the Koruamundansa

The Koruamundansa or Dreamindexes are the three main conceptual or psychoemotional bodies of Creole, Indigenous and Gaietic Kristang knowledge, praxis and wisdom, and the foundation of the reinvigorated Kristang eleidi or collective unconscious since the initiation of Kodrah Kristang on 12 March 2016 CE. The Koruamundansa originate from psychoemotional echoes or fragments of the Arargos or the three Arks that preserved the last remnants of sentient humanity after the Inundansa, Universal Deluge or Younger Dryas in 9564 BCE, and have exact analogues or mirror representations in the trimurteza or processes of the Osura Spektala in Uncertainty Thinking (xeiva, vrama and vexna). They are also mirrored in the three Hyperspace Cores of the Homeworld series (the Bentusi, Hiigaran and Vaygr Cores), and the three virtues of the Bionicle series (Unity, Duty and Destiny).

Like the story of Homeworld, which also appears to mirror the story of the Kristang eleidi, the Kristang appear to be the first eleidi since 9564 BCE to recover all three Koruamundansa to a high degree and integrate knowledge from them toward both the recovery of the occluded history of the world, as well as the future development of the Jarding Ireidra or Garden of Reindividuation — a more healthy, sustainable and harmonious society in tune with Gaia and the living universe. Hence, for any Kristang person as well as non-Kristang person learning Kristang, personal acquisition of and interaction with the Koruamundansa is essential toward agentic psychoemotional individuation, and the accomplishment of the primary goal of the Kristang revitalisation movement: the development of the Jarding Ireidra and a psychoemotionally healthy, virtuous, ethical and principled human society that is able to independently process trauma and end all forms of the abuse of other sentient beings as well as Gaia and the living universe. The three Koruamundansa are briefly described below.

Koruamundansa Bensetra / Caelian Dreamindex

Originates from Argos Kailasa / Ark One, an occluded observatory-laboratory-fortress presumed based on dreamfishing to have existed from 9564 BCE to around 2250 BCE on or very near Mount Kailash
Mirrored by the trimurteza xeiva, the Bentusi or First Hyperspace Core, and the virtue of Destiny

The Koruamundansa Bensetra or Caelian Dreamindex contains the following major concepts, ideas, assumptions and theories about the general nature of reality and human existence:

  • that the world, its direction and constituent communities have been and are currently over-managed by a group of powerful, occasionally benevolent, sometimes highly abusive and generally extremely secretive individuals known variously as the Nephilim, Seraphim, exallos or other terms, and whose presence can be detected through psychoemotional means and attention to trauma, the body, attempts at conditioning or Neuro-linguistic Programming and highly improbable synchronicities;
  • that most, if not all beliefs in organised religion and religious practices are derived forms of the aforementioned mind control and need to be deconstructed as part of decolonisation, especially those that have become attached to or infused into European colonisation;
  • that most of human history has been occluded by the aforementioned group of individuals mostly in order to perpetuate their control and manage what they perceive to be the excesses and irrationalities of humanity left unchecked based on prior occluded events in human history, especially a number of apocalypses and catastrophes that on multiple separate occasions caused the species to seemingly drastically regress;
  • that a horrific and tremendously widespread silent pandemic of sexual abuse, especially child sexual abuse, has plagued the planet as a direct result of attempts to control the aforementioned cycle of catastrophes and apocalypses, with many Kristang people having direct experience with this pandemic;
  • that all forms of queerness and neurodivergence in their current forms stem from both well-intentioned and malevolent forms of such over-management, and that neither queerness or neurodivergence are inherently good or bad as a result;
  • that some of the aforementioned positive occluded developments in the prior history of humanity led to the acceptance of both queerness and neurodivergence as natural, normal, valuable and useful by Gaia and the living universe;
  • that history in general has been deliberately manipulated, contorted, distorted and sometimes completely erased or occluded ostensibly to serve the needs of the group mentioned above, and in reality to ensure that they and/or their chosen successors maintain hegemonic control over the planet in general

