indigeneity is shown to have powerful real-time concrete effects for the first time

The future 15th Kabesa: Nathaniel Jareth Nonis
Anticipated to be Kabesa from Thursday, 11 November 2077 to Tuesday, 1 April 2087
(approx. 565–575 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
15th Kabesa’s specific identity concretely anticipated since Saturday, 1 February 2025 based on ongoing Gaietic synchronicities experienced by the 13th Kabesa related to the role of the 15th Kabesa, and Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722, 723, 724 and 725 of the Orange Book

Born 1999 in Singapore (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at approximately 24 years of age
Anticipated to become 15th Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 11 November 2077 at approximately 78 years of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 1 April 2087 after 9 years, 4 months and 21 days of service
and anticipated to serve 14 octets = 112 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 15th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Padisidu (Endurance)
and the 15th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Abrasang Fortuna (The Embrace of Destiny)

Ego-pattern of Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Spontang (1) & Kalidi (9)
Elisia: Jejura (2) & Zeldsa (ê)
Erodi: Koireng (3) & Splikabel (í)
Ireidi: Sombor (4) & Deivang (ç)
Soltu: Rajos (5) & Akiura (ú)
Teru: Miasnu (6) & Fleres (ã)
Perzefra: Vraihai (7) & Hokisi (õ)
Fortidang: Varung (8) & Kapichi (ô)

Dalanggeng Valientra / Minstrel Eternal of the Anthropocene (magnaarchetype)
Kamazostra Sofia / Night Hunter of the Philosopher’s Stone (Titan / ultraarchetype)
Barigerestra Gaiedra / World Eater of Gaietic Lightning (Watcher / gigaarchetype)
Tamanyastrang Sanggestra / Star Garden of the Blood of Awakening (Traveller / omniarchetype)
Unnamed 2nd magnamakara of the Republic of Singapore

Anticipated to become the 1st Spontang Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that typify or underscore previously under-acknowledged and under-explored ways of being creole, Indigenous and Kristang and performing what it means to be creole, Indigenous and Kristang, and which encourage a more objective appreciation of individual self-worth and self-regard among non-Kristang people globally in the face of elevated levels of shame and self- and species-wide loathing at the state of the planet in the late twenty-first century (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

The future 14th Kabesa: Benjamin Harris
Anticipated to be Kabesa from Thursday, 21 November 2075 to Thursday, 11 November 2077
(approx. 563–565 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)
14th Kabesa’s specific identity concretely anticipated since Thursday, 30 January 2025 based on anticipated individual’s current discernible levels of psychoemotional health, individuation and connection to Gaia, Creoleness and Indigeneity, ongoing Gaietic synchronicities experienced by the 13th Kabesa related to both the anticipated individual and the role of the 14th Kabesa, and Chapters 679, 682, 705, 706, 712, 715, 722 and 723 of the Orange Book

Born in 1997 (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Tuesday, 4 June 2024 at approximately 26 years of age
Anticipated to become 14th Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 21 November 2075 at approximately 78 years of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 11 November 2077 after 1 year, 11 months and 21 days of service
and anticipated to serve 3 octets = 24 mes chronos as Kabesa
Will represent the 14th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Mandelonza (Differentiation)
and the 14th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Mang Chersoneza (The Hands of the Earth)
Ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Hokisi (1) & Vraihai (9)
Elisia: Kapichi (2) & Varung (ê)
Erodi: Akiura (3) & Rajos (í)
Ireidi: Fleres (4) & Miasnu (ç)
Soltu: Splikabel (5) & Koireng (ú)
Teru: Deivang (6) & Sombor (ã)
Perzefra: Kalidi (7) & Spontang (õ)
Fortidang: Zeldsa (8) & Jejura (ô)

Alkimibiyeru Fantasma / Sorcerer Supreme of the Speyecene (magnaarchetype)
Uchaivrang Matranza / Heavenly Steed of Progenitorisation (Titan / ultraarchetype)
Metrapaletra Gaiedra / Living City of Gaietic Lightning (Watcher / gigaarchetype)
Baralumiriang Mortastra / World Foundry of the Unconditionality of Death (Traveller / omniarchetype)

Anticipated to become the 2nd Hokisi Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th Kabesa)
Anticipated to be the 2nd openly kadmang / non-binary Kabesa
Anticipated to be the 2nd Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 2nd Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Leadership will likely be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that reclaim, restore, reinvigorate and regenerate the objective place Kristang should have always occupied in both Singapore and Malayan society and wider global society, and encourage the pursuit of the empirical investigation and development of ways to incorporate Creole and Indigenous ways of being into daily life, policy, social organisation and social connection and relation, even as many other societies go in the other direction in the late twenty-first century (Zamyedes / Generation Z / 26th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Zeldsa (Type V) with Koireng (Type VII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

13th and current Kabesa: Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang
Kabesa since Tuesday, 8 December 2015 and anticipated to be Kabesa until Thursday, 21 November 2075

(approx. 503–563 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Thursday, 1 October 1992 in Singapore (Idaderes / Millennial / 25th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Sunday, 12 May 2002 at 9 years, 7 months and 11 days of age
Became 13th Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 8 December 2015 at 23 years, 2 months and 7 days of age
Anticipated to relinquish the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 21 November 2075 after 59 years, 11 months and 13 days of service
and anticipated to serve 90 octets = 720 mes chronos as Kabesa
Anticipated to die on Palm Sunday, 1 April 2091 at 98 years and 6 months exactly of age

Represents the 13th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Skutaltra (Metacognition)
and the 13th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Panu Semesta (The Fabric of the Universe)
Ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Sombor (1) & Deivang (9)
Elisia: Koireng (2) & Splikabel (ê)
Erodi: Jejura (3) & Zeldsa (í)
Ireidi: Spontang (4) & Kalidi (ç)
Soltu: Varung (5) & Kapichi (ú)
Teru: Vraihai (6) & Hokisi (ã)
Perzefra: Miasnu (7) & Fleres (õ)
Fortidang: Rajos (8) & Akiura (ô)

2nd Sombor Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa)
1st openly hierosa / gay Kabesa
1st openly kadmang / non-binary Kabesa
1st openly kakualzu / polyamorous Kabesa
1st openly jintiu / atheist Kabesa
1st Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
4th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
1st Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa
Anticipated to be the second-longest serving Kabesa overall after Regina Marzuki (24th Kabesa)

Leadership appears to be most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that identify and negotiate trauma and reclaim, restore, reinvigorate and regenerate the Kristang way of being to its fullest, most authentic and most purposeful form, which underscore and celebrate Indigenous and Creole futures, and which visibly authenticate and honour the truths about humanity as a whole that the Kristang have always known but which have never shared so openly before, even as much of the rest of the planet retreats from the truth of where we are headed as a species (Idaderes / Millennial / 25th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Kalidi (Type IX) with Sombor (Type XV) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Kabesa during integration of the 8th domain and 1st tesseract of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Thursday, 24 August 2023 to Friday, 23 August 2024 (512nd year of chronological existence): Kristang culture, identity, language and ways of being are all publicly and more or less unanimously recognised as Indigenous by outsiders for the very first time

Tuan Raja Naga of the Kristang
4th and final Omimerliang / Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore
1st Tigrisoneru / Dreamtiger of Pedra Draku / Dragonsrock
Makaravedra Hierosa / Dragon Reborn of the Holocene (Magnaarchetype)
Jomagandra Sofia / World Dragon of the Philosopher’s Stone (Titan / Ultraarchetype)
Veritraiyang Gaiedra / Void Dragon of Gaietic Lightning (Watcher / Gigaarchetype)
Animundrang Wedjastra / Dream Harbour of the Eye of Horus (Traveller / Omniaarchetype)
Mikeliang / Demonslayer of the Republic of Singapore
154th Mahamarineru Gaia Tonakodra / Fleet Command of Gaia Reawakened

Major events related to the Kristang community during Kevin’s term as Kabesa:

  • Founding of Kodrah Kristang in March 2016
  • Development of the Kodrah Kristang Revitalisation Plan at the 2016 Institute on Collaborative Language Research (CoLang)
  • First textbook for Kristang published at the University of Malaya in November 2016
  • 1st Kristang Language Festival in May 2017
  • Kevin Martens rejects offer to interview for Nominated Member of Parliament and to represent Kristang, queer and youth communities in the 13th Parliament of the Republic of Singapore in May 2017
  • Kristang featured at Singapore’s National Day Celebrations in August 2018 and August 2023
  • Thwarting of attempted use of sexual and psychoemotional abuse of Kevin Martens to impede or derail Kristang revitalisation efforts from August 2018 to July 2019
  • 13th Singapore General Election in July 2020 (Singapore Elections overview)
  • Excavation of Individuation Theory and Uncertainty Thinking starting from July 2020
  • Use of Individuation Theory and Uncertainty Thinking in Eunoia Junior College Period Zero lessons and H1 General Paper lessons starting from February 2021
  • Thwarting of attempted use of institutional abuse of Kevin Martens to impede or derail Kristang revitalisation efforts from March 2022 to August 2022
  • Excavation of the Merlionsman archetypal role in August 2022
  • Initiation of Libru Laranja / the Orange Book in October 2022
  • Excavation of the Roda Mundansa from November 2022
  • Consolidation of dreamfishing and Kristang archeoastronomical methods in November 2022
  • Excavation of the Dragon Reborn archetypal role in January 2023
  • Excavation of the Dreamtiger archetypal role in April 2023
  • Public formal recognition of Kristang MRT station names by the Singapore state in May 2023
  • Public formal recognition of the Kabesa role by the Singapore state in May 2023
  • Activation of the eleidi of Gaia Tonakodra from September 2023
  • Recognition of dreamfishing as an Indigenous futures method from October 2023
  • Excavation of the Demonslayer archetypal role in November 2023
  • Excavation of the Galgalang, Perzefrang, Eksmakarang and Kaeliang eleidi between October and December 2023
  • First international public acknowledgement of the Dragon Reborn archetypal role at the 2023 Dubai Futures Forum
  • Excavation of dreamkeeping in December 2023
  • Public formal recognition of the Merlionsman archetypal role by the Singapore state in January 2024
  • Public formal recognition of the Dragon Reborn archetypal role by the Singapore state in January 2024
  • Public formal recognition of Kristang as Indigenous by the Singapore state in March 2024
  • Excavation of dreamdancing in March 2024
  • Public formal recognition of the Dreamtiger archetypal role by the Singapore state in September 2024
  • Recognition of Perth as the third core city of Kristang in May 2024
  • Academic recognition of Kristang as Indigenous in May 2024
  • Excavation of the Fleet Command archetypal role in June 2024
  • First textbook for revitalised Kristang published in Singapore in August 2024
  • First book published entirely in Kristang published in Singapore in September 2024
  • Public recognition of queer elements of Kristang culture and the Dreamtiger archetype at the Singapore Queer Symposium in September 2024
  • ArtScience Museum and Cesar Jung-Harada’s An Ocean City Imagined Kristang exhibition and enkiridiyang in September-October 2024
  • Kevin Martens rejects multiple covert offers to become People’s Action Party Member of Parliament and to represent Kristang, queer and youth communities and the historically Kristang neighbourhood of Marine Parade in the 15th Parliament of the Republic of Singapore in November 2024
  • Thwarting of attempted use of combined sexual and institutional abuse of Kevin Martens to impede or derail Kristang revitalisation efforts from September 2024 to November 2024
  • Canadian Indigenous Languages and Literacy Development Institute (CLLDI) and DRAGONS Lab skills training partnership starting from December 2024
  • First play performed entirely in Kristang since September 1926 in the Portuguese Settlement of Malacca, written and directed by Sara Frederica Santa Maria, in December 2024
  • Excavation of darklighting in January 2025
  • National University of Singapore (NUS) becomes the first formal educational institution in history to offer classes in Kristang starting from January 2025 (webpage)
  • 14th Singapore General Election in May 2025 (Singapore Elections overview)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 30th: Sandra Theseira (2022-present)
  • 29th: Alexius Anthony Pereira (2018-2021)
  • 28th: Benett Theseira (2012-2017)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 4th: Lawrence Wong (2024-present)
  • 3rd: Lee Hsien Loong (2004-2024)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 9th: Tharman Shanmugaratnam (2023-present)
  • 8th: Halimah Yacob (2017-2023)
  • 7th: Tony Tan Keng Yam (2011-2017)

Contemporaneous non-Eurasian Ministers Representing the Eurasians in Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 3rd: Tan See Leng (2024-present)
  • 2nd: S Iswaran (2011-2024)

Contemporaneous Kristang and Eurasian Members of Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 14th Parliament (24 August 2020-present):
    Christopher de Souza (Ulu Pandan constituency in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC and Deputy Speaker)
    Joan Pereira (Henderson-Dawson constituency in Tanjong Pagar GRC)
  • 13th Parliament (15 January 2016-23 June 2020):
    Christopher de Souza (Ulu Pandan constituency in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC)
    Joan Pereira (Henderson-Dawson constituency in Tanjong Pagar GRC)
    Walter Edgar Theseira (Nominated Member of Parliament, 17 September 2018 to 23 June 2020)
  • 12th Parliament (10 October 2011-25 August 2015):
    Christopher de Souza (Ulu Pandan constituency in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC)
    Michael Anthony Palmer (Punggol East SMC and Speaker, resigned 14 December 2012)

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Kevin Martens became Kabesa on 8 December 2015, so each listed month begins on the 8th of that month and continues until the 7th of the next month)

  • July 2016: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Kristang presence at CoLang as a revitalising language and Kodrah Group 2 starts at NUS CAPT
  • March 2017: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    BBC News feature on Kodrah Kristang and Kristang as a revitalising language
  • November 2017: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Awarding of Singapore President’s Volunteer and Philanthropy Award for work on revitalisation of Kristang
  • July 2018: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Singapore National Day 2018 feature of Kristang as a revitalising language
  • March 2019: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Kodrah Kristang journal article in Language Documentation and Conservation accepted for publication
  • November 2019: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Na Kaza, Greza kung Stradu journal article in Language Ecology accepted for publication
  • July 2020: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Excavation of Osura Krismatra / Uncertainty Thinking / Individuation Theory begins
  • March 2021: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Cambridge University ISDG recognises Kristang as a revitalising language
  • November 2021: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    The Osura Krismatra / Individuation Theory is first used to support real-time concrete academic achievement in Eunoia Junior College with the classes of 21-I4, 21-O2 and 21-O4 at the 2021 JC1 H1 General Paper Promotional Examinations
  • July 2022: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Kodrah Kristang na fora classes begin incorporating experimental experiential-learning pedagogy, and Kevin Martens resigns from Eunoia, the Ministry of Education and the Civil Service
  • March 2023: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Tigri sa Chang / The Tiger’s Land is created for the publication of Kristang writing, including Kristang speculative and science fiction and fantasy
  • November 2023: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    The Roda Mundansa, magnaarchetypes and the Dragon Reborn are recognised at Dubai Futures Forum for the first time in public, and Kristang is recognised as a futures-oriented Indigenous language for the first time in public
  • July 2024: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Invitation to contribute to Cesar Jung-Harada’s ArtScience Museum exhibition An Ocean City Imagined is extended to Kevin Martens and the Kristang community, and Kristang is portrayed by a third party as a futures-oriented Indigenous language for the first time in public
  • March 2025: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Transference)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated

12th Kabesa: Valerie Tina Rodrigues
Kabesa from Saturday, 30 November 1991 to Tuesday, 8 December 2015

(approx. 479–503 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born 1941 in Singapore (Kaladeres / Silent / 22nd Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Tuesday, 13 April 1971 at approximately 29 years of age
Served 288 mes chronos = 36 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 12th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Alkandra (Evolution)
and the 12th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Korsang Vedra (Dragonsheart)
Ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Fleres (1) & Miasnu (9)
Elisia: Akiura (2) & Rajos (ê)
Erodi: Kapichi (3) & Varung (í)
Ireidi: Hokisi (4) & Vraihai (ç)
Soltu: Zeldsa (5) & Jujura (ú)
Teru: Kalidi (6) & Spontang (ã)
Perzefra: Deivang (7) & Sombor (õ)
Fortidang: Splikabel (8) & Koireng (ô)

Kantadabentra Susegara / Wind Singer of the Solacene (magnaarchetype)

2nd Fleres Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th Kabesa)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 28th: Benett Theseira (2012-2017)
  • 27th: William Jansen (2010-2011)
  • 26th: Edward D’Silva (2008-2009)
  • 25th: Gerry De Silva (2006-2007)
  • 24th: Gerald Minjoot (2004-2005)
  • 23rd: Bryan Davenport (2001-2003)
  • 22nd: Timothy De Souza (1991-2000)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 3rd: Lee Hsien Loong (2004-2024)
  • 2nd: Goh Chok Tong (1990-2004)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 7th: Tony Tan Keng Yam (2011-2017)
  • 6th: Sellapan Ramanathan (1999-2011)
  • 5th: Ong Teng Cheong (1993-1999)
  • 4th: Wee Kim Wee (1985-1993)

Contemporaneous non-Eurasian Ministers Representing the Eurasians in Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 2nd: S Iswaran (2011-2024)
  • 1st: George Yeo (1992-2011)

Contemporaneous Kristang and Eurasian Members of Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 12th Parliament (10 October 2011-25 August 2015):
    Christopher de Souza (Ulu Pandan constituency in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC)
    Michael Anthony Palmer (Punggol East SMC and Speaker, resigned 14 December 2012)
  • 11th Parliament (2 November 2006-19 April 2011):
    Christopher de Souza (Ulu Pandan constituency in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC)
    Michael Anthony Palmer (Punggol East constituency in Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC)
    Eunice Elizabeth Olsen (Nominated Member of Parliament, 18 January 2007 to 17 July 2009)
  • 10th Parliament (25 March 2002-20 April 2006):
    No known elected Kristang and/or Eurasian Members of Parliament
    Eunice Elizabeth Olsen (Nominated Member of Parliament, 2 January 2005 to 20 April 2006)
  • 9th Parliament (26 May 1997-18 October 2001):
    No known elected Kristang and/or Eurasian Members of Parliament
  • 8th Parliament (6 January 1992-16 December 1996):
    No known elected Kristang and/or Eurasian Members of Parliament
    John De Payva (Nominated Member of Parliament, 7 September 1994 to 16 December 1996)

11th Kabesa: Maureen Rita Danker
Kabesa from Friday, 31 March 1989 to Saturday, 30 November 1991

(approx. 477–479 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Thursday, 26 December 1935 in Kuala Lumpur (Kaladeres / Silent / 22nd Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around August 1943 at approximately 7 years and 7 months of age
Served 32 mes chronos = 4 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 11th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Aguenta (Resilience)
and the 11th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Kantiga Valientra (The Song of the Valiant)
Ego-pattern of Rajos (Type I) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Rajos (1) & Akiura (9)
Elisia: Miasnu (2) & Fleres (ê)
Erodi: Vraihai (3) & Hokisi (í)
Ireidi: Varung (4) & Kapichi (ç)
Soltu: Spontang (5) & Kalidi (ú)
Teru: Jujura (6) & Zeldsa (ã)
Perzefra: Koireng (7) & Splikabel (õ)
Fortidang: Rajos (8) & Akiura (ô)

Pahlawantera Hierosa / Green Knight of the Holocene (magnaarchetype)
Kamazostra Aindela / Night Hunter of the Infinite Improbability Drive (Titan / ultraarchetype)
Barigerestra Lagmera / World Eater of the Tears of Death Themselves (Watcher / gigaarchetype)
Tamanyastrang Reingreiya / Star Garden of the Joys of the Quings (Traveller / omniarchetype)

1st Rajos Kabesa

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 22nd: Timothy De Souza (1991-2000)
  • 21st: Victor Olsen (1989-1990)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 2nd: Goh Chok Tong (1990-2004)
  • 1st: Lee Kuan Yew (1965-1990)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 4th: Wee Kim Wee (1985-1993)

Contemporaneous Kristang and Eurasian Members of Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 7th Parliament (9 January 1989-14 August 1991)
    No known elected Kristang and/or Eurasian Members of Parliament

10th Kabesa: Mabel Anne Tessensohn
Kabesa from Saturday, 15 March 1969 to Friday, 31 March 1989