All queer and/or neurodivergent people, regardless of whether they are Kristang, are presumed to have a inherently strong unconscious connection to Ark One and the Caelian Dreamindex. This connection also appears to be unconsciously strong for all psychoemotionally healthy and/or individuated people who have successfully instructed, mentored, guided or taught any other human being to be more psychoemotionally healthy and/or individuated in any way across their lifetime and developed a strong relationship with the person being instructed, mentored, guided or taught as a result, as well as all survivors of any form of slavery, sexual or psychoemotional abuse who have begun to process the abuse in some way and continue to embark on individuation and psychoemotionally healthy means of living following the abuse.

Koruamundansa Avakeia / Tridentine Dreamindex

Originates from Argos Avaiki / Ark Two, a raft / floating / ocean city presumed based on dreamfishing to have existed from 9564 BCE to around 3900 BCE in the area approximately encompassing the Central Pacific Basin, Necker Ridge and the Hawaiian Ridge in the Pacific Ocean after the drowning of Sundaland by 9564 BCE
Mirrored by the trimurteza vrama, the Hiigaran or Second Hyperspace Core, and the virtue of Duty

The Koruamundansa Avakeia or Tridentine Dreamindex contains the following major concepts, ideas, assumptions and theories about the general nature of reality and human existence:

  • that although large parts of history have been deliberately manipulated, contorted, distorted and sometimes completely erased or occluded by the exallos and/or by European colonisation, these can be recovered or restored through dreamfishing or simple logical hypothesis formulation, rejection and advancement;
  • that Indigenous peoples maintained and maintain the same level of strategic and metacognitive thought as their European and Western counterparts without the overfixation and obsession on taxonomic classification and articulation in written, formulaic expression, and with a tendency instead to relational-emotional expression and consideration;
  • that Gaia and the living universe are both alive, sentient and interested in developing and advancing stronger relationships with post-Younger Dryas humanity;
  • that Gaia and the living universe can be trusted through interpretation of felisi or synchronicities generated by healthy or individuated human beings in dialogue with either or both;
  • that myths and legends, especially those of Indigenous peoples, contain truth and data that can be excavated toward restoring lost histories and identities;
  • that the sinking of Sundaland is recalled in many ways in the Holocene, and points to the truth of the Roda Mundansa or the occluded cycles of prior civilisation and development of sentient humanity;
  • that Indigenous peoples frequently occluded, manipulated, distorted or twisted European or colonial understandings of their histories and knowledges of the world so that they would remain independent of European or colonial control, such that other such information pointing to the Roda Mundansa also exists;
  • that large parts of European and Western science was and still are not entirely objective or rational, and instead often simply pretend to be in order to achieve and maintain hegemonic control;
  • that at the same time, much of European and Western science is as objective and rational as possible, is being used fairly by intelligent and objective actors toward uncovering much of our occluded history, and should be engaged with in tandem with Indigenous knowledge toward doing this to the greatest and most optimal possible degree;
  • that peaceful co-existence with Gaia and the living universe as Their stewards is not only possible but our responsibility as the most powerful organisms in the global ecosystem since at least 75,010 BCE, if not earlier;
  • that facts and measurements of dimensions of spacetime beyond the four spatiotemporal ones we currently experience with our eight senses are possible through the use of dreamfishing or simple logical hypothesis formulation, rejection and advancement;
  • that attention to greater constructs or integrated unities of sentience such as eleidi is possible through the use of dreamfishing or simple logical hypothesis formulation, rejection and advancement;
  • that queerness and Indigeneity are not only not at odds but fundamental components of each other such that to remove one from the other is not possible or desirable;
  • that neurodivergence and Indigeneity are not only not at odds but fundamental components of each other such that to remove one from the other is not possible or desirable