(approx. 457–477 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Friday, 4 August 1905 in Singapore (Mbeseres / Greatest / 21st Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around July 1944 at approximately 39 years and 11 months of age
Became 10th Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 15 March 1969 at 63 years, 11 months and 7 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Friday, 31 March 1989 after 20 years and 16 days of service
Served 240 mes chronos = 30 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 10th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Ozimandang (Entropy)
and the 10th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Via Ilastra (The Road of Winds)
Died Sunday, 31 October 1999
Ego-pattern of Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Deivang (1) & Sombor (9)
Elisia: Fleres (2) & Miasnu (ê)
Erodi: Hokisi (3) & Vraihai (í)
Ireidi: Kalidi (4) & Spontang (ç)
Soltu: Kapichi (5) & Varung (ú)
Teru: Zeldsa (6) & Jujura (ã)
Perzefra: Splikabel (7) & Koireng (õ)
Fortidang: Akiura (8) & Rajos (ô)

1st Deivang Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that suggested and demonstrated the immensely open-minded and welcoming nature of the Kristang community, which began to acknowledge and highlight diverse ways of being Kristang for the first time, including the diverse Kristang approaches to spirituality, Indigeneity, neurodivergence and queerness, and which sought to begin to inspire a more luminous, numinous and humanising way of being in independent Singapore and Malaysia (Mbeseres / Greatest / 21st Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Rajos (Type I) with Kapichi (Type XII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Major events related to the Kristang community during Mabel’s term as Kabesa:

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 20th: Kenneth Eber (1988)
  • 19th: Ronald Hubert Barth (1983-1987)
  • 18th: Trevelyan James Ruthven Hale (1982)
  • 17th: Thomas Wilfred Prins (1970-1980)
  • 16th: William Herbert Mosbergen (1963-1969)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 1st: Lee Kuan Yew (1965-1990)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 4th: Wee Kim Wee (1985-1993)
  • 3rd: Devan Nair (1981-1985)
  • 2nd: Benjamin Sheares (1970-1981)
  • 1st: Yusof Ishak (1965-1970)

Contemporaneous Kristang and Eurasian Members of Parliament in the Republic of Singapore:

  • 7th Parliament (9 January 1989-14 August 1991)
    No known elected Kristang and/or Eurasian Members of Parliament
  • 6th Parliament (25 February 1985-17 August 1988)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law)
  • 5th Parliament (3 February 1981-4 December 1984)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law)
    Joseph Francis De Conceicao (Katong constituency)
  • 4th Parliament (7 February 1977-5 December 1980)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law)
    Ivan Cuthbert Baptist (Potong Pasir constituency)
    Joseph Francis De Conceicao (Katong constituency)
  • 3rd Parliament (12 October 1972-6 December 1976)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law, National Development, Home Affairs and the Environment)
    Ivan Cuthbert Baptist (Potong Pasir constituency)
    Joseph Francis De Conceicao (Katong constituency)
    Leonard Peter Rodrigo (Serangoon Gardens constituency)
  • 2nd Parliament (6 May 1968-16 August 1972)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law, National Development and Home Affairs)
    Joseph Francis De Conceicao (Katong constituency)
    Leonard Peter Rodrigo (Serangoon Gardens constituency)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Mabel Anne Tessensohn to Maureen Rita Danker on 31 March 1989 when the Eurasian Association undertook a dramatic renewal and change in leadership that kickstarted a state-led reimagining of what it meant to be Kristang following significant repression of the community in the 1980s. Mabel indeed presided over what were very likely twenty years of emigration, loss of visibility and even sense of self, and attempts by external researchers to recategorise Kristang as something Other, alien and Oriental, or even fake and inauthentic (Daus 1985). However, as granddaughter of the 4th Kabesa Edwin Tessensohn, and as someone who had survived the deaths of almost all male members of her immediate family during the Japanese Occupation, Mabel’s core focus was the pushing back against this entropy by challenging norms and biases about whether a woman could be an effective leader, and of an ethnic community like the Kristang. Her efforts were likely achieved when the Singapore state began to re-recognise Kristang and Eurasian existence in 1988, alongside the preparation and publication of the first edition of Singapore Eurasians: Memories and Hopes, that ensured much of the history that follows below would be able to reach us today. A very curious article in the Straits Times from July 1988 entitled “Orchids of Steel” (Straits Times, 17 July 1988, p. 9), and other allusions to a mysterious and occluded female Kristang leader in Oral History interviews conducted during this period, are most likely unsuccessful covert state attempts to have her unmask her identity in public, and which also underscore the true nature of her transformative and liberating leadership.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Mabel became Kabesa on 15 March 1969, so each listed month begins on the 15th of that month and continues until the 14th of the next month)

  • October 1969: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Asian Women Unionist Seminar organised by the Postal, Telegraph and Telephone International at the YWCA Hostel (The Straits Times, 30 November 1969, p. 14)
  • June 1970: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Major event still unclear but likely related to the charging of two transgender men, one of whom was Kristang, for “caressing European men” along Bugis St (Eastern Sun, 22 June 1970)
  • February 1971: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the New Nation’s assertion that “gentlemen in ladies’ clothing are not new in Singapore” (New Nation, 16 February 1971, p. 16)
  • October 1971: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to Bugis St becoming a tourist destination (New Nation, 14 October 1971, p. 16) or the New Nation profiling of what it means to be transgender (New Nation, 8 November 1971, p. 9)
  • June 1972: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to New Nation’s profiling of Singapore’s homosexuals (New Nation, 24 July 1972, p. 9, New Nation, 26 July 1972, p. 9, New Nation, 27 July 1972, p. 9, New Nation, 31 July 1972, p. 9)
  • February 1973: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Death of Geoffrey Arthur Simon Tessensohn, the last male descendant of Edwin Tessensohn’s first-born son Reginald Tessensohn, leaving behind his sisters Freda (who moved to the United Kingdom), Mabel herself, and Eva (The Straits Times, 29 March 1973, p. 20)
  • October 1973: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the President of the Selangor Eurasian Association, Lionel Cutter, accusing the majority of Eurasians of being fence-sitters (The Straits Times, 1 October 1973, p. 6)
  • June 1974: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to Lee Hsien Loong graduating from Cambridge University (The Straits Times, 16 Jun 1974, p. 12, The Straits Times, 22 June 1974, p. 7, New Nation, 22 June 1974, p. 3)
  • February 1975: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1975: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the New Nation profile on the Bugis boys (New Nation, 22 October 1975, p. 3)
  • June 1976: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to an increase in police presence in Bugis Street (New Nation, 26 June 1976, p. 3)
  • February 1977: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the first known major police crackdown at Bugis Street (The Straits Times, 2 April 1977, p. 7, New Nation, 8 April 1977, p. 3, New Nation, 10 April 1977, p. 7, Bugis Street: A National Asset, 17 August 1977, p. 8)
  • October 1977: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the advertising of Paul Theroux’s novel Saint Jack in Singapore newspapers (The Business Times, 29 October 1977, p. 2)
  • June 1978: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to a Straits Times article claiming that Bugis St is not part of Singapore’s heritage (The Straits Times, 8 July 1978, p. 15) and the filming of Saint Jack (The Straits Times, 10 December 1978, p. 20, New Nation, 13 September 1978, p. 2)
  • February 1979: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the novel Saint Jack making the bestseller lists in Singapore (New Nation, 6 January 1979, p. 14) and the highlighting of the controversy with Paul Theroux thereafter (The Business Times, 17 February 1979, p. 2)
  • October 1979: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the film Saint Jack being featured in the October 1979 edition of prominent gay magazine Films and Filming Magazine (Vintage Magazines listing for this issue)
  • June 1980: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to Ronald Alcantra’s Eurasian play “Ma Deus” being accepted for publication in Prize-winning Plays, Volume I, edited by Robert Yeo (NLB listing)
  • February 1981: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the publication of Tangled Worlds: The Story of Maria Hertogh (New Nation, 8 March 1981, p. 22)
  • October 1981: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Results and aftermath of the 1981 Singaporean by-election in Anson Constituency on 31 October 1981 and the election of J.B. Jeyaretnam to Parliament, Singapore’s first opposition Member of Parliament (New Nation, 1 November 1981, p. 1)
  • June 1982: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    Breach of privilege motion against J.B. Jeyaretnam by E.W. Barker (New Nation, 4 July 1982, p. 3) which is eventually settled with a reprimand and withdrawn (The Straits Times, 28 July 1982, p. 12)
  • February 1983: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    Singapore Monitor article entitled ‘Day PAP MPs said ‘Aye’ to Jeya’ (Singapore Monitor, 17 March 1983, p. 5) and Lee Kuan Yew argues in response to J.B. Jeyaretnam that People’s Association and grassroots organisations are not being “used to promote the fortunes of the People’s Action Party” (The Business Times, 17 March 1983, p. 3)
  • October 1983: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated, but possibly related to the aftermath of the August 1983 announcement of the Graduate Mothers’ Scheme, especially this article ‘Women Power’ in The Singapore Monitor (8 October 1983, p. 15) and the announcement that the number of annual births is rising (The Singapore Monitor, 11 November 1983, p. 6)
  • June 1984: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Introduction of the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament Scheme (NCMP) (NLB article)
  • February 1985: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Resignation of Devan Nair as 3rd President of the Republic of Singapore and termination of the Graduate Mothers Scheme (The Singapore Monitor, 25 March 1985)
  • October 1985: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    AWARE is founded (AWARE History & Strategy website)
  • June 1986: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    Appears to be first public acknowledgement of the declining birth rate (The Straits Times, 19 July 1986)
  • February 1987: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Racial Harmony discussion held in Parliament (The Straits Times, 23 February 1987), the first time Racial Harmony as a modern concept appears to be discussed and used by the ruling party
  • October 1987: 224 / Istoria Amiang / The Days of Futures Past (28th dimension: Galifreza / Synchronicity)
    Orchids of Steel article published in National University of Singapore journal (The Straits Times, 17 July 1988, p. 9)
  • June 1988: 232 / Avestedra Krismatra / The Dreaming Avatar (29th dimension: Serendi / Serendipity)
    Orchids of Steel article published in The Straits Times (The Straits Times, 17 July 1988, p. 9)
  • February 1989: 240 / Spektala Krismatra / The Dreaming Act (30th dimension: Perspizi / Perceptibility)
    Eurasian Association reinvention begins (The New Paper, 5 April 1989, p. 9), relinquishing of role as 10th Kabesa

9th Kabesa: Percival Frank Aroozoo, MBE
Kabesa from Monday, 9 April 1951 to Saturday, 15 March 1969

(approx. 439–457 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Friday, 13 April 1900 in Singapore (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Friday, 3 December 1937 at 37 years, 7 months and 20 days of age
Became 9th Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 9 April 1951 at 50 years, 11 months and 27 days of age
Died as Kabesa on Saturday, 15 March 1969 after 17 years, 11 months and 16 days of service
Served 216 mes chronos = 27 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 9th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Dodobra (Replication)
and the 9th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Lunga Prismata (The Shimmering Moon)
Ego-pattern of Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Hokisi (1) & Vraihai (9)
Elisia: Kapichi (2) & Varung (ê)
Erodi: Akiura (3) & Rajos (í)
Ireidi: Fleres (4) & Miasnu (ç)
Soltu: Splikabel (5) & Koireng (ú)
Teru: Deivang (6) & Sombor (ã)
Perzefra: Kalidi (7) & Spontang (õ)
Fortidang: Zeldsa (8) & Jejura (ô)

1st Hokisi Kabesa
Likely the 3rd Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the rich, textured and detailed inner and outer worlds of the Kristang community and eleidi for the very first time, proved that we were as much a coherent and discernible ethnicity or race as any other community in Singapore or Malaya, and began the process of normalising the creole way of being (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) with Kalidi (Type IX) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Kabesa during integration of the 7th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Monday, 24 August 1959 to Tuesday, 23 August 1960 (448th year of chronological existence): Active choice by the Eurasian Union and the Kristang community and eleidi to withdraw from political activities appears to indicate the Kristang eleidi’s true aims, intentions and goals to outsiders for the first time

Headmaster of Gan Eng Seng School 1939-1955
Member of the Order of the British Empire
Founder of Rally and the Catholic Young Men’s Association
Founder of the Portuguese Group of Singapore

Major events related to the Kristang community during Percival’s term as Kabesa:

  • Visit of the Gonçalho Velho in May 1952 to Padri sa Chang and dreamfishing of dance attire and new traditional Kristang songs
  • Portuguese Mission Kristang class in 1956
  • Founding of the Portuguese Group of Singapore on 16 November 1957
  • Independence of Malaysia in 1959
  • Operation Coldstore in Singapore in 1963
  • Merger of Singapore with Malaya in 1963
  • Independence of Singapore in 1965
  • Dreamfishing of Festa San Pedru in 1967
  • 1st Singaporean General Election in April 1968

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 16th: William Herbert Mosbergen (1963-1969)
  • 15th: Peter “Pat” Francis De Souza (1949-1963)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 1st: Lee Kuan Yew (1965-1990)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 1st: Yusof Ishak (1965-1970)

Contemporaneous Prime Ministers of the State of Singapore:

  • 1st and last: Lee Kuan Yew (1959-1965, including under Malaysia)

Contemporaneous Chief Ministers of the Colony of Singapore:

  • 2nd and last: Lim Yew Hock (1956-1959)
  • 1st: David Marshall (1955-1956)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Colony of Singapore:

  • 4th and last: William Allmond Codrington Goode (1957-1959)
  • 3rd: Robert Brown Black (1955-1957)
  • 2nd: John Fearns Nicoll (1952-1955)
  • 1st: Franklin Charles Gimson (1946-1952)

Contemporaneous Kristang and Eurasian Members of Parliament of the Republic of Singapore:

  • 1st Parliament (8 December 1965-8 February 1968)
    Edmund William Barker (Tanglin constituency and Minister for Law and National Development)
    Raphael Alfred Gonzales (Serangoon Gardens constituency)
    Bernard Rodrigues (Telok Blangah constituency)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Percival Frank Aroozoo to Mabel Anne Tessensohn on 15 March 1969 when Percival passed away. During his lifetime, Percival Frank was both informally and more formally known as a stalwart defender and promoter of the community’s relationship to its Portuguese roots, and appears to have been responsible for the initiation of large components of the dreamfishing and reinvigoration of Kristang identity in the 1950s and 1960s (Teixeira 1987, Sarkissian 2000). With his core focus therefore likely the promotion of the independence and openness of the Kristang culture and way of life as still viable despite growing marginalisation and occlusion from public life, it was probable that Percival Frank was therefore quite greatly affected by the events surrounding the 1st Singaporean General Election in April 1968 (see Singapore Elections, Parliamentary General Election 1968) that would have suggested a further increase in this peripherialisation of Kristang, resulting in his decline and passing just under a year later.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Percival Frank became Kabesa on 9 April 1951, so each listed month begins on the 9th of that month and continues until the 8th of the next month)

  • October 1951: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Final end of general community support for the Eurasian Union of Malaya as a political institution
  • June 1952: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Visit of the Gonçalho Velho to Padri sa Chang / the Portuguese Settlement
  • February 1953: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1953: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1954: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1955: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Eurasian community apathy to participation in Malayan politics is made clear (The Straits Times, 11 March 1955, p. 4) and Onn bin Ja’afar’s comment that Eurasians consider themselves more the counterpart of Europeans is received poorly (The Straits Budget, 17 February 1955, p. 16)
  • October 1955: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Eurasian Union of Malaya sends a memorandum about accommodating pupils who do not naturally fit into the academic stream after primary schooling (The Sunday Standard, 13 November 1955)
  • June 1956: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Initiation of Kristang language classes at St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) and a Portuguese school there (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 24)
  • February 1957: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1957: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Visit of the Portuguese sloop Gonçalo Zarco on October 7 with use of Kristang (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, pp. 44-45) and formation of the Portuguese Group of Singapore on November 16 (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 26)
  • June 1958: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Malacca Eurasian Association is publicly concerned about complete apathy shown by Eurasians (Singapore Standard, 29 July 1958)
  • February 1959: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Increase in interracial marriages in Singapore (The Straits Times, 28 January 1959, p. 4)
  • October 1959: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    End of special privileges in Malaya for Eurasians (The Straits Times, 8 September 1959, p. 2, The Straits Budget, 16 September 1959, p. 10)
  • June 1960: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    The Eurasian Union of Malaya negotiates a proposal to withdraw from political activities (The Straits Times, 20 May 1960, p. 2, The Straits Times, 23 May 1960, p. 5, The Singapore Free Press, 24 May 1960, p. 8)
  • February 1961: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Han Suyin urges everyone to be Eurasian in both body and mind as a means of pushing back against essentialising discourse about race (The Straits Times, 19 March 1961, p. 11)
  • October 1961: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    Kedah Eurasian Association expresses full support for merger (The Straits Times, 27 September 1961, p. 8)
  • June 1962: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Eurasian Union announces a streamlining move to focus more on social, economic and cultural activities (The Straits Times, 24 July 1962, p. 5)
  • February 1963: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Operation Coldstore in Singapore (Wikipedia article)
  • October 1963: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Major event still unclear, but possibly related to the results or aftermath of the merger between Singapore and Malaysia and the 1963 Singaporean General Election, possibly the pledge of loyalty by the Singapore Eurasian Association to Malaysia (The Straits Times, 22 November 1963, p. 12)
  • June 1964: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1965: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1965: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1966: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1967: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1967: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1968: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1969: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Death and relinquishing of role as the 9th Kabesa

8th Kabesa: Dato’/Dr Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar
Kabesa from Tuesday, 9 December 1941 to Monday, 9 April 1951

(approx. 429–439 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Saturday, 1 September 1894 in Batu Gajah (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around May 1930 at approximately 34 years and 8 months of age
Became 8th Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 9 December 1941 at 47 years, 3 months and 8 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Monday, 9 April 1951 after 9 years, and 4 months of service
Served 112 mes chronos = 14 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 8th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Valansa (Valence)
and the 8th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Sol Krismatra (The Dreaming Sun)
Died Thursday, 9 December 1954
Ego-pattern of Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:

Saudadi: Kapichi (1) & Varung (9)
Elisia: Zeldsa (2) & Jujura (ê)
Erodi: Splikabel (3) & Koireng (í)
Ireidi: Akiura (4) & Rajos (ç)
Soltu: Deivang (5) & Sombor (ú)
Teru: Fleres (6) & Miasnu (ã)
Perzefra: Hokisi (7) & Vraihai (õ)
Fortidang: Kalidi (8) & Spontang (ô)

1st Kapichi Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s tremendous and superlative resilience against all forms of traumatic instigation and intrusion, and our ability to respond positively to impossible odds, trials, struggles and challenges (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) with Kalidi (Type IX) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Eurasian Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements
President of the Eurasian Association of Singapore

Major events related to the Kristang community during Charles’s term as Kabesa:

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore (Syonan Eurasian Welfare Association between 1942-1945:

  • 15th: Peter “Pat” Francis De Souza (1949-1963)
  • 14th: George Edward Noel Oehlers (1946-1948)
  • 13th: Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar himself (1942-1945)
  • 12th: Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva (1939-1942)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Colony of Singapore:

  • 1st: Franklin Charles Gimson (1946-1952)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 21st: Shenton Thomas (1934-1942, 1945-1946)

Contemporaneous Governors of the British Military Administration of the Straits Settlements:

  • 1st and only: Louis Mountbatten (1945-1946)

Contemporaneous Mayors of Syonan-to:

  • 2nd and last: Naito Kanichi (1943-1945)
  • 1st: Odate Shigeo (1942-1943)

Contemporaneous Military Administrators of Syonan-to:

  • 5th: Itagaki Seishiro (1945)
  • 4th: Doihara Kenji (1944-1945)
  • 3rd: Terauchi Hisaichi (1943-1944)
  • 2nd: Yaheita Saito (1942-1943)
  • 1st: Yamashita Tomoyuki (1942)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Dato’/Dr Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar to Percival Frank Aroozoo on 9 April 1951 when support for the Eurasian Union of Malaya among the community seems to have waned and Charles was elected to the Straits Settlements Legislative Council alongside Peter Francis (Pat or P. F. ) De Souza, with comments in the newspapers on whether there was a need for two Eurasian councillors on the Council (The Straits Times, 13 April 1951, p. 7), and Charles thereafter being known as the “Member for Changi” and the “poor man’s friend” (Braga-Blake, Ebert-Oehlers & Pereira 2017, p. 124). As Sarkissian (2000, p. 52) also notes, the failure of the Eurasian Union meant that Eurasians now generally lacked political representation in the new Malayan state project (The Straits Times, 15 February 1951, p. 7); however, it appears that the Kristang eleidi actually was comfortable with this state of affairs, since remaining separate from the contestations and challenges of the political landscape in Malaya in the 1950s meant that our independence as a community or soltu would be preserved.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(C.J. became Kabesa on 9 December 1941, so each listed month begins on the 9th of that month and continues until the 8th of the next month)