All people of any form of psychoemotionally healthy Indigenous ancestry or Austronesian ancestry, descent or participation in a psychoemotionally healthy Indigenous or Austronesian-adjacent eleidi, regardless of whether they are Kristang, are presumed to have a inherently strong unconscious connection to Ark Two and the Tridentine Dreamindex. This connection also appears to be unconsciously strong for all psychoemotionally healthy people who engage with the ocean for a living in some way (e.g. fisherfolk, sailors, etc.), all psychoemotionally healthy people who care for animals, plants and/or any form of Gaia Themselves in some way (e.g. botanists, gardeners, etc.), and all psychoemotionally healthy people who traverse great distances across and/or inhabit perilous or extreme environments in land, sea or space for sustained periods of time, regardless of whether they are of Indigenous or Austronesian descent.

Koruamundansa Onerenza / Ouranian Dreamindex

Originates from Argos Oraniyos / Ark Three, an ark-ship with most of its human passengers placed in some form of unknown cryogenic or dreamlike suspension and later a civilisation presumed based on dreamfishing to have altogether existed from 9564 BCE to 6251 BCE in, around or adjacent to the Green Sahara
Mirrored by the trimurteza vexna, the Vaygr or Third Hyperspace Core, and the virtue of Unity

The Koruamundansa Onerenza or Ouranian Dreamindex contains the following major concepts, ideas, assumptions and theories about the general nature of reality and human existence:

  • that agency and free will and choice, especially with regard to separation from a collective or eleidi, are fundamental human rights that must be extended to every single human being;
  • that a healthy, peaceful, joyful and beautiful life is a fundamental human experience that every single human being deserves to have;
  • that human individuation can eventually extend toward the acquisition of magnaarchetypes and subsequent numinous or so-called ‘godlike’ activations and integration of parts of the psyche that in the Holocene were believed to be inaccessible;
  • that the acquisition and integration of these parts of the psyche is not inherently ego-inflating and can be psychoemotionally healthy if handled correctly;
  • that the development of the psyche is theoretically infinite;
  • that the development of the psyche is fractal and proceeds in a taxonomically- or stochastically-organisable way;
  • that dreams, creative works of art, stories and other forms of human aesthetic experience or production contain truth and data that can be excavated toward restoring lost histories and identities;
  • that science fiction and fantasy are especially powerful sites for the excavation of lost histories and identities and the processing of intensely painful trauma and abuse on both an individual and collective level;
  • that there was a very significant period of human history where most humans were unable to dream or, if they were passengers on Ark Three, were trapped in a perpetual simulation or dreamlike state that they were unable to escape from, and which still leaves traces or echoes of itself in the present day;
  • that in times of crisis individuated members of the human species can be counted on to work together to ensure that the species and Gaia continue to exist;
  • that there is nothing fundamentally wrong or deficient about being creole, and that being creole is actually something tremendously useful and worthwhile;
  • that creolisation is the most advanced method of ensuring healthy human individuation, with creolisation itself being attached to the sixteenth and final function in the Osura Pesuasang;
  • that it is possible to regenerate, reinvigorate, revitalise and/or regreen and redeem the world and species after tremendous trauma, betrayal, abuse or damage
  • that all psychoemotionally healthy acts of goodness, beauty, hope, kindness and love advance the individuation and development of the species, Gaia and the Earth and the living universe as a whole

All people who intend to, seek to and actualise the living of as good and as ethical, worthwhile, sensible and useful a life as possible, regardless of whether they are Kristang, are presumed to have a inherently strong unconscious connection to Ark Three and the Ouranian Dreamindex. This connection also appears to be unconsciously strong for all psychoemotionally healthy people who identify as descended from any form of mixed marriage across any identity marker (i.e. race, religion, nationality etc.), all psychoemotionally healthy pacifists and conscientious objectors, all psychoemotionally healthy people born into any kind of creole identity or eleidi, all psychoemotionally healthy migrants forced to leave their homes for neoliberal/capitalistic, unfair or unjust reasons, and all psychoemotionally healthy individuals born after the Fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 CE.