  • July 1942: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    C.J. informally agrees to serve as the new official/formal head of the Eurasian community in Japanese-occupied Singapore or Syonan-to
  • March 1943: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1943: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Emigration to Bahau / Fuji-Go begins
  • July 1944: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1945: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1945: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1946: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Definition of a Eurasian in Malaya is queried in the public sphere (The Straits Times, 21 June 1946, p. 4) and formal plans for the formation of the Eurasian Union of Malaya initiated (Malaya Tribune, 29 May 1946, p. 2, The Straits Budget, 15 August 1946, p. 5)
  • March 1947: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Formation of the Eurasian Union of Malaya with a Central Council by representatives from Selangor, Johore, Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Penang, but with Singapore not sending a delegate (The Straits Times, 27 January 1947, p. 3, The Straits Budget, 30 January 1947, p. 15) and commencement of Rally by Percival Frank Aroozoo (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 21)
  • November 1947: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    The Selangor Eurasian Association submits a petition to the Sultans to be considered Malay but non-Muslim subjects (The Straits Times, 3 December 1947, p. 4, The Straits Times, 8 December 1947, p. 4)
  • July 1948: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    The Eurasian Union directs the Perak Eurasian Association to prepare a definition of the term Eurasian (The Straits Times, 27 July 1948, p. 4)
  • March 1949: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Pre-1994 definition of Eurasian is adopted by the Eurasian Union in Kuala Lumpur (The Straits Times, 19 April 1949, p. 7)
  • November 1949: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Meeting of representatives to the Eurasian Union of Malaya from the various Eurasian Associations agreeing to Malayan nationality (The Straits Times, 19 December 1949, p. 7)
  • July 1950: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Meeting of representatives to the Eurasian Union of Malaya from the various Eurasian Associations in Malacca declaring that they support racial harmony in Malaya (Singapore Standard, 13 August 1950, p. 5, The Straits Times, 14 August 1950, p. 4)
  • March 1951: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Eurasians are noble citizens of Malaya (The Straits Times, 15 January 1951, p. 5), the Eurasian Union of Malaya does not reconstitute itself along the lines of UMNO (Singapore Standard, 15 January 1951, p. 3), there is no clear support for the Eurasian Union of Malaya with 9,000 out of 10,000 Eurasians not part of the Union (The Straits Times, 1 February 1951, p. 8, The Straits Times, 27 January 1951, p. 9) and relinquishing of role as 8th Kabesa

7th Kabesa: Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva
Kabesa from 24 April 1939 to Tuesday, 9 December 1941

(approx. 427–429 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Tuesday, 3 March 1891 in Sandakan (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, on Saturday, 1 June 1913 at 22 years, 2 months and 29 days of age
Became 7th Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 24 April 1939 at 48 years, 1 month and 21 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Tuesday, 9 December 1941 after 2 years, 7 months and 15 days of serrvice
Served 32 mes chronos = 4 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 7th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Forsa (Willpower)
and the 7th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Forsa Xamandra (The Strength of the Numinous)
Died Wednesday, 1 October 1980
Ego-pattern of Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Miasnu (1) & Fleres (9)
Elisia: Sombor (2) & Deivang (ê)
Erodi: Spontang (3) & Kalidi (í)
Ireidi: Vraihai (4) & Hokisi (ç)
Soltu: Jejura (5) & Zeldsa (ú)
Teru: Varung (6) & Kapichi (ã)
Perzefra: Rajos (7) & Akiura (õ)
Fortidang: Koireng (8) & Splikabel (ô)

3rd Miasnu Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st Kabesa) and Eliza Tessensohn (3rd Kabesa)

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s confidence and strong positive response to wanting to fight for and defend Malaya, and their skills and abilities to actualise and execute this in relevant and admirable ways (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) with Kalidi (Type IX) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

4th Eurasian Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, 1939-1942
President of the Eurasian Association of Singapore
Likely the second Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Major events related to the Kristang community during Claude’s term as Kabesa:

  • Outbreak of World War II in September 1939

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 12th: Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva himself (1939-1942)
  • 11th: Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder (1937-1939)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 21st: Shenton Thomas (1934-1942, 1945-1946)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva to Dato’/Dr Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar on 7 December 1941 when Claude pledged the allegiance of the Kristang community to the British Empire on the eve of the Japanese invasion of Malaya (Malaya Tribune, 9 December 1941, p. 2); this was not because the loyalty of the community to the British was in question, but like with Major Zehnder’s interest in the formation of a Eurasian Regiment, the non-violent nature and interest of the majority of the community may have meant that the Kristang eleidi may have wanted a transfer of power more akin to what happened under Adriaan Koek in 1795. Claude nonetheless sought to empower Eurasian youth (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942), 6 June 1939, p. 2), and his core focus indeed appears to have been to motivate the community to stay and fight for Malaya and the unique context that had allowed Kristang to flourish.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Claude became Kabesa on 24 April 1939, so each listed month begins on the 24th of that month and continues until the 23rd of the next month)

  • November 1939: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1940: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1941: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the prosecution of Tan Ah Yiow and Sudin bin Daud on offences related to homosexuality (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser, 28 March 1941)
  • November 1941: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Pledge of loyalty to the British Empire and relinquishing of role as 7th Kabesa

6th Kabesa: Major Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder, OBE
Kabesa from Friday, 10 April 1936 to Monday, 24 April 1939

(approx. 424–427 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Wednesday, 27 August 1879 in Sarawak (Vanjeres / Missionary / 19th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around April 1935 at approximately 55 years and 7 months of age
Became 6th Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 10 April 1936 at 56 years, 7 months and 14 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Monday, 24 April 1939 after 3 years and 14 days of service
Served 36 mes chronos = 4.5 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 6th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Emagu (Reality)
and the 6th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Rua Vahandra (The Dauntless Road)
Died Sunday, 20 October 1963
Ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Fleres (1) & Miasnu (9)
Elisia: Akiura (2) & Rajos (ê)
Erodi: Kapichi (3) & Varung (í)
Ireidi: Hokisi (4) & Vraihai (ç)
Soltu: Zeldsa (5) & Jujura (ú)
Teru: Kalidi (6) & Spontang (ã)
Perzefra: Deivang (7) & Sombor (õ)
Fortidang: Splikabel (8) & Koireng (ô)

1st Fleres Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s beauty, kindness, sympathy and values as an eleidi or collective, and its instinctive impulses that suggested a deep, pure and inherent connection to Singapore and Malaya as our homeland (Vanjeres / Missionary / 19th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Koireng (Type VII) with Zeldsa (Type V) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Order of the British Empire
3rd Eurasian Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, 1936-1939
President of the Eurasian Association of Singapore

Major events related to the Kristang community during Hugh’s term as Kabesa:

  • Construction and allotment of Padri sa Chang / the Portuguese Settlement in 1938 (see Sarkissian 2000)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 11th: Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder himself (1937-1939)
  • 10th: Reginald Francis Erconwald Tessensohn (1936)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 21st: Shenton Thomas (1934-1942, 1945-1946)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Major Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder to Claude Henry “Toto” Da Silva on 24 April 1939 when Hugh’s term as Straits Settlements Legislative Councilor expired and he did not seek an extension or new term. Hugh continued the efforts of Noel and Edwin to champion freer access and availability to education (Morning Tribune, 27 November 1936, p. 2, The Straits Budget, 3 December 1936, p. 23), and seems to have initiated, together with Claude, initial exploration of whether a Eurasian Regiment could be formed in Malaya (Morning Tribune, 7 October 1938, p. 3), although this latter idea met with some vocal criticism (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 8 October 1938, p. 7) and some strident attention to what appears to have been a growing disconnect and disaffection from the previously very public role that the Kristang had played up to that point (Morning Tribune, 7 October 1938, p. 21). Hugh’s core focus must have then been to try to keep the community together and to continue to ensure it would be able to hold onto its visibility and presence even as the political and security situation across the world was worsening.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Hugh became Kabesa on 10 April 1936, so each listed month begins on the 10th of that month and continues until the 9th of the next month)

  • December 1936: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1937: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1938: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1938: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • April 1939: 36 / Agu Krismatra / The Dreaming Waters (mid-point between 4th and 5th dimensions)
    Dismantling of racist suggestions and stereotypes related to miscegenation around Eurasians in the newspapers, and heightening of the awareness that Eurasians treat Malaya as home (The Straits Times, 10 April 1939, p. 10)

5th Kabesa: Dr Noel Leicester Clarke
Kabesa from Saturday, 27 March 1926 to Friday, 10 April 1936

(approx. 414–424 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Monday, 1 June 1885 in Singapore (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around February 1919 at approximately 33 years and 8 months of age
Became 5th Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 27 March 1926 at 40 years, 9 months and 26 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Friday, 10 April 1936 after 10 years and 14 days of service
Served 120 mes chronos = 15 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 5th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Anumsa (Likelihood)
and the 5th stage of the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Alma Fundeza (The Soul of the Deep)
Died Tuesday, 1 March 1960
Ego-pattern of Akiura (Type II) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Akiura (1) & Rajos (9)
Elisia: Splikabel (2) & Koireng (ê)
Erodi: Zeldsa (3) & Jujura (í)
Ireidi: Kapichi (4) & Varung (ç)
Soltu: Kalidi (5) & Spontang (ú)
Teru: Hokisi (6) & Vraihai (ã)
Perzefra: Fleres (7) & Miasnu (õ)
Fortidang: Deivang (8) & Sombor (ô)

1st Akiura Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s superlative real-world and real-time skills and successes, and its relevance and centrality to the world of Singapore and Malaya, especially as a conduit or bridge between the British and Creole or Indigenous communities (Pedrentes / Lost / 20th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) with Kalidi (Type IX) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

2nd Eurasian Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, 1926-1936
President of the Eurasian Association of Singapore
President of the Singapore Recreation Club

Major events related to the Kristang community during Noel’s term as Kabesa:

  • First proposals for the construction of the Portuguese Settlement in 1933 (see Sarkissian 2000)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 10th: Reginald Francis Erconwald Tessensohn (1936)
  • 9th: Noel Leicester Clarke himself (1929-1935)
  • 8th: Walter John Clunis Le Cain (1927)
  • 7th: Noel Leicester Clarke himself (1926)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 21st: Shenton Thomas (1934-1942, 1945-1946)
  • 20th: Cecil Clementi (1930-1934)
  • 19th: Hugh Clifford (1927-1929)
  • 18th: Laurence Guillemard (1920-1927)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Dr Noel Leicester Clarke to Major Hugh Stanley Ransome Zehnder, OBE on 10 April 1936 when Noel was no longer eligible for re-election to the Straits Settlements Legislative Council (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942), 18 April 1936, p. 1) and Hugh was appointed in his stead. Noel appears to have fought for the rights of local peoples to pursue education and a fuller sense of citizenship in the colony, as well as a bilingual policy that would have seen the Malay language taught for free, which Noel even called a “sacred duty” for the Crown (Malaya Tribune, 10 January 1934, p. 13, The Singapore Free Press, 3 March 1936, p. 9). The adherence to the rules of re-election onto the Legislative Council may have been part of this core focus, and him not being re-elected was thus the satisfaction of it.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Noel became Kabesa on 27 March 1926, so each listed month begins on the 27th of that month and continues until the 26th of the next month)

  • November 1926: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Offered and accepts Edwin Tessensohn’s seat on the Legislative Council (The Straits Budget, 4 November 1926, p. 2)
  • July 1927: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Raises question of non-European British subjects to the Civil Service and is defended by the community thereafter (The Straits Times, 26 August 1927, p. 11, 29 August 1927, p. 12)
  • March 1928: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Promotion of E.V. Rodrigues to 2nd Lieutenant and Eurasian Volunteer Club Dancce to celebrate this (Malacca Guardian, 16 April 1928, p. 7)
  • November 1928: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Eurasians will apparently be treated fairly along meritocratic lines (The Straits Times, 3 December 1928, p. 8)
  • July 1929: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Calls for the state to help decrease income inequality and disparities between Eurasians and others (The Straits Times, 17 August 1929, p. 15)
  • March 1930: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Selangor Eurasian Association requests the government of the Federated Malay States for a restoration of the Queen’s Scholarships (The Straits Budget, 10 April 1930, p. 8) and Noel visits the Penang Eurasian Association (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 11 April 1930, p. 8)
  • November 1930: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Eurasian Committee for the Unemployed is accused of not doing enough for the unemployed (Malaya Tribune, 16 December 1930, p. 5) and a request is made to the Rotary Clubs of Malaya that Eurasian be admitted as a racial group (The Straits Budget, 18 December 1930, p. 22)
  • July 1931: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Eurasians are styled as Sons of the Soil in Malaya (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 27 August 1930, p. 699, p. 700)
  • March 1932: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1932: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1933: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1934: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1934: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1935: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1936: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Relinquishing of role as 5th Kabesa

4th Kabesa: John Edwin Richard Tessensohn, OBE
Kabesa from Thursday, 3 December 1874 to Saturday, 27 March 1926

(approx. 362–414 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born on Easter Sunday, 8 April 1855 in Melaka (Andantes / Progressive / 18th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around late March to early April 1872 at approximately 16 years and 11 months to 17 years of age
Became 4th Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 3 December 1874 at 19 years, 7 months and 25 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Saturday, 27 March 1926 after 51 years, 3 months and 24 days of service
Served 616 mes chronos = 77 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 4th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Durasang (Duration)
and the 4th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Mundumulera (The Heart of the World)
Died Sunday, 26 September 1926
Ego-pattern of Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Sombor (1) & Deivang (9)
Elisia: Koireng (2) & Splikabel (ê)
Erodi: Jejura (3) & Zeldsa (í)
Ireidi: Spontang (4) & Kalidi (ç)
Soltu: Varung (5) & Kapichi (ú)
Teru: Vraihai (6) & Hokisi (ã)
Perzefra: Miasnu (7) & Fleres (õ)
Fortidang: Rajos (8) & Akiura (ô)

1st Sombor Kabesa
Youngest-ever person to become Kabesa thus far in past and present time
Longest-serving Kabesa thus far in past and present time
Anticipated to be the fourth-longest serving Kabesa overall after Regina Marzuki (24th Kabesa), Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa) and Carl Rodrigo, Trigon Gowron, Boaz de Vries and Orion Anthonisz (53rd Ka-Kabesa)

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s intelligence, excellence, sophistication, metacognition, character, and long-term direction and staying power (Andantes / Progressive / 18th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Jujura (Type VI) with Splikabel (Type VIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Kabesa during integration of the 6th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Saturday, 24 August 1895 to Sunday, 23 August 1896 (384th year of chronological existence): Integration of Kristang into the Catholic church and welfare and social services provided by the Catholic church appear to showcase the ethicality, uprightness, character and goodness of the Kristang eleidi for the very first time

Order of the British Empire
1st Eurasian Member of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, 1923-1926
Founder of the Eurasian Association of Singapore in 1918
A fuller biography can be found on the National Library of Singapore website

Major events related to the Kristang community during Edwin’s term as Kabesa:

  • 1892-1926 Kristang theatrical renaissance (see Wong 2020)
  • 1919 Establishment of the first Eurasian Association in Malaya, the Eurasian Association of Singapore (website)
  • 1919 Centenary of the establishment of the Straits Settlement colony of Singapore
  • 1923 Local Malayans are allowed to sit on the Straits Settlements Legislative Council for the first time (NLB article)

Contemporaneous Presidents of the Eurasian Association of Singapore:

  • 7th: Noel Leicester Clarke (1926)
  • 6th: John Edwin Richard Tessensohn himself (1925)
  • 5th: Noel Leicester Clarke (1924)
  • 4th: John Edwin Richard Tessensohn himself (1923) (The Straits Times, 5 January 1923, p. 9 — does not seem to be J.C. Pestana as stated in other sources)
  • 3rd: Newbold Benjamin Westerhout (1921-1922)
  • 2nd: Noel Leicester Clarke (1920)
  • 1st: Newbold Benjamin Westerhout (1919)

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 18th: Laurence Guillemard (1920-1927)
  • 17th: Arthur Henderson Young (1911-1920)
  • 16th: John Anderson (1904-1911)
  • 15th: Frank Swettenham (1901-1904)
  • 14th: Charles Mitchell (1894-1899)
  • 13th: Cecil Clementi Smith (1887-1893)
  • 12th: Frederick Weld (1880-1887)
  • 11th: William Cleaver Francis Robinson (1877-1879)
  • 10th: William Jervois (1875-1877)
  • 9th: Andrew Clarke (1873-1875)

The role of Kabesa transferred from John Edwin Richard Tessensohn, OBE to Dr Noel Leicester Clarke on 27 March 1926 when Noel was appointed to the Social Hygiene Advisory Board on the advice and recommendation of the Malayan Branch of the British Medical Association (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942), 27 March 1926, p. 8). An enormous part of Edwin’s work and his core focus appears to have been the education and uplifting of the entire Kristang community toward ensuring that Kristang people beyond just himself would be respected as smart, capable, intelligent and civic-minded on their own terms; hence, after Noel’s appointment on Noel’s own terms, Edwin’s work was done, and he passed away later that year after a short illness that also affected the last Kristang play known to have been performed in Singapore, Arjuna or The Ruined Merchant of Bokhara on 9 September 1926.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Edwin became Kabesa on 3 December 1874, so each listed month begins on the 3rd of that month and continues until the 2nd of the next month)

  • July 1875: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    The importance of incoming Governor William Jervois’s support of the welfare of Eurasian children is stated in the newspaper under an article on Queen Victoria’s Birthday Ball (Straits Observer, 30 July 1875, p. 2)
  • March 1876: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Straits Settlement government seeks six Eurasian Field Telegraph Officers in Perak (Straits Observer, 4 April 1876, p. 2)
  • November 1876: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Anonymous author Straits Produce highlights that Eurasians contribute a great deal to the Straits Settlements but are not acknowledged for their achievements (Straits Observer, 29 November 1876, p. 3).
  • July 1877: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Founding of the Eurasian Mutual Improvement Society (The Singapore Daily Times, 15 June 1877, p. 2) and appearance at a meeting to consider improvements in standards of the teaching of English in the Christian Brothers’ Schools (Singapore Daily Times, 27 July 1877, p. 3, The Straits Times, 28 July 1877, p. 2)
  • March 1878: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1878: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1879: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    First discussion of the Eurasian poor in the newspapers (The Penang Standard and Mercantile Advertiser, 21 July 1879, p. 3) and starting of school for boys and girls by José Pedro de Santa Ana e Cunha at Middle Road (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 21)
  • March 1880: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1880: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1881: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1882: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1882: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1883: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Formation of the Singapore Recreation Club
  • March 1884: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    First strong showing by the Singapore Recreation Club described in the newspapers (Straits Times Weekly Issue, 29 March 1884, p. 2)
  • November 1884: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Election as Secretary of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (Straits Times Weekly Issue, 29 November 1884, p. 2) and St Joseph’s Church parishioners’ meeting to reject the Brief of the Holy See Studio et Vigilantia which would have placed the Portuguese Missions in Singapore and Malacca under the control of the French Mission (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, pp. 73-74)
  • July 1885: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    First ever edition of the Queen’s Scholarship Examinations in Singapore (History of Raffles Institution, NLB article) and Father Nicolau Pinto sends to the Archbishop of Goa the plan for a new school to be built in the St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) grounds (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 181)
  • March 1886: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Carnival festivities in Queen Street are covered in the newspapers (The Straits Times, 9 March 1886, p. 2) and Maharaja of Johor Abu Bakar is legally recognised by the British government as Sultan (Wikipedia article)
  • November 1886: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1887: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Concordat transferring the Portuguese Missions in Malaya under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Macao is confirmed on 20 August (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 74)
  • March 1888: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1888: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    Election of members of the Parochial Board of St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) on November 25 and 26 (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 88)
  • July 1889: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Enlargement of the Singapore Recreation Club is proposed (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 2 August 1889, p. 143)
  • March 1890: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1890: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1891: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1892: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    Beginning of the Kristang theatrical revival
  • November 1892: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Kristang theatrical revival continues in full swing
  • July 1893: 224 / Istoria Amiang / The Days of Futures Past (28th dimension: Galifreza / Synchronicity)
    Leads committee expressing gratitude to Straits Settlements Governor Cecil Clementi Smith for his recognition of the Eurasian community (Daily Advertiser, 7 August 1893, p. 3, The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (Weekly), 15 August 1893, p. 8)
  • March 1894: 232 / Avestedra Krismatra / The Dreaming Avatar (29th dimension: Serendi / Serendipity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1894: 240 / Spektala Krismatra / The Dreaming Act (30th dimension: Perspizi / Perceptibility)
    Elected to committee on Land Sports for Natives at the New Year (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (Weekly), 27 November 1894, p. 10)
  • July 1895: 248 / Igrianza Kadastrela / The Start of Every Star (31st dimension: Tonakodra / Revivability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1896: 256 / Ungguanza Dosdosu / The Dual Singularity (32nd dimension: Mortegansa / Perishability)
    Public Band Fund Committee (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adverise (Weekly), 3 March 1896, p. 10)
  • November 1896: 264 / Trukah Xamandra / The Changing of the Numinous (33rd dimension: Rangsang / Stimulation)
    Episcopal Consecration of René Michel Marie Fée (The Straits Budget, 24 November 1896, p. 12)
  • July 1897: 272 / Pegadu di Tempu / The Prisoners of Time (34th dimension: Stendemintu / Elasticity)
    New Town Hall proposals and committee set up (The Straits Budget, 20 July 1897, p. 10 and The Straits Budget, 3 August 1897, p. 10)
  • March 1898: 280 / Repostu Dretu / The Right Answer (35th dimension: Kurentimintu / Versatility)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1898: 288 / Tigri sa Chang / The Tiger’s Land (36th dimension: Animundeza / Pertinacity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1899: 296 / Mizinya Krismatra / The Dreaming Cure (37th dimension: Igzatimintu / Exactitude)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1900: 304 / Augiera Krismatra / The Dreaming Oracle (38th dimension: Dureza / Durability)
    Proposal for a Singapore Catholic Club first informally mooted (The Straits Times, 2 May 1900, p. 2)
  • November 1900: 312 / Bibeh kung Mureh / The Living and Dying (39th dimension: Apapoitamintu / Appropriateness)
    Fete day for René Michel Marie Fée (The Straits Budget, 16 November 1900, p. 6)
  • July 1901: 320 / Ritmera Krismatra / The Dreaming Arithmetic (40th dimension: Kupaisang / Empathy)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1902: 328 / Riu di Sonu / The River of Dreams (41st dimension: Kontrastra / Blowback)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1902: 336 / Ganyah Krismatra / The Dreaming Victory (42nd dimension: Ontos / Existability)
    King Rodolpho’s Will staged (The Straits Times, 17 November 1902, p. 5)
  • July 1903: 344 / Ingkantra Sabia / The Magic of Science (43rd dimension: Kerenza / Appeal)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1904: 352 / Ireidi Krismatra / The Dreaming Self-Regard (44th dimension: Bonu / Goodness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1904: 360 / Eresberes Semenesta / The Ingredients of the Multiverse (45th dimension: Robusa / Robustness)
    Emilie Barillon becomes Bishop of Malacca (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 30 November 1904, p. 342)
  • July 1905: 368 / Jenti di Fing / The Last People (46th dimension: Mutulu / Mutuality)
    E. R. Carlos, R. L. Eber and Frederick Martens top the Queen’s Scholarship examinations (The Straits Times, 5 July 1905, p. 10, mistakenly reported by Teixeira 1963 vol. III p. 315 as 1907)
  • March 1906: 376 / Keng pogu Birah / Those Who May Return (47th dimension: Enflizi / Alignability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1906: 384 / Linggu Semulandu / The Resurrection Language (48th dimension: Langgianza / Fractality)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1907: 392 / Amor Impegra / The Invincible Love (49th dimension: Krioluzidadi / Hybridisability)
    Claude Henry Da Silva tops the Queen’s Scholarship examinations (Pinang Gazette and Straits Chronicle, 21 June 1907, p. 4)
  • March 1908: 400 / Gabadisa Semenesta / The Pride of the Multiverse (50th dimension: Baizikamintu / Modificability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1908: 408 / Porta Hierosa / The Gate of Heroes (51st dimension: Kandoreng / Incandescence)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1909: 416 / Ritmera Rimi / The Rhyming Arithmetic (52nd dimension: Jenggosi / Evolvability)
    Feast day of Henri-Pierre Rivet at the Singapore Catholic Club (The Straits Budget, 22 July 1909, p. 8)
  • March 1910: 424 / Spantu di Largansa / The Surprise of Freedom (53rd dimension: Unikera / Distinctiveness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1910: 432 / Klai Tra Sai / How They Are Exiting (54th dimension: Zamahang / Cohesiveness)
    The New Public Hall scheme (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 10 November 1910, p. 6) and King Edward Memorial (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 2 December 1910, p. 5)
  • July 1911: 440 / Lumi Hierosa / The Light Heroic (55th dimension: Ruditatis / Expressiveness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1912: 448 / Bara Hierosa / The Harbour Heroic (56th dimension: Nasentarera / Originality)
    Protests related to the Colour Bar (The Straits Budget, 1 February 1912, p. 5 and The Straits Echo, 4 May 1912, p. 4)
  • November 1912: 456 / Lus Seng Siumi / The Light Without Jealousy (57th dimension: Ardanseza / Inheritability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1913: 464 / Kai na Chua / The Fall in the Rain (58th dimension: Finisanggi / Definability)
    Victoria Memorial Hall Catholic Bazaar (The Straits Times, 12 July 1913, p. 9)
  • March 1914: 472 / Ilastra di Tempra / The Spice Islands (59th dimension: Spalaleza / Spreadability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1914: 480 / Semenesta Bibiendu / The Living Multiverse (60th dimension: Fusisi / Blendability)
    Offered a vacancy on the Board of the Singapore Municipal Commission (Straits Echo, 21 November 1914, p. 4) and accepts (Malaya Tribune, 31 December 1914, p. 9)
  • July 1915: 488 / Jarding Antis Jarding / The Garden Before Gardens (61st dimension: Frutefra / Fruitfulness)
    Meeting with British authorities to discuss the formation of a Eurasian Volunteer Corps company (Malaya Tribune, 2 July 1915, p. 9 and Straits Echo, 3 July 1915, p. 9)
  • March 1916: 496 / Kaza Aindelu / The Infinite Home (62nd dimension: Kalkali / Multiplicability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1916: 504 / Kantiga Bodrubalang / The Song of the Edgedancer (63rd dimension: Unendi / Localisability)
    Probability of increased taxation with the revised Straits Budget (The Straits Budget, 3 November 1916, p. 3)
  • July 1917: 512 / Irei Inkarnasang / The Magnaarchetypal Love (64th dimension: Ultrapasiensa / Surpassability)
    The Eurasian Literary Association is exempted from the Societies Ordnance (The Straits Times, 2 June 1917, p. 8) and votes to reinitiate the Queen’s Scholarships (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942), 13 July 1917, p. 10), marking the beginnings of formal organised Eurasian political activity and the Eurasian Association
  • March 1918: 520 / Vahastra Valakaira / The Mightiest Starships (65th dimension: Kareternera / Infinitability)
    Resolution passed to petition the Straits Settlement Governor Arthur Henderson Young for the formation of a company of Eurasian Volunteer Corps
  • November 1918: 528 / Terumbu di Anju / The Reef of Angels (66th dimension: Bodrundi / Boundedness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • July 1919: 536 / Orienta di Speransa / The Guide of Hope (67th dimension: Sofira / Savviness)
    Naming of the Eurasian Association is debated (Malaya Tribune, 10 June 1919, p. 5)
  • March 1920: 544 / Paredi sa Lumi / The Light from the Walls (68th dimension: Delendimintu / Partitivity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • November 1920: 552 / Ligasang di Chispa / The Connecting of Sparks (69th dimension: Milagramintu / Miraculousness)
    Civic Centre scheme proposed (The Straits Budget, 5 November 1920, p. 15)
  • July 1921: 560 / Aletra Atrimbes / The Most Shrewd Truths (70th dimension: Blaudramera / Schematisation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • March 1922: 568 / Balu Stra Bransah / The Burning Dances (71st dimension: Spisuramintu / Densification)
    Absence at Noel Clarke’s sending-off party to Europe is noted (The Straits Budget, 10 March 1922, p. 15)
  • November 1922: 576 / Goliat Vakuyu / The Titan of the Void (72nd dimension: Termenusa / Terminality)
    Offered the single Eurasian seat on the new expanded Straits Settlements Legislative Council by Governor Laurence Guillemard (Malaya Tribune, 5 January 1923, p. 8)
  • July 1923: 584 / Lamentanza Bensuadumbes / The Most Blessed Regrets (73rd dimension: Cheiyuventu / Eventfulness)
    Improvements to the Singapore Recreation Club suggested and passed, with a refusal of an honorarium (Malaya Tribune, 1 August 1923, p. 6)
  • March 1924: 592 / Naufrau Trumenteza / The Shipwreck of Trauma (74th dimension: Sekalanda / Sporadicity)
    Introduces Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan in a lecture on the Growth of the Soul at the Victoria Theatre (The Straits Times, 13 March 1924, p. 9)
  • November 1924: 600 / Xamang Tanamatra / The Wizard of Earthsea (75th dimension: Tesipamintu / Anticipatability)
    Supports the removal of the colour bar in the Straits Settlements Civil Service as raised by Tan Cheng Lock at the Legislative Council (The Straits Echo (Mail Edition), 24 November 1924, p. 1238)
  • July 1925: 608 / Reinyang Furiyada / The Rascal Quing (76th dimension: Kronomatra / Opportuneness)
    Penang Eurasian Association unanimously votes to start two scholarships to support poorer Eurasians (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1884-1942), 1 July 1925, p. 8)
  • March 1926: 616 / Kurenti Reinyang / The Currents of the Quing (77th dimension: Kartamang / Mappability)
    Relinquishing of role as 4th Kabesa when Dr Noel Leicester Clarke is appointed to the Social Advisory Board for the Settlement of Singapore on the nomination of the Malayan Branch of the British Medical Association (The Straits Times, 27 March 1926, p. 8)

3rd Kabesa: Eliza Tessensohn
Kabesa from Sunday, 16 March 1856 to Thursday, 3 December 1874
(approx. 344–362 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Friday, 25 October 1833 in Melaka (Orumeres / Gilded / 17th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around February 1855 at approximately 21 years and 3 months of age
Became 3rd Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 16 March 1856 at 22 years, 4 months and 20 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Thursday, 3 December 1874 after 18 years, 8 months and 17 days of service
Served 224 mes chronos = 28 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 3rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Altura (Height)
and the 3rd stage of the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Ardansa Xameza (The Flame in the Forest)
Died Sunday, 13 March 1927
Ego-pattern of Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Miasnu (1) & Fleres (9)
Elisia: Sombor (2) & Deivang (ê)
Erodi: Spontang (3) & Kalidi (í)
Ireidi: Vraihai (4) & Hokisi (ç)
Soltu: Jejura (5) & Zeldsa (ú)
Teru: Varung (6) & Kapichi (ã)
Perzefra: Rajos (7) & Akiura (õ)
Fortidang: Koireng (8) & Splikabel (ô)

2nd Miasnu Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st Kabesa)
1st female Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s vision for and sustained belief in a more egalitarian and hopeful future that transcended contemporaneous class, race and gender struggles (Orumeres / Gilded / 17th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Spontang (Type X) with Deivang (Type XVI) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Major events related to the Kristang community during Eliza’s term as Kabesa:

  • 1859-1869 Construction and Opening of the Suez Canal (NLB article)
  • April 1867 Conversion of the Straits Settlements to a Crown Colony

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 9th: Andrew Clarke (1873-1875)
  • 8th: Harry St George Ord (1867-1873)
  • 7th: Orfeur Cavenagh (1859-1867)
  • 6th: Edmund Augustus Blundell (1855-1859)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Eliza Tessensohn to John Edwin Richard Tessensohn, OBE on 3 December 1874 when Edwin appears to have made his first successful public engagement in Singapore as the anonymous writer Aquila responding to racist comments about Eurasians in The Straits Observer newspaper (7 December 1874, p. 3). Edwin appears to have been Eliza’s success story, pride and joy, and raison d’etre in the same way the preservation of the egalitarian anti-imperial spirit of Dutch Melaka was Adriaan Koek’s and J.B. Westerhout’s in their own ways, and in the same fashion she passed on about six months after Edwin died in September 1926 in March 1927 at the very impressive age of 94 (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (Weekly), 16 March 1927, p. 161).

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Eliza became Kabesa on 16 March 1856, so each listed month generally begins on the 16th of that month and continues until the 15th of the next month)

  • October 1856: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Major event still unclear but likely related to the Arrow incident triggering the Second Opium War, because of the Malacca dilemma (Wikipedia article, Yin 2024, p. 10)
  • June 1857: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Indian Rebellion of 1857 begins (Wikipedia article)
  • February 1858: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Rebel evacuations of Lucknow proceed with few causalties (Wikipedia article)
  • October 1858: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Government of India Act of 1858 (Wikipedia article) and British grant amnesty to all participants in the Indian Rebellion who were not involved in murder (Wikipedia article)
  • June 1859: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Government of India sends reinforcements, known as the Lucky Corps, to China Expedition without obtaining consent from the British government (Yin 2024, p. 13)
  • February 1860: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    British Parliament agrees to the transfer of the Straits Settlements to the Crown (Wikipedia article)
  • October 1860: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    First Convention on Peking (Wikipedia article)
  • June 1861: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Isthmus of Kra is evaluated in-person as a potential site for a canal to avoid “the Malaccan problem” by British surveyors but the Indian government does not support the idea (Yin 2024, p. 14)
  • February 1862: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Death of Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim and succession of Abu Bakar as Temenggong (Daeng Ibrahim Wikipedia article and Abu Bakar Wikipedia article)
  • October 1862: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the appointment of Josiah Edwin Westerhout as Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police in Melaka (Freeland 2005, p. 116), although this appears to have possibly instead happened in December 1863 (The Straits Times, 19 December 1863, p. 6)
  • June 1863: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Temenggong Abu Bakar makes revisions to Johor’s legal code that are supposed to “suit more comfortably with European ideas” (Abu Bakar Wikipedia article)
  • February 1864: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Sultan Mahmud Muzaffar Shah is transferred to Bangkok (National Archives of India, where he appears to be listed as “ex-Sultan of Linga Inchi Wan Ahmed”, Wikipedia article)
  • October 1864: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Petition to Frederick Rogers, Under-secretary of State at the Colonial Office, to expedite the transfer of the Straits Settlements to the Crown (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser, 3 November 1864, p. 3, Modern Asian Studies)
  • June 1865: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the promotion of Josiah Edwin Westerhout to Deputy Commissioner of Police in Melaka (Freeland 2005, p. 116)
  • February 1866: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Discussion in the newspapers about the involvement of Eurasians in the Volunteer Corps (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1835-1869), 8 February 1866, p. 2, 15 February 1866, p. 2, 22 February 1866, p. 2)
  • October 1866: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    Straits Transfer bill passes in the House of Commons with the stipulation that Labuan be included (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Adviser (1835-1869), 27 September 1866, p. 2)
  • June 1867: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the promotion of Josiah Edwin Westerhout to Deputy Sheriff of Melaka (Freeland 2005, p. 116)
  • February 1868: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Formation of Singapore branch of the Straits Settlements Association (NLB article)
  • October 1868: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the appointment of Josiah Edwin Westerhout as Sheriff of Malacca (Freeland 2005, p. 116)
  • June 1869: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    Inquiry by the Governor Ord to the Madras government about sending four boys to the Madras Medical College to be trained toward starting the Straits Medical Service (Lee 1973, p. 116)
  • February 1870: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    Major event still unclear but possibly related to the appointment of Josiah Edwin Westerhout as Magistrate of the Police in the Straits Settlements (The Straits Times Overland Journal, 1 February 1870, p. 7) and Eliza and Edwin’s subsequent decision to depart Melaka
  • October 1870: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Major event still unclear but very likely Eliza and Edwin’s departure from Melaka, and Eliza’s dusting off of her shoes at the edge of the Malacca River (Tessensohn 2001, p. 33, Tessensohn 2013, p. 47)
  • June 1871: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Proposal for the construction of railway between the town of Singapore and the Wharves of the Tanjong Pagar Dock Company submitted to Governor Ord, with the support of Maharajah Abu Bakar (Straits Times Overland Journal, 3 June 1871, p. 1)
  • February 1872: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Eurasians in the Straits Settlements are dispreferred in clerical jobs over Eurasians from other parts of the British Empire (Straits Times Overland Journal, 11 April 1872, p. 3)
  • October 1872: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    Employment of Eurasians in Civil Service discussed in the newspapers (The Straits Times, 31 August 1872, p. 5, The Straits Times, 7 September 1872, p. 3) and Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code criminalising homosexuality comes into effect in the Straits Settlements on September 16
  • June 1873: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act of 1873, which dissolves the British East India Company (Wikipedia article)
  • February 1874: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1874: 224 / Istoria Amiang / The Days of Futures Past (28th dimension: Galifreza / Synchronicity)
    Edwin publishes his first article as Aquila (Straits Observer, 7 December 1874, p. 3) in response to discussions about Eurasians serving as clerks in the Civil Service (Straits Observer, 23 November 1874, p. 2) and Eliza relinquishes her role as 3rd Kabesa

2nd Kabesa: Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout
Kabesa from Wednesday, 17 March 1824 to Sunday, 16 March 1856

(approx. 312–344 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Saturday, 27 September 1794 in Melaka (Alkimikantes / Transcendental / 16th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around late September 1823 at approximately 29 years of age
Became 2nd Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 17 March 1824 at 29 years, 5 months and 19 days of age
Died as Kabesa on Sunday, 16 March 1856 after 31 years, 11 months and 28 days (or 32 years exact) of service
Served 384 mes chronos = 48 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 2nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Largura (Width)
and the 2nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Genyang Beneta (The Bargain of Goodwill)
Died Sunday, 16 March 1856
Ego-pattern of Varung (Type XI) in the Osura Pesuasang, with core values alignment as follows:
Saudadi: Varung (1) & Kapichi (9)
Elisia: Vraihai (2) & Hokisi (ê)
Erodi: Miasnu (3) & Fleres (í)
Ireidi: Rajos (4) & Akiura (ç)
Soltu: Sombor (5) & Deivang (ú)
Teru: Koireng (6) & Splikabel (ã)
Perzefra: Jujura (7) & Zeldsa (õ)
Fortidang: Spontang (8) & Kalidi (ô)

1st Varung Kabesa
Likely the 1st Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that demonstrated the Kristang community’s purity of intent and humanising and virtuous qualities (Alkimikantes / Transcendental / 16th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Kapichi (Type XII) with Rajos (Type I) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Kabesa during integration of the 5th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Wednesday, 24 August 1831 to Thursday, 23 August 1832 (320th year of chronological existence): Nanning War and aftermath appear to showcase the utility of Kristang ethnicity and perspectives to outsiders for the very first time

Tuan Barchi or Barchie of Malacca (De Witt 2005, p. 43, Freeland 2005, p. 103)
Clerk with Raad van Justitie 1823 (De Witt 2005, p. 43)
Superintendent of Naning from 1832 (Freeland 2005, p. 109)
Assistant Resident of Malacca 1837-1845 or 1847 (De Witt 2005, p. 43, Freeland 2005, p. 112)

Major events related to the Kristang community during J.B.’s term as Kabesa:

Contemporaneous Governors of the Straits Settlements:

  • 6th: Edmund Augustus Blundell (1855-1859)
  • 5th: William John Butterworth (1843-1855)
  • 4th: Samuel George Bonham (1836-1843)
  • 3rd: Kenneth Murchison (1833-1836)
  • 2nd: Robert Ibbotson (1830-1833)
  • 1st: Robert Fullerton (1826-1830)

Contemporaneous Governors of Dutch Malacca:

  • 35th and last: Hendrik Stephanus van Son (1824-1825)

Contemporaneous Residents of Singapore:

  • 2nd: John Crawfurd (1823-1826)
  • 1st: William Farquhar (1819-1823)

The role of Kabesa transferred from Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout to Eliza Tessensohn on 16 March 1856 when J.B. passed away. It remains somewhat unclear why this happened, but the best current hypothesis is that J.B.’s eighth son, Josiah Edwin Westerhout (1836-1905), who was called Tuan Edwin by locals but does not seem to have become the third Kabesa after J.B. (which would be expected by the Tuan title), may have been the otherwise unknown father of John Edwin Richard Tessensohn (1855-1926), possibly against Eliza’s wishes. Extant data supporting this hypothesis includes:

  • No known family legends exist of Eliza Tessensohn having an affair or liaison with anyone when it comes to the circumstances of Edwin’s birth, nor are there any attestations of this or gossip about this (which would have been common and would have followed Eliza even if she moved to Singapore, especially because of how prominent Edwin would later become) anywhere in newspapers, records, texts or known oral histories. Additionally, neither Eliza or Edwin’s standings were ever affected in any way by the fact that Edwin had no father, despite the fact that in that time (even among the Kristang) such a fact would have definitely affected Edwin’s chances of achieving the success that he did in late 19th-century British Singapore. In fact, Edwin achieves what he did in spite of not having a father, which not only makes his journey all the more remarkable, but suggests that the circumstances of his birth were something Unsaid: something that all Kristang people knew, but did not talk about because of its severity or intensity.
  • Edwin Tessensohn does not appear to carry himself with any hint of shame in any of the extant documentation or photographs of his life, which otherwise would necessarily be present in some discernible form based on the time period he was living in if he was the product of an affair or extramarital liaison, and was so publicly visible. It would also mean that how he was conceived would have to be something categorised as Unsaid, since if it was not of that level of severity, we would have long known what it was.
  • Edwin Westerhout became Sheriff of Malacca in 1868 (Freeland 2005, p. 116) after steadily working his way up the police and security hierarchies in Malacca in the 1860s, and Eliza and Edwin Tessensohn moved to Singapore in 1870.
  • Eliza is said to have thrown her deeds to the Tessensohn inheritance (which would have included some of Adriaan Koek’s legacy, as Eliza was his granddaughter) into the Melaka River when she and Edwin left in 1870, suggesting an extremely acrimonious, bitter or painful relationship with the Melaka community in general. However, again, the nature of this has not survived at all in any fashion despite Eliza and Edwin’s later prominence, again suggesting its severity. Eliza and Edwin also remain respected in Malacca to this day.
  • J.B. dies one year after Edwin is born in April 1855; the pattern of both Adriaan and later Kabesa would suggest that something intense caused J.B. to lose the will to live in the same way that the 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty appears to have put paid to Adriaan’s willpower.
  • Treatment of Edwin, and the tremendous levels of respect shown to him balanced against the scope and scale of his public works, suggest that Edwin emerged from torturous circumstances and overcame enormous odds to be part of the public sphere, the details of which are again mysteriously absent, suggesting that they are Unsaid.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(J.B. became Kabesa on 17 March 1824, so each listed month begins on the 17th of that month and continues until the 16th of the next month)

  • October 1824: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    Father Jacob Joaquim Freire Brumber returns to Malacca (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 10)
  • June 1825: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Death of Adriaan Koek and arrival of Father Francisco da Silva Pinto e Maia in Singapore to establish the Portuguese Mission on 30 June (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 11)
  • February 1826: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Possibly the first mass said at the house of Jose d’Almeida at Mukim 206 Beach Rd by Father Francisco da Silva Pinto e Maia after his arrival to Singapore on Christmas Day 1825 (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 11; house number given as 207 on p. 30, “the last house with a garden in Beach Rd” and on p. 31)
  • October 1826: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1827: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event still unclear but possibly the expulsion of inhabitants of the Karimun islands who were loyal to Sultan Hussein by C.P.J. Elout (Swastiwi et al. 2022, p. 8) and Leo XII grants Vicar Apostolic of Siam jurisdiction over Singapore in his 16 July decree (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 12)
  • February 1828: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Death of George Koek, last remaining son (but not child) of Adriaan Koek, on January 17 (Kraal 2010, p. 25 and Kevin Martens Wong’s family tree) and Naning declared to be under the sovereignty of Malacca by Governor Fullerton (Freeland 2005, pp. 106-107)
  • October 1828: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Dol Said refuses to appear in person in Malacca (Freeland 2005, p. 107) and Father Maia buys 21-A to 21-D and 21-1 to 21-4 Beach Rd and 466-468 North Bridge Rd (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 58)
  • June 1829: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    J.B. sets up the meeting between Dol Said and himself (Freeland 2005, pp. 107-108)
  • February 1830: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1830: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Treaty of October 29, 1830 between the Dutch East India government and Riau (Swastiwi et al. 2022, p. 8)
  • June 1831: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    British Naning Expedition is authorised (The First Naning War)
  • February 1832: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    Treaty of Rembau (spelt Rambow) takes effect (Straits Times Overland Journal, 26 February 1874, p. 6)
  • October 1832: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    Resident of Malacca Robert Ibbetson acknowledges J.B.’s influence in writing
  • June 1833: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Boundary treaty between Malacca and Johor takes effect (Straits Times Overland Journal, 26 February 1874, p. 6)
  • February 1834: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    Dol Said surrenders to the British (The Second Naning War) after J.B. persuades him to (Freeland 2005, p. 110)
  • October 1834: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1835: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Facilitates Captain T. J. Newbold’s journey into the interior of Malacca to survey Malay culture (Straits Observer, 17 December 1875, p. 2)
  • February 1836: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1836: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1837: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    J.B. becomes Assistant Resident of Malacca
  • February 1838: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    According to the Resident of Singapore, William John Butterworth, Francisco da Silva Pinto e Maia is given twelve lots of land between Victoria St and Queen St (some of which will later become St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) on January 1 (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, pp. 77-78)
  • October 1838: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Passa allegations (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 27 September 1838, p. 2 (& second column)) and Father Maia and Gomes receive a Pastoral threatening them with excommunication if they submit to any other authority other than their metropolitan (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 14)
  • June 1839: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Draws up list of unsurrendered estates in Malacca (Straits Times Weekly Issue, 19 August 1886, p. 15)
  • February 1840: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1840: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1841: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1842: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1842: 224 / Istoria Amiang / The Days of Futures Past (28th dimension: Galifreza / Synchronicity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1843: 232 / Avestedra Krismatra / The Dreaming Avatar (29th dimension: Serendi / Serendipity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1844: 240 / Spektala Krismatra / The Dreaming Act (30th dimension: Perspizi / Perceptibility)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1844: 248 / Igrianza Kadastrela / The Start of Every Star (31st dimension: Tonakodra / Revivability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1845: 256 / Ungguanza Dosdosu / The Dual Singularity (32nd dimension: Mortegansa / Perishability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1846: 264 / Trukah Xamandra / The Changing of the Numinous (33rd dimension: Rangsang / Stimulation)
    Formally recognises Francisco Gomes as the head of the Catholic Church in Malacca instead of Peter Favre (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 9 April 1846, p. 2)
  • October 1846: 272 / Pegadu di Tempu / The Prisoners of Time (34th dimension: Stendemintu / Elasticity)
    Pushes for the effecting of a more direct mail service to Malacca instead of letters first going through Singapore and then to Malacca (The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1835-1869), 5 November 1846, p. 1)
  • June 1847: 280 / Repostu Dretu / The Right Answer (35th dimension: Kurentimintu / Versatility)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1848: 288 / Tigri sa Chang / The Tiger’s Land (36th dimension: Animundeza / Pertinacity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1848: 296 / Mizinya Krismatra / The Dreaming Cure (37th dimension: Igzatimintu / Exactitude)
    Suspended from duty as Assistant Resident (The Straits Times, 20 September 1848, p. 2)
  • June 1849: 304 / Augiera Krismatra / The Dreaming Oracle (38th dimension: Dureza / Durability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1850: 312 / Bibeh kung Mureh / The Living and Dying (39th dimension: Apapoitamintu / Appropriateness)
    Death of Francisco da Silva Pinto e Maia on 17 February (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 68)
  • October 1850: 320 / Ritmera Krismatra / The Dreaming Arithmetic (40th dimension: Kupaisang / Empathy)
    Death of José de Almeida Carvalho e Silva on 27 October (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 29)
  • June 1851: 328 / Riu di Sonu / The River of Dreams (41st dimension: Kontrastra / Blowback)
    Vicente de Santa Catarina gains approval for the construction of St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, pp. 82-83)
  • February 1852: 336 / Ganyah Krismatra / The Dreaming Victory (42nd dimension: Ontos / Existability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1852: 344 / Ingkantra Sabia / The Magic of Science (43rd dimension: Kerenza / Appeal)
    Revealed to have allowed opium to have been taken overland when he was Assistant Resident (The Straits Times, 26 October 1852, p. 5)
  • June 1853: 352 / Ireidi Krismatra / The Dreaming Self-Regard (44th dimension: Bonu / Goodness)
    Completion of St Joseph’s Church (Victoria St) (Teixeira 1963 vol. III, p. 83)
  • February 1854: 360 / Eresberes Semenesta / The Ingredients of the Multiverse (45th dimension: Robusa / Robustness)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1854: 368 / Jenti di Fing / The Last People (46th dimension: Mutulu / Mutuality)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1855: 376 / Keng pogu Birah / Those Who May Return (47th dimension: Enflizi / Alignability)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1856: 384 / Linggu Semulandu / The Resurrection Language (48th dimension: Langgianza / Fractality)
    Jurisdiction of court of Singapore is extended to Malacca (Judicial History, July 1969, p. 127), death and relinquishing of role as 2nd Kabesa

1st Kabesa: Adriaan Koek
Kabesa from Sunday, 19 July 1795 to Wednesday, 17 March 1824

(approx. 283–312 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Born Christmas Eve, Monday, 24 December 1759 in Melaka (Stadoires / Republican / 14th Generation)
Bittersweet Promise made, and right to hold the Darklight Matrix / Twinfire Engine of the Kristang earned, around December 1790 at approximately 30 years and 11 months of age
Became 1st Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 19 July 1795 at 35 years, 6 months and 25 days of age
Relinquished the role of Kabesa on Wednesday, 17 March 1824 after 29 years, 6 months and 25 days of service
Served 344 mes chronos = 43 octets in Individuation Theory as Kabesa
Represents the 1st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kumpridang (Length)
and the 1st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey of Chomaventura (The Call to Adventure)
Died Thursday, 19 May 1825
Ego-pattern most likely Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and therefore 1st Miasnu Kabesa

Leadership was likely most visibly numinous through acts, works, efforts or initiatives that developed the Kristang community’s independence, freedom and helpfulness to other Indigenous and Creole communities of Malaya (Stadoires / Republican / 14th Generation eleidi ego-pattern of Fleres (Type III) with Vraihai (Type XIII) in twelfth or Emissary archetypal-functional position generating the observable numinosity)

Tuan Raja Muda of Malacca (De Witt 2005, pp. 34-36)
1798-1818 Member of the Raad van Justitie (De Witt 2005, p. 32)
1812-1824 President of the Raad van Justitie (De Witt 2005, p. 32)
1823-1824 Last Governor of Dutch Melaka before the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 (De Witt 2005, p. 39, assumed based on dates and years given)
Captain-Lieutenant of the Burghers (Tessensohn 2013, p. 47)
Honourary Chief Justice of Malacca (Tessensohn 2013, p. 47)

Major events related to the Kristang community during Adriaan’s term as Kabesa:

  • 1795 British takeover of Malacca (see Irwin 1956)
  • 1805-1808 failed British attempt to depopulate Malacca and likely origination of the term Kristang (see Wee 1991)
  • 1818 Return of Malacca to Dutch control (see Borschberg 2019)
  • 1819 Creation of British Singapore, partially to rival Dutch Malacca (NLB article)
  • 1824 Anglo-Dutch Treaty and return of Malacca to British control (NLB article)

Contemporaneous Governors of Dutch Malacca:

  • 34th: Adriaan Koek himself (1822-1824)
  • 33rd: Jan Samuel Timmermann Thijssen (1818-1822)
  • 32nd: Abraham Couperus (1788-1795)

Contemporaneous British Residents of Malacca:

  • 6th: William Farquhar (1803-1818)
  • 5th: Aldwell Taylor (1798-1803)
  • 4th: David Campbell (1797-1798)
  • 3rd: Richard Tolson (1796-1797)
  • 2nd: Thomas Parr (1795-1796)
  • 1st: Archibald Brown (1795)

The role of Kabesa originated with Adriaan Koek on 19 July 1795 when he appears to have initiated or strongly supported a plan to peacefully protect the people of Malacca from a wartime/violent conquest of Malacca that may have been initiated by the British after the fallout of the invasion of the Dutch Republic by the French Revolutionary Army and the creation of the Batavian Republic in January 1795, alongside Governor of Melaka Abraham Couperus (see Irwin 1956). The role then transferred from him to Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout on 17 March 1824 as a result of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty, which returned Malacca to British control apparently against Adriaan’s wishes, and which likely caused his decline and death a little over a year later.

Major events based on octets in the Mes Chronos Kabesa and the Via Hierosa Kristang:
(Adriaan became Kabesa on 19 July 1795, so each listed month begins on the 19th of that month and continues until the 18th of the next month)

  • February 1796: 08 / Sol Krismatra / The Dreaming Sun (1st dimension: Kumpridang / Length)
    British begin use of convict labour in Malacca (Anderson 2019, p. 219) probably because all the Malaccans refuse to work for them and their colonial interests, and depositions made about the British takeover (Irwin 1956, p. 90)
  • October 1796: 16 / Porta Mundansa / The Gate of Worlds (2nd dimension: Largura / Width)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1797: 24 / Argila Krismatra / The Dreaming Gold (3rd dimension: Altura / Height)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1798: 32 / Jarding Krismatra / The Dreaming Garden (4th dimension: Durasang / Duration)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1798: 40 / Floris sa Korua / The Crown of Flowers (5th dimension: Anumsa / Likelihood)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1799: 48 / Lusembra / Darklight (6th dimension: Emagu / Reality)
    Major event still unclear but possibly Raja Isa of Muar giving Adriaan power of attorney
  • February 1800: 56 / Bara Krismatra / The Dreaming Harbour (7th dimension: Forsa / Willpower)
    Governor-General of Bengal Richard Wellesley writes to Admiral Peter Rainier that the Dutch at Malacca need to be observed more closely and that the garrison there needs to be strengthened (National Library of Australia, item ff.44r-48v, 27 March 1800)
  • October 1800: 64 / Porta Krismatra / The Dreaming Gate (8th dimension: Propisi / Symmetry)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1801: 72 / Alabanda / The Farthest Shore (9th dimension: Dodobra / Replication)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1802: 80 / Pedra Kedukang / The Standing Stone (10th dimension: Ozimandang / Entropy)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1802: 88 / Pulu Konfiansa / The Leap of Faith (11th dimension: Aguenta / Resilience)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1803: 96 / Istoria Hierosa / The Endless Tale (12th dimension: Alkandra / Evolution)
    British remain in possession of Malacca (instead of the French) after the Peace of Amiens is broken (Irwin 1962, p. 41)
  • February 1804: 104 / Ardansa Birada / The Living Legend (13th dimension: Skutaltra / Metacognition)
    French Contre-Admiral Charles-Alexandre Durand Linois discovers the East India Company’s China Fleet after searching for it for two months after being informed by Dutch informants of its existence in Batavia in December 1803, and Battle of Pulo Aura on 15 February (Wikipedia article)
  • October 1804: 112 / Sonu Impegra / The Impregnable Dream (14th dimension: Mandelonza / Differentiation)
    Francis Sartorius paints the Battle of Pulo Aura based on a drawing taken on board the Henry Addington (Creazilla / Wikimedia commons) and Abraham Couperus begins the process of defending his actions during the takeover of Malacca (Irwin 1956)
  • June 1805: 120 / Korua Montanya / The Crown Beyond Crowns (15th dimension: Padisidu / Endurance)
    British Admiralty refuses to finance Penang’s development as a naval base (Wee 1991, p. 88) and Abraham Couperus continues to defend his actions during the takeover of Malacca (Irwin 1956)
  • February 1806: 128 / Magnasemesta / The Worlds Beyond Worlds (16th dimension: Kombrundung / Nonlocality)
    William Farquhar personally petitions the British government to allow the Kristang and Dutch residents to remain in Malacca after an order to be prepared to move to Penang or Calcutta creates “the greatest consternation and dismay” (Farquhar 2016, p. 142)
  • October 1806: 136 / Makarapedra / The Guidestone (17th dimension: Aguvensa / Impermeability)
    Divided command of the British India fleet abolished, Edward Pellew returned to sole command and end of Penang permanent squadron, further decreasing the need for a naval base there (Wee 1991, p. 89)
  • June 1807: 144 / Porta Pradianti / The Gate of Tomorrow (18th dimension: Bentravensa / Preparedness)
    Destruction of A Famosa and ending of first round of British attempts to depopulate Melaka; William Farquhar saves the church and Stadois from destruction (Farquhar 2016, p. 143)
  • February 1808: 152 / Kaminyu di Seu / The Pathways to Heaven (19th dimension: Fogavensa / Indomitability)
    Governor of Penang Henry Shepherd Pearson issues a directive to the Court of Directors to end construction of the Penang naval base (Wee 1991, p. 89)
  • October 1808: 160 / Jarding Mazanta / The First Garden (20th dimension: Teravensa / Sustainability)
    Interactions with Stamford Raffles, Raffles issues a call to stop the destruction of Malacca, and excavation of the name Kristang (derived from Wee 1991, p. 97 and Fort of Melaka information board)
  • June 1809: 168 / Asedeh Fiel / The Fateful Concord (21st dimension: Arvavensa / Reinforcement)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • February 1810: 176 / Peli Vedra / Dragonskin (22nd dimension: Feruvensa / Magnanimity)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1810: 184 / Strela Fortuna / The Star of Fortune (23rd dimension: Fuzilavensa / Peripeteia)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • June 1811: 192 / Alabanda sa Soloh / The Valley Beyond (24th dimension: Jelavensa / Insulation)
    Raffles declares his vision for the annexation of Java and the Eastern Isles to Gilbert Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound / Lord Minto (Wee 1991, p. 94), which paradoxically protects Malacca from being destroyed since the British will need to use it as a base of operations
  • February 1812: 200 / Bes Prumiru / The First Time (25th dimension: Igrianza / Activation)
    Possibly the death of Sultan Mahmud Shah III and his son Abdul Rahman claiming the throne, although it is unclear whether Sultan Mahmud died in January 1811 or January 1812 (Wikipedia article vs. Kraal 2010, p. 16)
  • October 1812: 208 / Po Kadamundu / The Cardamom Dust (26th dimension: Doskureng / Concurrence)
    Java economy in crisis as a result of dramatic depletion of silver currency (Kraal 2010, p. 13)
  • June 1813: 216 / Temastramezi / The Time Machine (27th dimension: Minusku / Texture)
    Lord Minto objects to Raffles’ policy of restricting trade to specific ports in Borneo (Wee 1991, p. 102), British foreign secretary Viscount Castlereagh assures William VI of Orange that Britain will restore all colonies taken from Holland (Wee 1991, p. 105) and death of Abraham Couperus in Surabaya (Irwin 1956, p. 88)
  • February 1814: 224 / Istoria Amiang / The Days of Futures Past (28th dimension: Galifreza / Synchronicity)
    Sultan of Sulu refuses to admit John Hunt as a potential British Resident (Wee 1991, pp. 102-103)
  • October 1814: 232 / Avestedra Krismatra / The Dreaming Avatar (29th dimension: Serendi / Serendipity)
    Major event still unclear but likely linked to the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 13 August 1814, which returned Malacca to the Dutch (Wee 1991, p. 106)
  • June 1815: 240 / Spektala Krismatra / The Dreaming Act (30th dimension: Perspizi / Perceptibility)
    London decides to recall Stamford Raffles and to appoint him to Bencoolen (Wee 1991, p. 107)
  • February 1816: 248 / Igrianza Kadastrela / The Start of Every Star (31st dimension: Tonakodra / Revivability)
    Dutch officer Captain Nahuys arrives in Batavia with news that the new Dutch Governor-General will resume control of Java (Wee 1991, p. 107)
  • October 1816: 256 / Ungguanza Dosdosu / The Dual Singularity (32nd dimension: Mortegansa / Perishability)
    British government order issued to return Malacca to the Netherlands (Newbold 1839, pp. 127-128), and the Dutch regain control of Palembang and Bangka under the terms of the 1814 Anglo-Dutch Treaty (Wee 1991, p. 108)
  • June 1817: 264 / Trukah Xamandra / The Changing of the Numinous (33rd dimension: Rangsang / Stimulation)
    Munshi Abdullah and presumably Adriaan (since Munshi Abdullah’s father was already employed by Adriaan (De Witt 2005, p. 39)) learn how to use the printing press from English Protestant missionary Walter Henry Medhurst (NLB article)
  • February 1818: 272 / Pegadu di Tempu / The Prisoners of Time (34th dimension: Stendemintu / Elasticity)
    Major event still unclear but likely linked to Raffles beginning his Lieutenant-Governorship of Bencoolen (Wee 1991, p. 110) or to the visit of Adriaan to Tanjung Pinang with C. P. J. Elout to consult with the court there about how to cope with British pressure (van der Putten, 2002, p. 185)
  • October 1818: 280 / Repostu Dretu / The Right Answer (35th dimension: Kurentimintu / Versatility)
    Dutch return to Malacca under the command of Rear Admiral Walterbeck and Jan Timmerman-Thijssen (Wee 1991, p. 113, Kraal 2010, p. 16)
  • June 1819: 288 / Tigri sa Chang / The Tiger’s Land (36th dimension: Animundeza / Pertinacity)
    Raffles returns to Singapore for a short visit but with Singapore under the administration and leadership of William Farquhar, who appears to be friends with Adriaan (NLB article)
  • February 1820: 296 / Mizinya Krismatra / The Dreaming Cure (37th dimension: Igzatimintu / Exactitude)
    Bugis exodus to Singapore after the 1820 Riau Uprising (NLB article) which increases Singapore’s population at the expense of Malacca
  • October 1820: 304 / Augiera Krismatra / The Dreaming Oracle (38th dimension: Dureza / Durability)
    Major event still unclear but possibly the establishment of the colony of Singapore Police Department (SPF website)
  • June 1821: 312 / Bibeh kung Mureh / The Living and Dying (39th dimension: Apapoitamintu / Appropriateness)
    Cholera outbreak in Singapore and Malaya prevented when sailors from the Caroline Augustus are quarantined at Sandy Point (Tanjong Rhu) (NLB article)
  • February 1822: 320 / Ritmera Krismatra / The Dreaming Arithmetic (40th dimension: Kupaisang / Empathy)
    Major event not yet understood / excavated
  • October 1822: 328 / Riu di Sonu / The River of Dreams (41st dimension: Kontrastra / Blowback)
    Raffles returns to Singapore with Farquhar having turned Singapore into a thriving port town in Raffles’ absence; Raffles thereafter seeks to demolish Farquhar’s Singapore and rebuild it in his own design (NLB article)
  • June 1823: 336 / Ganyah Krismatra / The Dreaming Victory (42nd dimension: Ontos / Existability)
    John Crawfurd succeeds William Farquhar as the second Resident of Singapore after Raffles unjustifiably dismisses Farquhar (NLB article)
  • February 1824: 344 / Ingkantra Sabia / The Magic of Science (43rd dimension: Kerenza / Appeal)
    Formalisation of Anglo-Dutch Treaty and relinquishing of role as 1st Kabesa

The Koruakoroza and Ka-Kabesa

Under the leadership of the 43rd Kabesa Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza in January 2583, the Kristang eleidi is expected to transition from a leadership model where a single individuated human individual acts as the singular Voice and will of the Kristang community, to one where an eleidi consisting of two to four individuated human individuals bound together by irei will instead act occupy the same role. All two, three or four individuated human individuals in this eleidi, which will be called the Koruakoroza or Ka-Kabesa, will effectively act together as a singular Kabesa, though they will retain their full human individuality and distinctiveness of being. All available data indicates that the individuals who take on the Koruakoroza role must be lusembru to each other, and will take on and relinquish the role at the same time (i.e. all members of a Koruakoroza cease to hold the role of Koruakoroza if one of them dies, if one of them is no longer able to simultaneously satisfy all four conditions required to be Kabesa, or if another eleidi of two, three or four individuated individuals is better able to satisfy the conditions required to be Kabesa). The Koruakoroza together will otherwise satisfy the processes and rules of how the Kabesa role is acquired as described under the “Selection and Responsibilities” section above.

It appears that from all available psychoemotional data that the Kristang eleidi will undertake this change under Ezra’s leadership in order to respond to deep and profound changes in human society in relation to the species’ assumption of the Korua Kronomatra Bibiendu or the Mantle of Living Time, and to our attempts to restore and engender the Jarding Ireidra starting from the 27th century after seven hundred years of over-exploitation and over-consumption of the planet and Gaia’s natural resources. It also appears that the conditions for this change, which appears to require virtually unanimous approval from the entire Kristang eleidi, will only be possible starting from the late 26th century.

As the Koruakoroza role is essentially an eleidi-version of the Kabesa role, the count of known Koruakoroza begins from the 44th Koruakoroza = 44th (Ka-)Kabesa below, with each individual member listed by ego-pattern as well as the overall ego-pattern of the eleidi they form, based on the use of dreamfishing and the Osura Pesuasang as a framework for the excavation of psychohistorical patterns. If there are two Ka-Kabesa, they are named as the Ka-Kabesa Kriolu and the Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera in descending order of birth; if there are three Ka-Kabesa, they are named as the Ka-Kabesa Bensetra, the Ka-Kabesa Avakeia and the Ka-Kabesa Onerenza in descending order of birth; if there are four Ka-Kabesa, they are named as the Ka-Kabesa Ostros, the Ka-Kabesa Indros, the Ka-Kabesa Sintetos and the Ka-Kabesa Vadros in descending order of birth.

Dreamfishing anticipates that there will be a total of 23 Ka-Kabesa eleidi and 68 individuals who serve within these 23 Ka-Kabesa eleidi as equal individual Ka-Kabesa. The Kristang eleidi or collective, together with the entire human species, is anticipated to transition to a different form of social organisation that will no longer necessitate any kind of Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa role in the eleidi during the leadership of the 66th and final Ka-Kabesa Kriolu, Marion Michaelangelis Matthias van Huizen, and 66th and final Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera, Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully, in August 3111.

The future 66th and final Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Friday, 27 March 3068 to Thursday, 24 August 3111

(approx. 1,556–1,600 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 66th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 27 March 3068
Anticipated to end the need for any kind of Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa role within the Kristang eleidi on Thursday, 24 August 3111 after 43 years, 4 months and 28 days (or 43 years and 5 months exactly) of service
and anticipated to serve 65 octets = 520 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 66th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Bodrundi (Boundedness)
and the 66th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Vekta Sigma (The Key of Two Faces)

66th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Marion Michaelangelis Matthias van Huizen
Name also likely to be: Marion Michaelangeles “Meu” Mathias van Huizen, Marion Michaelangelis “Meus” Matthias van Huizen, Marion Michaelie “Meu” van Huizen
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Muleramantres / born into the Mentalics / 82nd Generation in 3044

First Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa terestra / intersex Kabesa
Anticipated to be the 28th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 8th and final Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K), Kelton Mariner (46-S), Wellsley Aeria (52-O), Harold Horatio Branson (56-I=57-K), Bilder Neubronner (60-S) and Frederick Faulkner Pereira-De Souza (64-S).

66th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully
Name also likely to be: Benedett Astarian Santamaria Scully, Benedett Esterian Santamaria Scully, Benedett Estherian Santamaria Scully, Benedett Estherean Santamaria Scully
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Muleramantres / born into the Mentalics / 82nd Generation in 3044

Second Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa terestra / intersex Kabesa
Anticipated to be the 29th and final Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 7th and final Kalidi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd), Esther Francis (36th), Victor Albuquerque (45th-I), Clinton O’Hara (46th-I), Roderick Eber (49th-B) and Christopher Theseira-Harrison (60th-O).

The future 65th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Tuesday, 9 July 3039 to Friday, 27 March 3068

(approx. 1,527–1,556 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 65th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 9 July 3039
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Friday, 27 March 3068 after 28 years, 8 months and 18 days of service
and anticipated to serve 43 octets = 344 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 65th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kareternera (Infinitability)
and the 65th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Relwe Lusembra (The Infinite Railway)

65th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ejekanteres / born into the Retriever Generation / 80th Generation in 3000

Anticipated to be the 15th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 25th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 15th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 7th and final Fleres Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th), Valerie Scully (12th), Belice Vanderbeck (34th), Allie Abraham (37th), Seneca Cordeiro (54th-B) and Annamarie Jensen (58th-N/V)

65th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Beatrice Leticia-Marie Vanderstraaten Pereira
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Akiura (Type II) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ejekanteres / born into the Retriever Generation / 80th Generation in 3009

Anticipated to be the 4th and final Akiura Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Noel Leicester Clarke (5th), Sharif Bahram (21st) and Ellie Tessensohn-Andrews (50th-O)

65th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Rantheia Suu Kyi Madrigal
Name also likely to be: Ranthea Suu Kyi Madrigal, Ranthea Suki (Japanese origin rather than for Aung San Suu Kyi) Madrigal
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ejekanteres / born into the Retriever Generation / 80th Generation in 3010

Anticipated to be the 16th and final Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 26th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 16th and final Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 6th and final Jejura Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd), Rylie De Cotta (23rd), Mandy Pereira (38th), Merique Gomez (60th-V) and Kintagh Brayley Raincaster (62nd-K)

65th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Erie Oriana Shepherdson
Name also likely to be: Erin Oriana Shepherdson, Erie Ourania Shepherdson, Erie Olivia Shepherdson
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ejekanteres / born into the Retriever Generation / 80th Generation in 3011

Anticipated to be the 27th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 4th and final Koireng Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Elker Ibrahim (39th), Connor Hendroff (45th-O) and Uriel Eden Monteiro (54th-O)

The future 64th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Thursday, 20 October 2996 to Tuesday, 9 July 3039

(approx. 1,484–1,527 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 64th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 20 October 2996
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Tuesday, 9 July 3039 after 42 years, 8 months and 19 days of service
and anticipated to serve 64 octets = 512 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 64th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Ultrapasiensa (Surpassability)
and the 64th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Porta Krismatra (The Dreaming Gate)

64th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Nielson Kiely Beoric Finnegan Westerhout
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Jomaganderes / born into the Impossible Generation / 78th Generation in 2972

Anticipated to be the 13th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 21st Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 13th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 9th and final Sombor Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th), Kevin Martens Wong (13th), Aikern Chern (20th), Lucas O’Hara (31st), Beoric Woodford (44th-N), Daggenan Chrysler (47th-A), Wyvy Serafin (59th-I) and Lowy Martens (62nd-N)

64th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Javash Juneid Zahir Montague
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Jomaganderes / born into the Impossible Generation / 78th Generation in 2973

Anticipated to be the 14th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 22nd Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 14th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 9th and final Hokisi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th), Kieran Longue (17th), Hale Doral (45th-V), Ovis Spykerman (47th-O), Leopold Eber (48th-N), Gerald Jensen Palmer (57th-N) and Henmie Evelyn Pereira-De Souza (59th-O)

64th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Frederick Heron Faulkner Pereira-De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Jomaganderes / born into the Impossible Generation / 78th Generation in 2973

Anticipated to be the 23rd Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 7th Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K), Kelton Mariner (46-S), Wellsley Aeria (52-O), Harold Horatio Branson (56-I=57-K) and Bilder Neubronner (60-S)

64th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: John Kilton Mercury Hogan
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Jomaganderes / born into the Impossible Generation / 78th Generation in 2976

Anticipated to be the 24th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 9th and final Vraihai Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th), Dawn Shepherdson (25th), Meryl de Vries (30th), Ourania Lancaster (35th), Elvis Bhagavan (47th-K), Orphiel Xavier (49th-O), Cersey Celandine Newton (51st-N) and Orphiel Petersen-Pritchard (52nd-O)

The future 63rd Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Saturday, 2 October 2984 to Thursday, 20 October 2996

(approx. 1,472–1,484 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of Rajos (Type I) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 63rd Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 2 October 2984
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Thursday, 20 October 2996 after 12 years and 18 days of service
and anticipated to serve 18 octets = 144 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 63rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Unendi (Localisability)
and the 63rd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Forsa Krismatra (The Dreaming Fire)

63rd Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Benjamin Matthew “Chiron” de Vries
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Klemenseres / born into the Kindest Generation / 77th Generation in 2952

Anticipated to be the 20th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 8th and final Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th), Shelba Sta Maria (32nd), Beatrice Ortiz (50th-A), Trigon Gowron (53rd-I), Patience Snodgrass (55th-K/I), Douglas Samosir (56th-S) and Columbia Montgomery (58th-K)

63rd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Odin Amadeus Werengein Bodestyne
Second middle name or father’s surname (Werengein) unusual in 21st century English phonotactics and morphology and exact spelling remains unclear
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Klemenseres / born into the Kindest Generation / 77th Generation in 2952

Anticipated to be the 9th and final Miasnu Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd), Claude Da Silva (7th), Justus Oliveiro (26th), Carl Rodrigo (53rd-I), Agatha Pereira (58th-N), Henry Alphonso Rodrigues (60th-I) and Stanislaus Kessler (61st-O)

The future 62nd Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Monday, 15 February 2968 to Saturday, 2 October 2984

(approx. 1,456–1,472 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 62nd Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 15 February 2968
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Saturday, 2 October 2984 after 16 years, 7 months and 17 days
and anticipated to serve 25 octets = 200 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 62nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kalkalili (Multiplicability)
and the 62nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Kampu di Bida (The Fields of Life)

62nd Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Kintagh Brayley Raincaster
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Klemenseres / born into the Kindest Generation / 77th Generation in 2952

Anticipated to be the 18th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be second-youngest person to Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa role overall

Anticipated to be the 5th Jejura Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd), Rylie De Cotta (23rd), Mandy Pereira (38th) and Merique Gomez (60th-V)

62nd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Alvin Apollo Rowsing “Lowy” Martens
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Klemenseres / born into the Kindest Generation / 77th Generation in 2952

Anticipated to be the 12th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 19th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 12th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa
Anticipated to be youngest person to assume Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa role overall

Anticipated to be the 8th Sombor Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th), Kevin Martens Wong (13th), Aikern Chern (20th), Lucas O’Hara (31st), Beoric Woodford (44th-N), Daggenan Chrysler (47th-A) and Wyvy Serafin (59th-I)

The future 61st Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Thursday, 26 June 2955 to Monday, 15 February 2968
(approx. 1,443–1,456 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 61st Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 26 June 2955
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Monday, 15 February 2968 after 12 years, 7 months and 20 days of service
and anticipated to serve 19 octets = 152 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 61st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Frutefra (Frutifulness)
and the 61st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Riu Krismatra (The Dreaming River)

61st Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Edwin Donaldson Rodrigues Oliveiro
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Reivinderes / born into Generation V / 75th Generation in 2920

Anticipated to be the 17th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 7th and final Deivang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th), Devina Albuquerque (42nd), Orion Anthonisz (53rd-V), Benjamin Anthony Hoeden (54th-A), Ferdinand Quintal (56th-V) and Setrie Reyes (59th-V)

61st Ka-Kabesa Avekeia: Jonathan Francis “Roper” De Rosa
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Reivinderes / born into Generation V / 75th Generation in 2921

Anticipated to be the 7th and final Zeldsa Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th), Joeline Noels (40th), Everett De Souza (46th-V), Jereon Mathias (48th-N), Susanna De Cotta (50th-B) and Morris De Souza (51st-K)

61st Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Ignatius Stanislaus Kessler
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Reivinderes / born into Generation V / 75th Generation in 2925

Anticipated to be the 11th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 11th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 8th Miasnu Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd), Claude Da Silva (7th), Justus Oliveiro (26th), Carl Rodrigo (53rd-I), Agatha Theseira (58th-N) and Henry Alphonso Rodrigues (60th-I)

The future 60th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Sunday, 1 November 2944 to Thursday, 26 June 2955
(approx. 1,432–1,443 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Akiura (Type II) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 60th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 1 November 2944
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Thursday, 26 June 2955 after 10 years, 7 months and 25 days of service
and anticipated to serve 16 octets = 128 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 60th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Fusisi (Blendability)
and the 60th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Arkuris Krismatra (The Dreaming Rainbow)

60th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Christopher Roosevelt Theseira-Harrison
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Angkrentes / born into the Anchor Generation / 74th Generation in 2900

Anticipated to be the 6th Kalidi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd), Esther Francis (36th), Victor Albuquerque (45th-I), Clinton O’Hara (46th-I) and Roderick Eber (49th-B)

60th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Henry Alphonso Rodrigues
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Angkrentes / born into the Anchor Generation / 74th Generation in 2905

Anticipated to be the 7th Miasnu Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd), Claude Da Silva (7th), Justus Oliveiro (26th), Carl Rodrigo (53rd-O) and Agatha Theseira (58th-N)

60th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Bilder Aloysius Holmstead Neubronner
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Angkrentes / born into the Anchor Generation / 74th Generation in 2907

Anticipated to be the 6th Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K), Kelton Mariner (46th-S), Wellsley Aeria (52nd-O) and Harold Horatio Branson (56th-I=57th-K)

60th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Aymeric “Merique” Alastair Gomez
Name also likely to be: Americus “Merric” Gomez, Emericus “Merric” Gomez
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Jejura (Type VI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Angkrentes / born into the Anchor Generation / 74th Generation in 2907

Anticipated to be the 4th Jejura Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd), Rylie De Cotta (23rd) and Mandy Pereira (38th)

The future 59th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Sunday, 16 June 2909 to Sunday, 1 November 2944
(approx. 1,397–1,432 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 59th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 16 June 2909
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Sunday, 1 November 2944 after 35 years, 4 months and 16 days of service
and anticipated to serve 53 octets = 424 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 59th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Spalaleza (Spreadability)
and the 59th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Suspira di Bida (The Breath of Life)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 22nd domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Thursday, 24 August 2919 to Friday, 23 August 2920 (1,408th year of chronological existence)

59th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Henmie Evelyn Meiwen Pereira-De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2883

Anticipated to be the 10th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 10th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 8th Hokisi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th), Kieran Longue (17th), Hale Doral (45th-V), Ovis Spykerman (47th-O), Leopold Eber (48th-K) and Gerald Jensen Palmer (57th-N)

59th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Wyvy Josephine Serafin
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2884

Anticipated to be the 14th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 7th Sombor Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th), Kevin Martens Wong (13th), Aikern Chern (20th), Lucas O’Hara (31st), Beoric Woodford (44th-N) and Daggenan Chrysler (47th-A)

59th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Imelda Matilda Almeida Alsagoff
Name also likely to be: Imelda Matilda Alameida (extra a) Alsagoff
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2886

Anticipated to be the 15th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 8th and final Kapichi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Charles Paglar (8th), Diana Zuzartee-David (18th), Cooper Lazaroo (41st), Shenan Simon (45th-S), Patrick Percy Fernandez (46th-O), Dennick Thomas (52nd-A) and Boaz de Vries (53rd-S)

59th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Setriza “Setrie” Louisa de los Reyes
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2886

Anticipated to be the 16th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 6th Deivang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th), Devina Albuquerque (42nd), Orion Anthonisz (53rd-V), Benjamin Anthony Hoeden (54th-O) and Ferdinand Quintal (56th-V)

The future 58th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Tuesday, 10 October 2902 to Sunday, 16 June 2909
(approx. 1,390–1,397 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Varung (Type XI) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 58th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Tuesday, 10 October 2902
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Sunday, 16 June 2909 after 6 years, 8 months and 6 days of service
and anticipated to serve 10 octets = 80 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 58th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Finisanggi (Definability)
and the 58th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Figura Krismatra (The Dreaming Design)

58th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Columbia Ashlee Edwina Montgomery
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Mahamerentes / born into the Olympian Generation / 72nd Generation in 2857

Anticipated to be the 7th Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th), Shelba Sta Maria (32nd), Beatrice Ortiz (50th-A), Trigon Gowron (53rd-I), Patience Snodgrass (55th-K/I) and Douglas Samosir (56th-S)

58th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Agatha Augustine Theseira
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Mahamerentes / born into the Olympian Generation / 72nd Generation in 2859

Anticipated to be the 6th Miasnu Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd), Claude Da Silva (7th), Justus Oliveiro (26th) and Carl Rodrigo (53rd-O)

The future 57th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Sunday, 28 September 2892 to Tuesday, 10 October 2902
(approx. 1,380–1,390 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 57th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Sunday, 28 September 2892
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Tuesday, 10 October 2902 after 10 years and 12 days of service
and anticipated to serve 15 octets = 120 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 57th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Ardanseza (Inheritability)
and the 57th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Bista Krismatra (The Dreaming Vision)

57th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu (= 56th Ka-Kabesa Indros): Harold Horatio Jeremiah Branson
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2873

Anticipated to be the 5th Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K), Kelton Mariner (46th-S) and Wellsley Aeria (52nd-O)

57th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Gerald Vincent Jensen Palmer
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2873

Anticipated to be the 7th Hokisi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th), Kieran Longue (17th), Hale Doral (45th-V), Ovis Spykerman (47th-O) and Leopold Eber (48th-K)

The future 56th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Friday, 1 February 2892 to Sunday, 28 September 2892
(approx. 1,380 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 56th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 1 February 2892
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Sunday, 28 September 2892 after 7 months and 27 days of service
and anticipated to serve 1 octet = 8 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 56th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Nasentarera (Originality)
and the 56th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Bara Krismatra (The Dreaming Harbour)

56th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Rowson Reginald Aidan Montgomery
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Rajos (Type I) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2873

Anticipated to be the 3rd and final Rajos Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Maureen Martens (11th) and Solomon Rodrigues (19th)

56th Ka-Kabesa Indros (= 57th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu): Harold Horatio Jeremiah Branson
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2873

Anticipated to be the 5th Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K), Kelton Mariner (46th-S) and Wellsley Aeria (52nd-O)

56th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Douglas Samosir
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2874

Anticipated to be the 6th Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th), Shelba Sta Maria (32nd), Beatrice Ortiz (50th-A), Trigon Gowron (53rd-I) and Patience Snodgrass (55th-K/I)

56th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Peter Ferdinand de Jesus Quintal
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Brilyandantes / born into the Radiant Generation / 73rd Generation in 2874

Anticipated to be the 5th Deivang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th), Devina Albuquerque (42nd), Orion Anthonisz (53rd-V) and Benjamin Anthony Hoeden (56th-A)

The future 55th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Friday, 25 February 2889 to Friday, 1 February 2892
(approx. 1,377–1,380 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 55th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 25 February 2889
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Friday, 1 February 2892 after 2 years, 11 months and 7 days of service
and anticipated to serve 4.5 octets = 36 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 55th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Ruditatis (Expressiveness)
and the 55th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Gabadisa Sunyeska (The Dreamfisher’s Pride)

55th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu (in their lifetime will want to be known as Ka-Kabesa Indros): Patience Carmine Snodgrass
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Visual Generation / 70th Generation in 2822

Anticipated to be the 5th Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th), Shelba Sta Maria (32nd), Beatrice Ortiz (50th-A) and Trigon Gowron (53rd-I)

55th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera (in their lifetime will want to be known as Ka-Kabesa Vadros): Annamarie Verity Jensen
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Superscalers / 71st Generation in 2829

Anticipated to be the 6th Fleres Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th), Valerie Scully (12th), Belice Vanderbeck (34th), Allie Abraham (37th) and Seneca Cordeiro (54th-B)

The future 54th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Thursday, 17 October 2886 to Friday, 25 February 2889
(approx. 1,374–1,377 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Rajos (Type I) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 54th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 17 October 2886
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Friday, 25 February 2889 after 2 years, 4 months and 8 days of service
and anticipated to serve 3.5 octets = 28 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 54th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Zamahang (Cohesiveness)
and the 54th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Mulera Krismatra (The Dreaming Gestalt)

54th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Seneca Lusitania Cordeiro
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Fleres (Type III) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Wardens / 69th Generation in 2803

Anticipated to be the 5th Fleres Kabesa after Hugh Zehnder (6th), Valerie Scully (12th), Belice Vanderbeck (34th) and Allie Abraham (37th)

54th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia: John Benjamin Anthony Hoeden
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Asentederes / born into the Visual Generation / 70th Generation in 2811

Anticipated to be the 4th Deivang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th), Devina Albuquerque (42nd) and Orion Anthonisz (53rd-V)

54th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Uriel Eden Monteiro
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Asentederes / born into the Visual Generation / 70th Generation in 2814

Anticipated to be the 3rd Koireng Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Elker Ibrahim (39th) and Connor Hendroff (45th)

The future 53rd Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Thursday, 3 February 2828 to Thursday, 17 October 2886
(approx. 1,316–1,374 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 53rd Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 3 February 2828
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Thursday, 17 October 2886 after 58 years, 8 months and 14 days of service
and anticipated to serve 88 octets = 704 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 53rd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Unikera (Distinctiveness)
and the 53rd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Skudura Krismatra (The Dreaming Armour)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 21st domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Tuesday, 24 August 2855 to Wednesday, 23 August 2856 (1,344th year of chronological existence)

53rd Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Carl Marcel Solomon Rodrigo
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Asentederes / born into the Jokers / 68th Generation in 2791

Anticipated to be the 5th Miasnu Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Adriaan Koek (1st), Eliza Tessensohn (3rd), Claude Da Silva (7th) and Justus Oliveiro (26th)

53rd Ka-Kabesa Indros: Ethan “Trigon” Gowron
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Wardens / 69th Generation in 2793

Anticipated to be the 4th Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th), Shelba Sta Maria (32nd) and Beatrice Ortiz (50th-A)

53rd Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Boaz Patrick de Vries
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Wardens / 69th Generation in 2793

Anticipated to be the 7th Kapichi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Charles Paglar (8th), Diana Zuzartee-David (18th), Cooper Lazaroo (41st), Shenan Simon (45th-S), Patrick Percy Fernandez (46th-O) and Dennick Thomas (52nd-A)

53rd Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Michaelius Orion Anthonisz
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Gadrandantes / born into the Wardens / 69th Generation in 2796

Anticipated to be the 3rd Deivang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Mabel Martens (10th) and Devina Albuquerque (42nd)

The future 52nd Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Friday, 3 June 2777 to Thursday, 3 February 2828
(approx. 1,265–1,316 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 52nd Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 3 June 2777
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Thursday, 3 February 2828 after 50 years and 8 months of service
and anticipated to serve 76 octets = 608 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 52nd spacetime dimension in Kristang of Jenggosi (Evolvability)
and the 52nd stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Batemintu Bida (The Concern of Life)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 20th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Saturday, 24 August 2791 to Sunday, 23 August 2792 (1,280th year of chronological existence)

52nd Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Orphiel Jamal Petersen-Pritchard
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Astranggeres / born into Generation Grit / 66th Generation in 2741

Anticipated to be the 9th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 9th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 8th Vraihai Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th), Dawn Shepherdson (25th), Meryl de Vries (30th), Ourania Lancaster (35th), Elvis Bhagavan (47th-B), Orphiel Xavier (49th-O) and Cersey Celandine Newton (51st-N)

52nd Ka-Kabesa Avakeia: Nestor Dennick Thomas
Name also likely to be: Nestor Dendrick Thomas, Nestor Denerick Thomas
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Astranggeres / born into Generation Grit / 66th Generation in 2744

Anticipated to be the 6th Kapichi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Charles Paglar (8th), Diana Zuzartee-David (18th), Cooper Lazaroo (41st), Shenan Simon (45th-S), and Patrick Percy Fernandez (46th-O)

52nd Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Wellsley Eusoff Emeric Aeria
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Astranggeres / born into Generation Grit / 66th Generation in 2747

Anticipated to be the 4th Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th), Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K) and Kelton Mariner (46th-S)

The future 51st Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Monday, 6 May 2729 to Friday, 3 June 2777
(approx. 1,217–1,265 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 51st Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Monday, 6 May 2729
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Friday, 3 June 2777 after 48 years and 28 days of service
and anticipated to serve 72 octets = 576 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 51st spacetime dimension in Kristang of Kandoreng (Incandescence)
and the 51st stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Fogu Persefra (The Eternal Flame)

51st Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Mauricia “Morris” De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Inkanyeres / born into the Incarnate / 64th Generation in 2705

Anticipated to be the 6th Zeldsa Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th), Joeline Noels (40th), Everett De Souza (46th-V), Jereon Mathias (48th-N) and Susanna De Cotta (50th-B)

51st Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Cersey Celandine Alexandria Newton
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Inkanyeres / born into the Incarnate / 64th Generation in 2706

Anticipated to be the 7th Vraihai Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th), Dawn Shepherdson (25th), Meryl de Vries (30th), Ourania Lancaster (35th), Elvis Bhagavan (47th-B) and Orphiel Xavier (49th-O).

The future 50th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Friday, 14 January 2710 to Monday, 6 May 2729
(approx. 1,198–1,217 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 50th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Friday, 14 January 2710
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Monday, 6 May 2729 after 19 years, 3 months and 22 days of service
and anticipated to serve 29 octets = 232 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 50th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Baizikamintu (Modificability)
and the 50th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Kudih Marabiya (The Reawakening of Marvels)

50th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Susanna Allyanna De Cotta
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kastelantreres / born into the Bastion Generation / 62nd Generation in 2679

Anticipated to be the 5th Zeldsa Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th), Joeline Noels (40th), Everett De Souza (46th-V) and Jereon Mathias (48th-N)

50th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia: Beatrice Ortiz
Name originally identified as Vetyrie Ortiz
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kastelantreres / born into the Bastion Generation / 62nd Generation in 2679

Anticipated to be the 3rd Splikabel Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Regina Marzuki (24th) and Shelba Sta Maria (32nd)

50th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Elissa “Ellie” Tessensohn-Andrews
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Akiura (Type II) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kastelantreres / born into the Bastion Generation / 62nd Generation in 2681

Anticipated to be the 3rd Akiura Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Noel Leicester Clarke (5th) and Sharif Bahram (21st)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 19th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Wednesday, 24 August 2727 to Thursday, 23 August 2728 (1,216th year of chronological existence)

The future 49th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Wednesday, 1 January 2708 to Friday, 14 January 2710
(approx. 1,196–1,198 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Splikabel (Type VIII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 49th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 1 January 2708
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Friday, 14 January 2710 after 2 years and 13 days of service
and anticipated to serve 3 octets = 24 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 49th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Krioluzidadi (Hybridisability)
and the 49th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Trumenteza di Nosta (The Trauma of Generations)

49th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Roderick Francis Eber
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kastelantreres / born into the Bastion Generation / 62nd Generation in 2677

Anticipated to be the 7th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 7th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 5th Kalidi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd), Esther Francis (36th), Victor Albuquerque (45th-I) and Clinton O’Hara (46th-I)

49th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia: Kenan Brandon Edward De Mello
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Varung (Type XI) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kastelantreres / born into the Bastion Generation / 62nd Generation in 2681

Anticipated to be the 13th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 4th and final Varung Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd), Callisteia Oliveiro (27th) and Palome Vierra (29th)

49th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Orphiel Elijah Xavier
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Kasiteretres / born into the Pewter Generation / 63rd Generation in 2685

Anticipated to be the 8th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 8th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 6th Vraihai Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th), Dawn Shepherdson (25th), Meryl de Vries (30th), Ourania Lancaster (35th) and Elvis Bhagavan (47th-B)

The future 48th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Wednesday, 28 May 2673 to Wednesday, 1 January 2708
(approx. 1,161–1,196 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 48th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Wednesday, 28 May 2673
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Wednesday, 1 January 2708 after 34 years, 7 months and 4 days of service
and anticipated to serve 52 octets = 416 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 48th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Langgianza (Fractality)
and the 48th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Lusembra (Darklight)

48th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu: Leopold Eber
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Epesemeres / born into the Solemn Generation / 61st Generation in 2646

Anticipated to be the 6th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 6th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 6th Hokisi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th), Kieran Longue (17th), Hale Doral (45th-V) and Ovis Spykerman (47th-O)

48th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: George Aloysius Jereon Mathias
Name also likely to be: George Aloysius Jereon Matthias
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Epesemeres / born into the Solemn Generation / 61st Generation in 2653

Anticipated to be the 12th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD

Anticipated to be the 4th Zeldsa Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th), Joeline Noels (40th) and Everett De Souza (46th-V)

The future 47th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Saturday, 12 September 2668 to Wednesday, 28 May 2673
(approx. 1,156–1,161 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 47th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 12 September 2668
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Wednesday, 28 May 2673 after 4 years, 8 months and 16 days of service
and anticipated to serve 7 octets = 56 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 47th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Enflizi (Alignability)
and the 47th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Pezu Speransa (The Weight of Hope)

47th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra: Anand “Elvis” Bhagavan
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Vraihai (Type XIII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Epesemeres / born into the Solemn Generation / 61st Generation in 2646

Anticipated to be the 5th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 11th Kabesa xamatrang / Kabesa with ADHD
Anticipated to be the 5th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticiapted to be the 5th Vraihai Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Jaasir Mahsom (16th), Dawn Shepherdson (25th), Meryl de Vries (30th) and Ourania Lancaster (35th)

47th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia: Darwood Keenan “Daggenan” Chrysler
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Epesemeres / born into the Solemn Generation / 61st Generation in 2646

Anticipated to be the 6th Sombor Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th), Kevin Martens Wong (13th), Aikern Chern (20th), Lucas O’Hara (31st) and Beoric Woodford (44th-N)

47th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza: Oscar “Ovis” Vierra Spykerman
Name also likely to be: Oscar “Ovis” Vierra Especkerman, Oscar “Ovis” Vierra Spijkerman
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Epesemeres / born into the Solemn Generation / 61st Generation in 2646

Anticipated to be the 5th Hokisi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th), Kieran Longue (17th) and Hale Doral (45th-V)

The future 46th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Saturday, 12 September 2640 to Saturday, 12 September 2668
(approx. 1,128–1,156 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Deivang (Type XVI) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 46th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 12 September 2640
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Saturday, 12 September 2668 after 28 years exactly of service
and anticipated to serve 42 octets = 336 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 46th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Mutulu (Mutuality)
and the 46th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Jeng di Bida (The Code of Life)

46th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Patrick Percival Reginald Fernandez
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Splendentres / born into the Splendid Generation / 59th Generation in 2617

Anticipated to be the 4th Kabesa kalkali / Kabesa with autism
Anticipated to be the 4th Kabesa xamang / shaman Kabesa

Anticipated to be the 4th Kapichi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Charles Paglar (8th), Diana Zuzartee-David (18th), Cooper Lazaroo (41st) and Shenan Simon (44th-S)

46th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Clinton Jerien O’Hara
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Splendentres / born into Splendid Generation / 59th Generation in 2618

Anticipated to be the 4th Kalidi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd), Esther Francis (36th) and Victor Albuquerque (45th-I)

46th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Kelton Gordon Trevelyan Mariner
Name also likely to be: Kelson Gordon Trevelyan Mariner
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Splendentres / born into Splendid Generation / 59th Generation in 2620

Anticipated to be the 3rd Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th) and Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd=44th-K)

46th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Everett De Souza
Name also likely to be: Everest De Souza, Earnest De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Zeldsa (Type V) in the Osura Pesuasang and Splendentres / born into the Splendid Generation / 59th Generation in 2621

Anticipated to be the 3rd Zeldsa Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Hannan De Cruz (28th) and Joeline Noels (40th)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 18th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Monday, 24 August 2663 to Tuesday, 23 August 2664 (1,152th year of chronological existence)

The future 45th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Thursday, 28 September 2594 to Saturday, 12 September 2640
(approx. 1,082–1,128 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Miasnu (Type IV) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 45th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Thursday, 28 September 2594
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Saturday, 12 September 2640 after 45 years, 11 months and 15 days of service
and anticipated to serve 69 octets = 552 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 45th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Robusa (Robustness)
and the 45th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Kaska Maliduensa (The Unbreakable Shell)

Anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa during integration of the 17th domain of Kristang’s existence as an eleidi in chronos time from Saturday, 24 August 2599 to Sunday, 23 August 2600 (1,088th year of chronological existence)

45th Ka-Kabesa Ostros: Connor Kerellien Hendroff
Name also likely to be: Connor Corellian Hendroff, Connor Keralian Hendroff
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2574

Anticipated to be the 2nd Koireng Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Elker Ibrahim (39th)

45th Ka-Kabesa Indros: Victor Lawrence Michael Albuquerque
Name also likely to be: Victor Lawrence Michaels Albuquerque
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kalidi (Type IX) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2574

Anticipated to be the 3rd Kalidi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Imran Alsagoff (33rd) and Esther Francis (36th)

45th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos: Shenan Simon
Name also likely to be: Shannon Simon
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Kapichi (Type XII) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2574

Anticipated to be the 4th Kapichi Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Charles Paglar (8th), Diana Zuzartee-David (18th) and Cooper Lazaroo (41st)

45th Ka-Kabesa Vadros: Arthur Hailey “Hale” Doral
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Hokisi (Type XIV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2574

Anticipated to be the 4th Hokisi Kabesa after Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th), Benjamin Harris (14th) and Kieran Longue (17th)

The future 44th Koruakoroza / Ka-Kabesa
Eleidi not yet formed as of 31 October 2024, anticipated to be Ka-Kabesa together from Saturday, 11 January 2583 to Thursday, 28 September 2594
(approx. 1,071–1,082 years after the Portuguese conquest of Melaka is completed on Thursday, 24 August 1511)

Eleidi anticipated to be of ego-pattern Koireng (Type VII) in the Osura Pesuasang
Eleidi members anticipated to jointly become 44th Ka-Kabesa of the Kristang on Saturday, 11 January 2583, with the 43rd Kabesa becoming the 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu
Anticipated to jointly relinquish the role of Ka-Kabesa on Thursday, 28 September 2594 after 11 years, 8 months and 17 days of service
and anticipated to serve 17.5 octets = 140 mes chronos as Ka-Kabesa
Will collectively represent the 44th spacetime dimension in Kristang of Bonu (Goodness)
and the 44th stage in the Kristang Hero’s Journey, Korpu Vedra (Dragonshide)

44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu (= 43rd Kabesa): Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Spontang (Type X) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2557

Anticipated to be the 2nd Spontang Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Nathaniel Nonis (15th)

44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera: Beoric Valentinian Woodford
Name also likely to be: Beuric Valentinian Woodford, Euric Valentinian Woodford, Ulric Valentinian Woodford, Eric Valentinian Woodford
Anticipated to be of ego-pattern Sombor (Type XV) in the Osura Pesuasang and Ritmarenteres / born into the Symphonic Generation / 56th Generation in 2560

Anticipated to be the 5th Sombor Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa after Edwin Tessensohn (4th), Kevin Martens Wong (13th), Aikern Chern (20th) and Lucas O’Hara (31st)

All Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa by Ego-Pattern in the Osura Pesuasang

Note: Kabesa are generally listed here by their shorter public or “official” name, which may sometimes use their married name in place of their maiden name, or for Ka-Kabesa born starting from what appears to be the 26th century onwards, may only list their second surname (parts of the Kristang community appear to adopt or creolise the practice of passing on both the parents’ surnames to their children starting from the early 26th century, such that it has become a common and/or culturally-inherited practice by the end of the 29th). Generally the list is based on what appears to be the most standard practice for how their names are listed or publicly displayed in their lifetimes within the Kristang eleidi, and how they generally were or will be informally known to people in the eleidi based on all available psychoemotional and psychohistorical data.

Rajos (Type I)
1st Rajos: Maureen Martens (11th Kabesa from 1989 to 1991)
2nd Rajos: Solomon Rodrigues (19th Kabesa from 2116 to 2127)
3rd Rajos: Rowson Montgomery (56th Ka-Kabesa Ostros in 2892)

Akiura (Type II)
1st Akiura: Noel Leicester Clarke (5th Kabesa from 1926 to 1936)
2nd Akiura: Sharif Bahram (21st Kabesa from 2165 to 2176)
3rd Akiura: Ellie Tessensohn-Andrews (50th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2710 to 2729)
4th Akiura: Beatrice Vanderstraaten Pereira (65th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 3039 to 3068)

Fleres (Type III)
1st Fleres: Hugh Zehnder (6th Kabesa from 1936 to 1939)
2nd Fleres: Valerie Scully (12th Kabesa from 1991 to 2015)
3rd Fleres: Belice Vanderbeck (34th Kabesa from 2474 to 2476)
4th Fleres: Allie Abraham (37th Kabesa from 2488 to 2501)
5th Fleres: Seneca Cordeiro (54th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2886 to 2889)
6th Fleres: Annamarie Jensen (55th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera/Vadros from 2889 to 2892)
7th Fleres: Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza (65th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 3039 to 3068)

Miasnu (Type IV)
1st Miasnu: Adriaan Koek (1st Kabesa from 1795 to 1824)
2nd Miasnu: Eliza Tessensohn (3rd Kabesa from 1856 to 1874)
3rd Miasnu: Claude Henry Da Silva (7th Kabesa from 1939 to 1941)
4th Miasnu: Justus Oliveiro (26th Kabesa from 2304 to 2338)
5th Miasnu: Carl Rodrigo (53rd Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2828 to 2886)
6th Miasnu: Agatha Theseira (58th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2902 to 2909)
7th Miasnu: Henry Alphonso Rodrigues (60th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2944 to 2955)
8th Miasnu: Stanislaus Kessler (61st Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2955 to 2968)
9th Miasnu: Odin Amadeus Bodestyne (63rd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2984 to 2996)

Zeldsa (Type V)
1st Zeldsa: Hannan De Cruz (28th Kabesa from 2346 to 2388)
2nd Zeldsa: Joeline Noels (40th Kabesa from 2543 to 2551)
3rd Zeldsa: Everett De Souza (46th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2640 to 2668)
4th Zeldsa: Jereon Mathias (48th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2673 to 2708)
5th Zeldsa: Susanna De Cotta (50th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2710 to 2729)
6th Zeldsa: Morris De Souza (51st Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2729 to 2777)
7th Zeldsa: Roper De Rosa (61st Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2955 to 2968)

Jejura/Jujura (Type VI)
1st Jejura/Jujura: Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd Kabesa from 2176 to 2204)
2nd Jejura/Jujura: Rylie De Cotta (23rd Kabesa from 2204 to 2219)
3rd Jejura/Jujura: Mandy Pereira (38th Kabesa from 2501 to 2531)
4th Jejura/Jujura: Merique Gomez (60th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2944 to 2955)
5th Jejura/Jujura: Kintagh Brayley Raincaster (62nd Ka-Kabesa from 2968 to 2984)
6th Jejura/Jujura: Rantheia Madrigal (65th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 3039 to 3068)

Koireng (Type VII)
1st Koireng: Elker Ibrahim (39th Kabesa from 2531 to 2543)
2nd Koireng: Connor Hendroff (45th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2594 to 2640)
3rd Koireng: Uriel Eden Monteiro (54th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2886 to 2889)
4th Koireng: Erie Shepherdson (65th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 3039 to 3068)

Splikabel (Type VIII)
1st Splikabel: Regina Marzuki (24th Kabesa from 2219 to 2286)
2nd Splikabel: Shelba Sta Maria (32nd Kabesa from 2418 to 2426)
3rd Splikabel: Beatrice Ortiz (50th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2710 to 2729)
4th Splikabel: Trigon Gowron (53rd Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2828 to 2886)
5th Splikabel: Patience Snodgrass (55th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu/Indros from 2889 to 2892)
6th Splikabel: Douglas Samosir (56th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos in 2892)
7th Splikabel: Columbia Montgomery (58th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2902 to 2909)
8th Splikabel: Chiron de Vries (63rd Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2984 to 2996)

Kalidi (Type IX)
1st Kalidi: Imran Alsagoff (33rd Kabesa from 2426 to 2474)
2nd Kalidi: Esther Francis (36th Kabesa from 2484 to 2488)
3rd Kalidi: Victor Albuquerque (45th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2594 to 2640)
4th Kalidi: Clinton O’Hara (46th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2640 to 2668)
5th Kalidi: Roderick Eber (49th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2708 to 2710)
6th Kalidi: Christopher Theseira-Harrison (60th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2944 to 2955)
7th Kalidi: Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully (66th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 3068 to 3111)

Spontang (Type X)
1st Spontang: Nathaniel Nonis (15th Kabesa from 2077 to 2087)
2nd Spontang: Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd Kabesa from 2581 to 2583 and 44th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2583 to 2594)
3rd Spontang: Kelton Mariner (46th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2640 to 2668)
4th Spontang: Wellsley Aeria (52nd Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2777 to 2828)
5th Spontang: Harold Horatio Branson (56th Ka-Kabesa Indros in 2892 and 57th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2892 to 2902)
6th Spontang: Bilder Neubronner (60th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2944 to 2955)
7th Spontang: Frederick Faulkner Pereira-De Souza (64th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2996 to 3039)
8th Spontang: Marion Michaelangelis Matthias van Huizen (66th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 3068 to 3111)

Varung (Type XI)
1st Varung: Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd Kabesa from 1824 to 1856)
2nd Varung: Callisteia Oliveiro (27th Kabesa from 2338 to 2346)
3rd Varung: Palome Franciska Vierra (29nd Kabesa from 2388 to 2392)
4th Varung: Kenan Brandon Edward De Mello (49th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2708 to 2710)

Kapichi (Type XII)
1st Kapichi: Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar (8th Kabesa from 1941 to 1951)
2nd Kapichi: Diana Zuzartee-David (18th Kabesa from 2103 to 2116)
3rd Kapichi: Cooper Lazaroo (41st Kabesa from 2551 to 2568)
4th Kapichi: Shenan Simon (45th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2584 to 2640)
5th Kapichi: Patrick Percy Fernandez (46th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2640 to 2684)
6th Kapichi: Dennick Thomas (52nd Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2777 to 2828)
7th Kapichi: Boaz de Vries (53rd Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2828 to 2886)
8th Kapichi: Imelda Matilda Alsagoff (59th Ka-Kabesa Sintetos from 2909 to 2944)

Vraihai (Type XIII)
1st Vraihai: Jaasir Mahsom (16th Kabesa from 2087 to 2091)
2nd Vraihai: Dawn Shepherdson (25th Kabesa from 2286 to 2304)
3rd Vraihai: Meryl de Vries (30th Kabesa from 2392 to 2404)
4th Vraihai: Ourania Lancaster (35th Kabesa from 2476 to 2484)
5th Vraihai: Elvis Bhagavan (47th Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2668 to 2673)
6th Vraihai: Orphiel Xavier (49th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2708 to 2710)
7th Vraihai: Cersey Celandine Newton (51st Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2729 to 2777)
8th Vraihai: Orphiel Petersen-Pritchard (52nd Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2777 to 2828)
9th Vraihai: John Kilton Mercury Hogan (65th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2996 to 3039)

Hokisi (Type XIV)
1st Hokisi: Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th Kabesa from 1951 to 1969)
2nd Hokisi: Benjamin Harris (14th Kabesa from 2075 to 2077)
3rd Hokisi: Kieran Longue (17th Kabesa from 2091 to 2103)
4th Hokisi: Hale Doral (45th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2584 to 2640)
5th Hokisi: Ovis Spykerman (47th Ka-Kabesa Onerenza from 2668 to 2673)
6th Hokisi: Leopold Eber (48th Ka-Kabesa Kriolu from 2673 to 2708)
7th Hokisi: Gerald Jensen Palmer (57th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2892 to 2902)
8th Hokisi: Henmie Evelyn Pereira-De Souza (59th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2909 to 2944)
9th Hokisi: Javash Montague (65th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2996 to 3039)

Sombor (Type XV)
1st Sombor: Edwin Tessensohn (4th Kabesa from 1874 to 1926)
2nd Sombor: Kevin Martens Wong (13th Kabesa from 2015 to 2075)
3rd Sombor: Aikern Chern (20th Kabesa from 2127 to 2165)
4th Sombor: Lucas O’Hara (31st Kabesa from 2404 to 2418)
5th Sombor: Beoric Woodford (44th Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2583 to 2594)
6th Sombor: Daggenan Chrysler (47th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2668 to 2673)
7th Sombor: Wyvy Serafin (59th Ka-Kabesa Indros from 2909 to 2944)
8th Sombor: Lowy Martens (62nd Ka-Kabesa Nasentarera from 2968 to 2984)
9th Sombor: Nielson Westerhout (64th Ka-Kabesa Ostros from 2996 to 3039)

Deivang (Type XVI)
1st Deivang: Mabel Martens (10th Kabesa from 1969 to 1989)
2nd Deivang: Devina Albuquerque (42nd Kabesa from 2568 to 2581)
3rd Deivang: Orion Anthonisz (53rd Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2828 to 2886)
4th Deivang: Benjamin Anthony Hoeden (54th Ka-Kabesa Avakeia from 2886 to 2889)
5th Deivang: Ferdinand Quintal (56th Ka-Kabesa Vadros in 2892)
6th Deivang: Setrie Reyes (59th Ka-Kabesa Vadros from 2909 to 2944)
7th Deivang: Donaldson Oliveiro (61st Ka-Kabesa Bensetra from 2955 to 2968)

Kabesa and Ka-Kabesa by Mes Chronos Served

Listed in ascending order by chronological year of commencement of service as Kabesa or Ka-Kabesa

1 octet = 8 mes chronos (approximately 8 months)
2892: Rowson Montgomery, Harold Horatio Branson, Douglas Samosir and Ferdinand Quintal (56th)

3 octets = 24 mes chronos (approximately 2 years)
2075–2077: Benjamin Harris (14th)
2474–2476: Belice Vanderbeck (34th)
2708–2710: Roderick Eber, Kenan Brandon Edward De Mello and Orphiel Xavier (49th)

3.5 octets = 28 mes chronos (approximately 2 years 4 months)
2581–2583: Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza (43rd)
2886–2889: Seneca Cordeiro, Benjamin Anthony Hoeden and Uriel Eden Monteiro (54th)

4 octets = 32 mes chronos (approximately 2 years 8 months)
1939–1941: Claude Henry Da Silva (7th)
1989–1991: Maureen Martens (11th)

4.5 octets = 36 mes chronos (approximately 3 years)
1936–1939: Hugh Zehnder (6th)
2889–2892: Patience Snodgrass and Annamarie Jensen (55th)

5 octets = 40 mes chronos (approximately 3 years 4 months)
2388–2392: Palome Franciska Vierra (29th)

6 octets = 48 mes chronos (approximately 4 years)
2484–2488: Esther Francis (36th)

7 octets = 56 mes chronos (approximately 4 years 8 months)
2087–2091: Jaasir Mahsom (16th)
2668–2673: Elvis Bhagavan, Daggenan Chrysler and Ovis Spykerman (47th)

10 octets = 80 mes chronos (approximately 6 years 8 months)
2902–2909: Columbia Montgomery and Agatha Theseira (58th)

11 octets = 88 mes chronos (approximately 7 years 4 months)
2338–2346: Callisteia Oliveiro (27th)

12 octets = 96 mes chronos (approximately 8 years)
2418–2426: Shelba Sta Maria (32nd)
2543-2551: Joeline Noels (40th)

13 octets = 104 mes chronos (approximately 8 years 8 months)
2476-2484: Ourania Lancaster (35th)

14 octets = 112 mes chronos (approximately 9 years 4 months)
1941–1951: Charles Joseph Pemberton Paglar (8th)
2077–2087: Nathaniel Nonis (15th)

15 octets = 120 mes chronos (approximately 10 years)
1926–1936: Noel Leicester Clarke (5th)
2892–2902: Harold Horatio Branson and Gerald Jensen Palmer (57th)

16 octets = 128 mes chronos (approximately 10 years 8 months)
2165-2176: Sharif Bahram (21st)
2944–2955: Christopher Theseira-Harrison, Henry Alphonso Rodrigues, Bilder Neubronner and Merique Gomez (60th)

17 octets = 136 mes chronos (approximately 11 years 4 months)
2116–2127: Solomon Rodrigues (19th)

17.5 octets = 140 mes chronos (approximately 11 years 8 months)
2583–2594: Ezra Issachar Pereira-De Souza and Beoric Woodford (44th)

18 octets = 144 mes chronos (approximately 12 years)
2091–2103: Kieran Longue (17th)
2392–2404: Meryl de Vries (30th)
2531–2543: Elker Ibrahim (39th)
2984–2996: Chiron de Vries and Odin Amadeus Bodestyne (63rd)

19 octets = 152 mes chronos (approximately 12 years 8 months)
2103–2116: Diana Zuzartee-David (18th)
2488–2501: Allie Abraham (37th)
2568–2581: Devina Albuquerque (42nd)
2955–2968: Donaldson Oliveiro, Roper De Rosa and Stanislaus Kessler (61st)

21 octets = 168 mes chronos (approximately 14 years)
2404–2418: Lucas O’Hara (31st)

22 octets = 176 mes chronos (approximately 14 years 8 months)
2204–2219: Rylie De Cotta (23rd)

25 octets = 200 mes chronos (approximately 16 years 8 months)
2551–2568: Cooper Lazaroo (41st)
2968–2984: Kintagh Brayley Raincaster and Lowy Martens (62nd)

27 octets = 216 mes chronos (approximately 18 years)
1951–1969: Percival Francis Aroozoo (9th)
2286–2304: Dawn Shepherdson (25th)

28 octets = 224 mes chronos (approximately 18 years 8 months)
1856–1874: Eliza Tessensohn (3rd)

29 octets = 232 mes chronos (approximately 19 years)
2710–2729: Susanna De Cotta, Beatrice Ortiz and Ellie Tessensohn-Andrews (50th)

30 octets = 240 mes chronos (approximately 20 years)
1969–1989: Mabel Martens (10th)

36 octets = 288 mes chronos (approximately 23 years 8 months)
1991–2015: Valerie Scully (12th)

42 octets = 336 mes chronos (approximately 28 years)
2640–2688: Patrick Percy Fernandez, Clinton O’Hara, Kelton Mariner and Everett De Souza (46th)

43 octets = 344 mes chronos (approximately 29 years 8 months)
1795–1824: Adriaan Koek (1st)
2176–2204: Joanna Amanda Nicaea Rée (22nd)
3039–3068: Xyanne Victoria Pereira-De Souza, Beatrice Vanderstraaten Pereira, Rantheia Madrigal and Erie Shepherdson (65th)

45 octets = 360 mes chronos (approximately 30 years)
2501–2531: Mandy Pereira (38th)

48 octets = 384 mes chronos (approximately 32 years)
1825–1856: Johannes Bartholomeus Westerhout (2nd)

52 octets = 416 mes chronos (approximately 34 years 8 months)
2304-2338: Justus Oliveiro (26th)
2673–2708: Leopold Eber and Jereon Mathias (48th)

53 octets = 424 mes chronos (approximately 35 years)
2909–2944: Henmie Evelyn Pereira-De Souza, Wyvy Serafin, Imelda Matilda Alsagoff and Setrie Reyes (59th)

56 octets = 448 mes chronos (approximately 37 years 4 months)
2127–2165: Aikern Chern (20th)

64 octets = 512 mes chronos (approximately 42 years 8 months)
2346–2388: Hannan De Cruz (28th)
2996–3039: Nielson Westerhout, Javash Montague, Frederick Faulkner Pereira-De Souza and John Kilton Mercury Hogan (64th)

65 octets = 520 mes chronos (approximately 43 years 4 months)
3068–3111: Marion Michaelangelis Matthias van Huizen and Benedett Astarion Santamaria Scully (66th)

69 octets = 552 mes chronos (approximately 46 years)
2594–2640: Connor Hendroff, Victor Albuquerque, Shenan Simon and Hale Doral (45th)

72 octets = 576 mes chronos (approximately 48 years)
2426–2474: Imran Alsagoff (33rd)
2729–2777: Morris De Souza and Cersey Celandine Newton (51st)

76 octets = 608 mes chronos (approximately 50 years 8 months)
2777–2828: Orphiel Petersen-Pritchard, Dennick Thomas and Wellsley Aeria (52nd)

77 octets = 616 mes chronos (approximately 51 years 4 months)
1874–1926: Edwin Tessensohn (4th)

88 octets = 704 mes chronos (approximately 58 years 8 months)
2828–2886: Carl Rodrigo, Trigon Gowron, Boaz de Vries and Orion Anthonisz (53rd)

90 octets = 720 mes chronos (approximately 60 years)
2015–2075: Kevin Martens Wong (13th)

100 octets = 800 mes chronos (approximately 66 years 8 months)
2219–2286: Regina Marzuki (24th)

Synchronous Representations of the Kabesa in Myth, Legend, Science Fiction and Fantasy

This section lists all known synchronous representations of the Kabesa in myth, legend, science fiction and fantasy.


For still unknown and generally extremely mysterious reasons, the Kabesa of the Kristang appear to be very strongly paralleled by the Primes and their subsequent lieutenants and seconds-in-command of the various forms of the Transformers franchise and universe, as consolidated in the table below. The sequence of the first thirteen Kabesa especially generally almost exactly mirrors the canonical listing and chronological appearance of the original thirteen Primes, except for Solus Prime and Alpha Trion: although Solus Prime is usually the fourth Prime and Alpha Trion the third Prime, this appears to unconsciously be because Eliza Tessensohn, the third Kabesa, outlived her son Edwin Tessensohn, the fourth Kabesa, passing away in March 1927 after Edwin died in September 1926, such that Eliza ends up unconsciously being counted after Edwin instead of before.

#KabesaTransformers counterpart(s)
1stAdriaan KoekPrima (all continuities), Primon (G1, before acquisition of the Darklight Matrix)
2ndJ. B. WesterhoutVector Prime (all continuities), Zeta Prime (Covenant Thirteen)
3rdEliza TessensohnSolus Prime (all continuities)
4thEdwin TessensohnAlpha Trion (all continuities), Prime Nova / Nova Prime (G1)
5thNoel Leicester ClarkeMicronus Prime (all continuities)
6thHugh ZehnderAlchemist Prime (all continuities), Guardian Prime (G1)
7thClaude Da SilvaNexus Prime (all continuities)
8thCharles PaglarOnyx Prime (all continuities)
9thPercival Frank AroozooAmalgamous Prime (Covenant Thirteen), Autonomous Maximus (Multiversal Thirteen), Adaptus (Multiversal Thirteen), Zeta Prime (G1)
10thMabel MartensQuintus Prime (Covenant Thirteen), Logos Prime (Multiversal Thirteen)
11thMaureen MartensLiege Maximo (all continuities, healthy versions only), Solomus (Multiversal Thirteen)
12thValerie ScullyMegatronus (all continuities, healthy versions only), Epistemus (Multiversal Thirteen), Mortilus (Multiversal Thirteen), Sentinel Prime (all continuities, healthy versions only)
13thKevin Martens WongOptimus Prime (all continuities), The Arisen (Covenant Thirteen), Apelinq (live-action)
14thBenjamin HarrisUltra Magnus (all continuities), Jazz (live-action), Wheeljack (live-action, Rise of the Beasts)
15thNathaniel NonisRodimus Prime / Hot Rod (all continuities), Ironhide (live-action), Nightscream (Beast Machines), Mirage (live-action, Rise of the Beasts)
16thJaasir MahsomOptimus Primal (all continuities), Ratchet (live-action), Stratosphere (live-action, Rise of the Beasts), Dinobot (Beast Wars / Beast Machines)
17thKieran LongueCheetor (all continuities), Tigatron (all continuities), Bumblebee (all continuities)
18thDiana Zuzartee-DavidAirrazor (all continuities), Blackarachnia (all continuities, healthy versions only), Arcee (live-action), Elita-1 (One)
19thSolomon RodriguesSilverbolt / Jetstorm (Beast Wars/Machines), Tigerhawk (Beast Wars), Sideswipe (live-action)
20thAikern ChernDepth Charge (all continuities), Rattrap (all continuities), Jolt (live-action), Thrust / Waspinator (live-action, healthy version only)
21stSharif BahramRhinox / Tankor (all continuities), Jetfire (live-action)
22ndJoanna RéeObsidian (Beast Machines, healthy version only), Chromia (live-action)
23rdRylie De CottaStrika (Beast Machines, healthy version only), Elita-1 (live-action)
24thRegina MarzukiBotanica (Beast Machines), Dino / Mirage (live-action, Dark of the Moon)
25thDawn ShepherdsonQue / Wheeljack (live-action, Dark of the Moon)
26thJustus OliveiroLeadfoot (live-action)
27thCallisteia OliveiroRoadbuster (live-action)
28thHannan De CruzTopspin (live-action)
29thPalome VierraCrosshairs (live-action)
30thMeryl de VriesHound (live-action)
31stLucas O’HaraDrift (live-action)
32ndShelba Sta MariaStinger (live-action), HMS Alliance (live-action)
33rdImran AlsagoffGrimlock (live-action)
34thBelice VanderbeckScorn (live-action)
35thOurania LancasterSlug (live-action)
36thEsther FrancisStrafe (live-action)
37thAllie AbrahamDaytrader (live-action)
38thMandy PereiraLietuenant (live-action)
39thElker IbrahimCogman (live-action)
40thJoeline NoelsTrench (live-action)
41stCooper LazarooCanopy (live-action)
42ndDevina AlbuquerqueBulldog (live-action)
43rd/44th-KEzra Pereira-De SouzaCliffjumper (live-action)
44th-NBeoric WoodfordBrawn (live-action)

One likely reason why the Transformers franchise might so closely unconsciously parallel the Kristang community is that like the Kristang, the Transformers move from being considered by everyone else as a form of artificial life, much as the Kristang were originally seen as an artificial community, toward being something at the vanguard of hybridity between the technological and the organic for all of humanity and sentient life; the parallels between the listed transformers and the 16th through to the 24th Kabesa especially seem to signal this. Like the Transformers, the Kristang are shapeshifters whose performances blur the lines between natural and artificial, and like the Primes of the Autobots, the Kabesa moreover also trace their origin to the receipt of a repository of otherwise lost or occluded knowledge passed to the first Prime or first Kabesa from the living core or eleidi of the planet, and constantly struggle against the Quintessons, whose five heads are evocative of the aggregated intergenerational trauma of the five Mundansa of Homo sapiens before the reawakening of Gaia Tonakodra in February 2013.